Ren'Py - Completed - iNSight of you [v1.0] [AdventAnyx]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a good trainer game. The plot is fine and the writing/dialogue is a step up from other trainer games with some of the meme references and esoteric references (ShindoL). At least there is some playfulness and charm between the characters. As such I didn't skip dialogue all that much.

    The entire system of Resistance/Lewdness looks intimidating at first but really it's not that hard to comprehend.

    It's a little bit grindy but nothing too tedious, as expected from a trainer game.

    For future updates, I'm hoping for anal action between the MC and the girls, some POV animations if possible and unique scenes with Gloria where its just 1 on 1 session (With BDSM, anal, watersports, humiliation)
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Dude , it's my request to you to don't change a thing. I fucking love this game and everything about it . It's like 2 am right now and I'm writing this , just know that there will be haters but keep doing your shit.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome game! Not the usual corruption game and the story make it unique and fun to play :D. Also, humours and romance make it so enticing to continue. And, the combination of camera aspect and animation make the game so alive, awesome concept overall.
    Ch 1-2 seems to be 'intro', 3-6 'buildup', and 7a-7b 'climax'. So it seems the next one will be the 'end game'?
  4. C
    1.00 star(s)


    I honestly don't know how to rate this game.

    The VN part? Definitely at least a 4, with a possibility of being a 5. It's genuinely great. From having read stuff on here, it appears as if the author misunderstands what makes the VN part so damn great. It's having a somewhat (at least in the beginning, I quit and uninstalled when Gloria was lvl 6, more on that later) decent story, good characters, and good character moments. The graphics and the lewd parts are also quite great. It could be better, but all of those things are very good.

    What murders the game is the grind. Holy fuck the grind. I am convinced that the other reviewers are either paid shills or MMO players, nobody else would ever tolerate that grind. Spoilers ahead, but they're essential to understanding why I'm so upset with this.

    Gloria lvl 6 follows yet another pretty grindy section, where the player has to waste time waiting for her desire meter to go up. But hell, at least there's something to like, do, while it's going up. The event happens and her Lewdness gets raised to 20. The next event requirement is to raise her Lewdness to 50.

    The most efficient way of doing it that I found raises her lewdness by about 3 a week - it's waiting for her desire to go up, locking her, and spamming her with porn, then letting her cum when she gets to 6000 desire. That takes about 10 minutes of solid clicking. To get her Lewdness up by 3 points. You gotta do that 10 times. You can also explore other stuff, but at that point, there isn't much of that other stuff to explore. So you're stuck with an hour and a half of solid clicking. That's just unplayable. I might change this review if the author tells me a more efficient way to do this, that would get me through in like 20 minutes max, but as it stands - the game is unplayable.

    That is honestly a real shame. While I'm not a big fan of NTR (and despite making fun of NTR, this game still has at least some with Gloria's elevator scene - we wanna get into her pants and she sleeps with someone else, that counts), the game is still real good. Like, really up there among the best games on here. But unless you're willing to edit save files all the time, which I'm not, you won't see any of it.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Lots of fetish, great renders, perhaps not a style of render for everyone, but well made. Story can feel typical, but you can't reinvent the classics. Girls are varied and well thought out. Great sex scenes. CREAMPIES!!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    If you are into a trainer/submission games with a little bit of builder in it (research + build + turn on action), then this is the game for you. Dev has a sense of humor and doesn't take him/herself too seriously. Have enjoyed a ton so far.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game with the occasional bugs but it is still in development so it is expected. The visuals were nice and the fetishes presented in the game were amazing and totally up my alley. Looking forward to the future updates, especially if more female characters were added for the MC to degrade!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Impresive game. Best I have played for me till now.
    Biggest advantage the kinks and the graphics. If you are into degrading a strong woman without an end this is great. Story is not incredible but good enough without too much blah blah to skip
    I am waiting for more content
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    A gem with it's own category!

    It's so different than anything I've played (which is a good thing).

    + It's the most brutally arousing kinks and scenes ever!
    + I don't know what engine or game you use for the models and animations, but they are so much better than any illusion game (my opinion).
    + Never been more confused in what will happen next (in a good way)
    + A bit grindy but I like it.... it builds tension!
    + It's so different and interesting, there is a lot of thought put into the conversations and the story also!!!


    - Minuses??? what minuses ???

    Insane game really light (no tragedies, just kinks and fun) focused on kinks and fetishes... Insanely good game I hope to be able to support it very soon.
    Thank you for the great game!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Learned how to write a review just to post this. This game has quickly become my favorite on the site. The kinks are right up my alley - male domination, humiliation, degrading powerful women - and the execution and mechanics are not only already great but also improving with each release. The game starts a little slow with a basically totally linear intro but it is well worth getting past that to the actual gameplay.

