Everyone needs to choose a lane and stay in it. The TV show is a retcon, as the girlfirend is not just a race swap, she is a total personality change: the comics have Amber as a Rihanna - queen of the ball cheerleader, most beautiful, sincere, unspoiled, frail, Cyntia Arivo/Ariana Grande flower power princessy type, not the gangsta foul mouthed girl from the hood who bad mouths a bully and saves MC from him like in the TV show.. The show is all over the place, retconning a lot from the comics and making it a product for preachy modern audiences, filled with virtue signaling converesations. MC is a total tool that vilains use for their own gain in the show, as Mark simply does not learn not to help one kingpin against another, but MC just wants to get pummeled into nothingness while some vilain mastermind gets the spoils: getting ragdolled for the proffit of vilains is becoming a trope in the TV series, as it is short and it is all we get to see, as there is not a lot else going on apart from his sudden breakdowns, his crying, and the smart women putting him in a corner like the stupid male he is.
Mark already has a vilainous mastermind with Amanda Waller tendencies - Cecil - Mark does not need other vilain overlords, but the TV show cannot stop inventing them.
This game gives him the dignity of having his own scene, his own life, his own corner of the world for himself, and doing his own thing.
Mark is a total wuss in the show and the short runtime means a lot of the character building and adventures that make Mark who he is from the comics get cut and retconned into shallow preachy segments of bullying MC and degrading him.