Unity - Completed - INSULT ORDER ~Cocky Cat Girls' Pleasure Corruption is on the Menu~ [v1.04] [miconisomi]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    INSULT ORDER, an example of the brilliance that is the 2 man team of [miconisomi]

    Also, I bought my own copy of this game, specifically because ALL of this game was made by just 2 guys... well, not counting the VAs XD

    So you're basically playing the role of an office worker, who goes to different hostess bars until you come upon Demi Stage Cafe. The thing about this game is that actual demi-humans live amongst people, so the appeal of their club is that they only have demi-human girls.

    Things start innocently enough, when the server of your choice, Neko, whom you try to be *ahem* a gentleman with, accidentally drinks alcohol and in a bit of a slip in judgement, you jerk off to her. She then wakes up, freaks out and with nothing left to lose... well, you rape her XD

    From here on out, your goal is to essential make her crave your dick and in the process, you get to know her better... kind of... Eh, it's a porn game. Just love the cat girl however you want.

    Later on though, you also get access to the thicc bunny girl, Tomoe. She's married though but works for the place because... well... at first it was for extra money, later on though, you discover that she has far more forbidden tastes over just cheating on her hubby with you.

    If you've played their previous title, Houkagou Inran Chuudoku, this is basically 2.0 of that (though that's a YMMV).

    What makes this so much more of a great release was the fact that 1 of the 2 guys working on this needed to be hospitalized due to a traffic incident, was mocked for not working on it and still released it within a timeframe that necessitates that he shouldn't have.

    So for that, I give this game full marks, despite certain shortcomings like not being able to swap some roles given that Neko and Tomoe have exclusive positions... but that's a minor nitpick. Still a great game and it's easy on your unit.

    Cheers to miconisomi once more, they're making Illusion look like chumps lately XD