    AdventAnyx I hope you stick around for the long term and continue giving us lots more content and women to degrade! Will definitely be considering becoming a Patron.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    excelent content and gameplay, love the jokes u put in the game.
    it is well made and the animations are amazing and the models beautifull.
    been a long time that there was such a master piece ;) (pardon my english)
  12. L
    5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game, with animations everywhere, and a large number of scenes. Definitely worth playing if you're into denial/orgasm control. Its pretty rare to see a game with those themes on this site, so I love it. I find corruption elements in many games boring and unimaginative, but for this game, that aspect fits into the story and makes sense. I won't give any spoilers, but there's some pretty hot stuff in there. Give it a try!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Engaging, satisfying, building. Do not pass this up.

    The writing is great, the power dynamic is compelling. I can't wait to properly break Gloria. There is so much room for growth and the game as it is, is just great.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I wasn't expecting to dig a diamond when I first started this game. If you are into humiliation, sharing with your friends (without her consent), domination, blackmail etc, this game is for you.

    - True blackmail
    - Good renderings
    - Game mechanics

    - Please remove those armpit's hair on Gloria !!! It was really hard to keep being turned on after seeing that. But again, the fact I could bear it proves how much the other aspects of the game are GREAT.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely amazing! Finished the game in 3 days (and 12 faps) and can't way for the next update.

    If I could ask for an early x-mas gift: Would love to see future options where Maya can take on the role of tormentor. Those scenes were amazing.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best Ren'PY games I've played in a while, the animations are superb and the storyline is well thought out in terms of the direction of the game. What I mean is how many Ren'PY games that I've played previously with either half heartily write the continuation of the cliffhanger the fans were left on at the end of the previous release ruinung our experience due to lack of emersment . There is much that I can add to this review to praise it but if you're anything like me I hate reading wall text and over criticizm, you have my impression of the game there :WeSmart:and it's a 10 out of 10 encompassing audio/visual and emersment.

    For the Author, if I may make a suggestion for one of your animations to improve on it. When you choose "talk with the slut" in the office then after selecting your options you choose what to do with her for the remaining time. The one of her lying on the ground .

    If you added in the slurping sounds of her giving the blowjob over lapped over her licking the MC's penis because at this point she is so cock crazed that seems fitting for her. This seems to me like something she will do now to the MC showing her submission and depict really how far she has fallen since we began this journey.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice background story and good characters. It takes a bit to get to the real meat of the game, the sandbox, but getting there is fun. The sandbox isn't super difficult or grindy but interesting and rewarding. Sex scenes are animated and they are plentiful, varied and hot. Lots of orgasm denial, humiliation and bondage, so if that's not your thing may want to avoid. Check out dev's patreon too because there are public posts there explaining their goals for the game. This isn't a romance VN but the relationship between the MC and Esther can be quite sweet in its own way and there is a lot of humor. Really great corruption game, play it.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    A diamond in the rough. its starts slow, without any gameplay for the first chapter but boy does it make up for it later on. its both hot and challenging (very few h games manage both). it has more content than half the finished games on this site and boy is it good if you're into humiliation\mind break.
    One of the most exciting game play experiences i've had with H games.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the kind of game that makes me want to go back and take a half star of some other 5 star games that I review. If you are into corruption, humiliation etc. then this is a must play. And this is one of the few rare games that has orgasm denial afaik.

    On the side, it also has a harem/dating sim plot running, which is quite good but not the main focus of the game.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I honestly don't know how I could miss this until now. Probably the best Corruption trainer i've played. Ever. It is good in every aspect.

    One minor thing that is a bit annoying, as you progress trough the different stages of corruption, you loose acces to some of the good stuff, like the vibro walking scenes, or the train stuff) If the dev would put a warning there it would be a bit better, since you could decide if you want to progress or stay at your current progress. But honestly, it just gets better so, you dont loose much by progressing at all, i just wish i had watched all the scenes before progressing with the main story.

    It got a pretty solid amount of content. As I played, I expected it to end way sooner, somewhere at chapter 2 or 3 but it went on for another 3!!! chapters.
    I've played many games that would be already finished at her chapter 3 state, this one just takes it on and on and on.

    To the dev: Please keep developing this. I would also love the see more games like this in the coming years. Much much more.
    Honestly it is so good that im pretty scared that the Dev just vanishes without a trace. I guess I have to throw some money at him.

    Anyways totally worth your time and money, if you like FULL Corruption.
    I actually can't wait for more.