I mean, if you factor in the time it takes to make a character from nothing, and say the local minimum wage is $10 an hour, A lot of the time artists are being paid less than minimum wage for the artwork (if they are an online freelancer). 10 to 20 hours from my experience is how long it takes to make a good character drawing, and that's if I am making 2D vector art, using 3D to help model and pose the initial character design (not making the 3D model easy to work with or reusable, just basic geometric shapes to map out the proportions) and the character is clean, possibly reusable (thanks to being a vector, sometimes art will have multiple expressions and arm positions, for things like a character talking and not talking). So people do have a habit of undervaluing art... but the hell I ain't paying full price, that's why I taught myself art (5 years and i am feeling pretty good), and I think that is why I lot of people would rather find a partner or give a share of the money, rather than pay up front, finding a proper artist and paying them a proper wage is far too expensive, and if the artist went to college then their wage is a lot more since they got to pay off that investment.
I'm a lazy artist, I keep trying to find ways to make things quick, easy, but powerful, I don't want to spend 2 months making a damn1-minute animation (yes that is a thing), so I find all sorts of short cuts, evaluate how practical they are, and try to find better solutions (my favorite is to model robots and human bodies with mathematics, I am trying to make a program to design an animate basic bodies, and use the new nano jetson and program/train it with style transfer techniques so that it will generate the different art styles based on the basic renders... still getting the hardware tho and prototyping in blender. A few other guys I have found are working on similar stuff.