2D Is my art style viable.


Mar 5, 2024
I am working on a Ren'Py game similar to a rogue-like, a free roam random type game where the NPCs move around locations, etc. Mainly because no other games really match it, and I like its free roam aspects, but I don't like its UI design. I'm going to make it more of a map-style movement like Love & Sex: Second Base, but I am no artist, and I have never drawn seriously in my life. But I don't want to hire an artist; I am, though, an experienced developer for UI and software, so gameplay is no issue for me.

I just want to know if my character design and style work. From what I see of my style, I think I'm mashing together anime and comics. I drew from my brain and didn't use a reference for outlines, etc. It was just "how I wanted it," and I don't know if how I want it is good.

the art is by no means finished and is more of a concept, i would need to clean it up. its really messy for my first attempt. if its bad i may just end up spending a year and learn to draw more professionally, as i have time. the images are also at 1920by1080, was a mistake on my part. ill draw at a higher res and downscale in the future

npc1clothes.png npc1sleepwear.png npc1towel.png npc2.png
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New Member
Nov 7, 2020
I think it looks great for whatever it's worth. For me, this art is more charming than if you spent a long time learning to draw in a professional style.


Mar 5, 2024
I think it looks great for whatever it's worth. For me, this art is more charming than if you spent a long time learning to draw in a professional style.
Thanks. The only thing I really considered changing was the face. Most games depict more realistic faces. The way I draw is more like anime, and I don't know if that's a good thing.

I've seen some crazy body proportions in some games, and they do fine, so maybe I'm overthinking it.


Mar 5, 2024
I wanted to update this so someone can re-evaluate my art. I've spent a month o so far working on my game since the start of this post, with 90% of the time spent on coding. However, I have been trying to improve my art, so I wanted to know if this style is better than my previous one. I personally think it's more relatable to use comic-style faces rather than anime-style, due to the facial details.

The art is a little rough as it was my first attempt at this facial style and pose. Angled poses are hard, to be honest; I can't ever get the breasts to look right. The pupils look off, but if I move them, it looks even worse. One looks smaller, but I used a circle tool to make sure they are the same size, so they are indeed the same size.

how can i improve?

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May 25, 2018
as a starting point it looks pretty good, the rest is just practice and more practice, while making your game your art style will get more refined with time.
remember one of the most important things is consistency, so practice your characters in different angles and positions so they keep a consistent look
you can try and add soft highlights in addition to the shadows, to give your drawings more volume


Game Developer
May 12, 2021
This looks good! You can only get better from here on out, and you have a solid foundation already!

I like the sprites in your first post already, and the second art looks like a huge improvement! Her pupils look fine to me. When you stare at your own work for too long, you tend to overthink, I can attest to that.

Just to share with you my experience, when I released my first VN, my art level was way below what you've already got as a starting point here!

Also, don't be afraid to use references. When I was new to digital art, I saw that a lot of newbies hyperfocus on "drawing from imagination", as if using references is a sin. Most great artworks are created from references lmao. When one is new to drawing and not yet familiar with good anatomy, how are they supposed to draw from imagination. Of course references are needed! Totally not even a half decent artist here, but references have always been helpful to me.

Looking forward to your game!


Mar 5, 2024
I feel bad to keep posting here; it's just that I wanted some more tips on clothing, etc.

I'm having trouble with certain clothing, like, for instance, a sweater. I tried drawing it using my normal brushes, but it would have taken me hours, so I ended up using new brushes to get the job done. Remember, it's not finished and was just a little test, but does this look passable? My game will be centered around character sprites and not any dynamic poses or anything, so I feel like I need to get it to look good since you will be looking at it for so long. Should I keep trying more complicated clothing, or should I just make simple stuff to get my project out there?

This was my first attempt

This is without clothing, as you can tell my style has gotten a little better. but now i feel like i'm worse in other places

And one other thing: backgrounds. Drawing a character is time-consuming for me, and drawing all the backgrounds I need is daunting. It's either I hire someone or use AI. I have made some AI backgrounds, but it's hard to match a style that fits with mine. Do I get over it and just use AI? I mean, in the games I play, I don't really look at the background all that much, but I guess some people do.


May 25, 2018
the sweater looks off because of consistency, is lightly shaded y with no lineart like the underwear, add details with lines and it will get more armony in general

remember to use reference, your art looks pretty good and with time you will get even better at it, and making a 2d game you are going to get tons of practice


Sep 24, 2022
I'd just darken the lines on the outline of the sweater. Your using a dark black line on the body, and nails. going soft on the sweater looks a bit strange