VN - Unity - Abandoned - Irresistible [Final Cut] [Hotpink]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Very poorly made, the only two decent points to the "game" is the character concepts and the enthusiasm of the VA. But even the character model's aren't perfect because the proportions are extremely strange in a few of the scenes (clearly were not edited or polished up after the scene was drawn), during one scene the MC has a regular sized penis, and then in another scene it's almost bigger than a girl's head. The VA is obviously the same for each character and I'll give credit to her for doing what she could with the terrible script given to her, but the writing for the VA was horrible: one second the character would have lines that came across as submissive and shy, then the next they would have a line that was confident and teasing the MC and commenting on how "shy" the MC was being.

    If you're looking for a game, look elsewhere; but if you're interested in 3 mediocre erotic pictures with a voice over for each then this is for you.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Es un excelente juego tiende de todo cuenta con una buena historia como con una buena jugabilidad es un juego que debería ser mas reconocido y algún día lo será, el apartado visual es lo suficientemente bueno como para lograr su objetivo

    It is an excellent game tended everything has a good story as with good gameplay is a game that should be more recognized and someday it will be, the visual section is good enough to achieve its goal
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    It's meh. It's short, contains 4 scenes; 1 without a character image, has text you can't skip, and there is no save/load functionality. If there aren't any more updates being made for this game, it's truly a shame.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    It will be 3 minutes of your wasted time, you've seen already the best this "game" could offer in preview of OP post.

    Gameplay wise you need to stroke mouse cursor like a complete retard over designated area, other than that is clicking on messages, VN style.

    Story is non-existant.

    Artstyle is all over the place. Every girl (whooping 3 of them, one image or so per girl) by different artist.

    Voice acting (all in English!) varies from meh to cringe inducing japanese-wannabe squealing. Also there is an issue of porn acting - too much fucking talking. Not only you will cringe because of voices themselves but also because of content. And amount of lines so you can experience looping same shit over and over again.

    I got it for free and I still feel robbed.