Being "worth it" is entirely subjective and entirely depends what your end goal is.
Do you want to make money? Then it's probably not worth it. Especially if you aren't even translating it yourself. A machine translation is never going to be particularly good, especially when it comes to the more in-demand translations. Stuff like Japanese to English. Machine translations are notoriously and laughably bad when it comes to context heavy languages like Japanese, and really isn't going to produce anything of quality. Throwing something through a machine translator is also something literally anyone can do. There are even programs already available that do that exact thing for games, and they do it live while you're playing.
If you're looking to make money off of translation, you need to actually learn the language you're trying to translate. Then you can do things like fan translations to get some experience and build a portfolio of work to give to companies who may hire you. But otherwise, you're not going to be making much money. Even in this scenario, if you start something like a patreon, you're unlikely to get enough support for it to be worth the time investment of learning a language and then doing the actual translating. Since translating is more than just directly translating the words. You also need to know things like the local slang so that you can properly localize it. For example, if I were to say, "You're cool," as a way to say that something is no big deal and is okay, but you didn't know that cool had multiple meanings in English. You could translate it as, "You're cold ." Which would be completely inaccurate and make absolutely no sense. Which is one of the big problems with machine translation. It doesn't always know the context and gives more direct translations like that that make no sense.
And when it comes to modding, you're also unlikely to make much money there, so if that's your goal, it's not a great idea to get into. It's going to take a LOT of time just to learn the basics of things like basic coding and how an engine works. Unless you're trying to learn how to do things like make and inject assets into a game, or learn how game coding works from the inside out so that you can eventually get a job. Then you can use modding as practice and a way to make a portfolio of work to give to companies who may hire you. But you're extremely unlikely to get anyone to pay for your mods. Especially when starting out.
If you're not looking to make money and are just bored or want to translate or mod some of your favorite games, then there's no real reason not to. You can at least try and see what happens. If you don't like it you can just stop. If you do, you can keep learning. But if you're looking to make money, it's not a great idea. You're extremely unlikely to get anywhere with something like a patreon, especially if you aren't doing the work and are relying on things like shoddy machine translations. And it's not like people are going to outright pay for fan translations or mods.