i think when you say it attractive to beginners, is a bit off.
i think it attractive people who want to take the easy way. by that i do not mean is a wrong way , i just mean is a easy way.
learning how to use daz , only help you to understand in 3d of rendering , but it does not help you to learn any thing of model,texture and animation (although you can do animation in daz, but i don't really think that you can really learn how to make animation with daz)
so for people who really want to learn 3d, daz is not a good place to start.
and if people want to tell their story, why not just make a novel ? my guess why they don't do that is because their writing skill is not up there too.
in the end what i try to say, when you take the easy way, you need to see that you still have alot of thing to learn ,to make better thing you have to keep learning, and the goal in life should always be better then your old self.
I should clarify one point. When I say 'attractive to beginners', I mean 'attractive to beginning storytellers' as well as beginning modelers. And don't sell the program short, I've seen some killer renders from Daz artists, as well as some spectacular 'hand-made' environments.
Remember that a large number of people that design visual novels and games using Renpy, RPGMaker, etc. are using existing tools/engines, not designing entirely new game engines. They just have an idea for an interactive story that they want to share, and don't want to get bogged down for years trying to figure out how to do things from scratch. They aren't looking to design AAA gaming titles - if they were, well there are college courses for that.
You are looking at it from the design perspective, but remember that most adult game creators here just have a story that they want to tell in a visual format. Lazy? Maybe, but life is short. Different people have different goals with this hobby. A number of people in adult gaming aren't looking to be full time game designers.
Sure, they could just make a text adventure, but text adventures are so 1980s... most people like to have pictures in their visual novels, and adult games, both on the designer side and on the player side.
Now as to the quality of their game designs, well that's a subject of another thread, but remember that this is a bucaneer forum, where you have some people offering free games, and other people looking for free games to download. Others are of course monetizing their games via Patreon, etc. If you are expecting AAA quality out of games being offered for free... yeah you're gonna be disappointed most of the time.
BTW, Animate can be used to make long animation sequences in Daz. There are easier tools to use for animation, but Animate can do a lot of things if you are willing to take the time to set up the sequences. 'Full' Animate requires an additional (purchased) plugin, though, otherwise some functionality will be missing.
Finally, Daz is as flexible as you choose to make it. Not everyone wants to design a character model from scratch, but even then, there are a bajillion face and body morphs for the Genesis series characters to allow people a LOT of customization options. Plus, they can also pick up Blender, etc. to build a custom character model, then rig said model inside of Daz. Plus there's Hexagon, which Daz3D now offers for free, which allows you to build and modify models. It's a bit of a blunt instrument, but I do get use out of Hexagon as well as Daz. The nice thing about Hexagon is the bridge utility, which allows you to export stuff directly from Daz, and import (back) into Daz when you are done working in Hexagon.
Some people prefer Poser, or move on to other programs such as 3DS Max, but there ARE people that design characters entirely within Daz. Not everyone is cut out for hard core game design, and many are not looking to make a game design career out of their hobby. Some are just enjoying it as a casual hobby.
Not to mention having real lives they need to stay focused on when not rendering Daz stuff...