RPGM Is There A Guide on What Pieces To Translate in RPGM?


Nov 21, 2021
I've never translated a game before, so I'm just kind of poking around RPGM data files for now. I read the sticky post, but it didn't go into the nitty gritty of what I'm supposed to change and what I'm not. I presume some of the things in the data files are internal variables, whereas some are text displayed to the player (aka what I'm supposed to be translating). Is there some sort of guide about what is what, or do I just kind of have to muddle my way through it until I figure it out myself?

As an example, in the Actors.json file, there's battlerName, characterName, faceName, and name, but it seems like name is the only one of them actually displayed? And I also see note, which contains text I haven't seen in the game, so is that like an internal note the developer wrote to himself that doesn't need to be translated?


Mar 19, 2022
Just check every box and batch translate. It's worked for me so far. There's usually like 40 or more boxes that need checked after you load the .exe

After it's done processing, inject it into the game.


Nov 21, 2021
Just check every box and batch translate. It's worked for me so far. There's usually like 40 or more boxes that need checked after you load the .exe

After it's done processing, inject it into the game.
Sorry, could you please explain what you mean by "check every box and batch translate"? For example, I'm pasting one part of the actors file I'm looking at:

{"id":1,"battlerName":"","characterIndex":0,"characterName":"リュエール","classId":1,"equips":[11,11,0,0],"faceIndex":0,"faceName":"リュエール","traits":[{"code":41,"dataId":11,"value":1},{"code":41,"dataId":35,"value":1},{"code":41,"dataId":28,"value":1},{"code":52,"dataId":5,"value":1},{"code":11,"dataId":8,"value":2},{"code":23,"dataId":3,"value":1.5}],"initialLevel":5,"maxLevel":99,"name":"リュエール","nickname":"武器:鞭 弱点:不死","note":"<CC演出:162>\n<CCメッセージ:「隙だらけだねっ!」>","profile":"※決定キーでステータス表示を切り替え\n通常ステータス表示 ←→ 耐性ステータス表示"},

So characterName, faceName and name all have リュエール (which is the character's name) in there. But I'm not sure if I should be replacing all of them with the English translation, or if, for example, faceName means "look at the file named リュエール in the faces folder", meaning I'm not supposed to touch it.

Though all my various attempts at altering the actors file haven't changed any of the in-game screens yet. Maybe it has more dependencies that aren't in this file and it was a bad idea to start with this file? Tests with items and armor seemed to work ok...


Nov 21, 2021
I speak Japanese so I'm doing a manual translation. So I figured I didn't need any of the MTL tools. But would Translator++ still be a better program to use (compared to notepad) in terms of identifying which fields to change and which not to?