This game is simply fantastic! I've played a few VN's in my time, and never have i ever come across one such as this. At fist glance this game does not look like anything special, but after the first few minutes in the game you understand why this game stands out. The characters in this game are so real and well written. They are uniqe, have their own voice, thoughts and motivations. The writing in this game is just on another level compared to other games on this site. They are realistic, and sweet, and flawed and funny. They feel like actual people.
The renders and animation are good, but nothing special. The funny thing is, that does not matter at all when the charecters and story come alive through the writing. It is soo rare to find a good writer in these types of games, so we sould really appreciate one when she comes along.
The game has also got some meat on it, you wont finish in 20 min, and you will not feel the need to skip through dialoge. The choices in the game matter alot, and there a lot of choices. I was very conflicted while making a few of them, and hastily scrolled back when i saw the heartbreaking consequences.
The creator is professional, keeps a thight schedule and interacts with the fans. Something that is also kinda rare in games on this site. I cannot express enough how deighted is was at finding this diamond in the rough. Thank you Nyx!
The renders and animation are good, but nothing special. The funny thing is, that does not matter at all when the charecters and story come alive through the writing. It is soo rare to find a good writer in these types of games, so we sould really appreciate one when she comes along.
The game has also got some meat on it, you wont finish in 20 min, and you will not feel the need to skip through dialoge. The choices in the game matter alot, and there a lot of choices. I was very conflicted while making a few of them, and hastily scrolled back when i saw the heartbreaking consequences.
The creator is professional, keeps a thight schedule and interacts with the fans. Something that is also kinda rare in games on this site. I cannot express enough how deighted is was at finding this diamond in the rough. Thank you Nyx!