RPGM - Isekai Awakening [v1.21] [Jackie Boy]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Hard paywall game with slow progress and updates, i subbed to the patreon once and felt like getting scammed by how slow the progress and the content they added. This just feels exactly like mag**l angel/fairy games series, not worth the money I used to support the project
  2. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3184423

    If EA made adult games it would work like this... Only more than half of the game is locked behind Patreon but it doesnt matter coz the game is grindy and buggy as hell oh and the minigames are not well thought and u cant skip them so its tedius since u have to waste your time for nothing and u have to do it in order to make any progress lol i am out of here
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Is just a Demmo.....
    The original game was removed and it doesn't seem like they're going to update it, it's a demo of a patreon game, pretty bad. Otherwise, an incomplete version of a game doesn't even deserve a star; it should be removed from the site, but hey, I guess someone can play it if they feel like it.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    all about making money by making several tiers of patreon, and the public version is pretty much just a teaser to get people to buy to see any actual content. also buggy piece of shit. The content that is in the public version has you play minigames like choose the correct 3 pieces to make a cake as requested or spamclick after grinding str stat high enough to beat the furniture maker in armwrestling
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    To be honest, this is the rating compared to the price of the game. If the price was halved with the same benefits(Especially the extreme contents and codes, it is just dreadful compared to the price), it would be not bad compared to the other H games, which are around 5 to 10 dollars with better art and animation, also including the content. Well, you could say putting customized characters in the game could be a good one, but 40 is toooo much. If you just look at other creators, some even make the game and mods(DLC) usually within 5 dollars or even for free. I would say game it self is about 4 but if you see the price it is 1~2, which rounds up to 3.

    Add+ This is my overall Conclusion at the bottom over playing for some time

    Welp, I played both full and pub ver for some time, and for pub the extreme doesn't work even with correct codes(I dont know if it is a bug or not, which I am writing this after a long time). So I would say this game's pub version really does suck more than any free H game out there.(I sacrificed my money to get a best view of this game and obviously the nickname of my patreon is different to my f95 for anonymous reasons)

    Also, since it is 20 dollars for a "PROPER" gameplay, JUST look at "Winter Memories". "Winter Memories" is also a RPG based game with dot arts, and having a daily cycle, but it is officially 14 dollars and 18 dollars maximum for the additional version(which is 40 dollars in this one). Most importantly this game is a amateur-based game that isn't even a complete version without professional voice actors and SE and BGM. While, "Winter Memories" is completed, made by a big company that makes H games with professionals and good voice actors with no bugs and good SE and BGM.

    I am writing this to make you guys decide wisely. Please if you like dot-based art that has pregnancy and internal view with cumshots everywhere just play Winter Memories. I won't recommend you guys to play this incomplete game that is at least 20 dollars PER MONTH to get an update of a game.

    +Edit 3->2 star rating changed

    I would have to say that this game WAS okay, BUT
    because of the attitude of this creator, this is just not right.

    I could change the rating AFTER this game runs and updates for at least a year or the creator changes the attitude.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Filled with bugs and not enough content to warrant playing. People are complaining about the minigames, but those are the least of this title's problems. Don't waste your time. Come back in two years time and maybe there'll be something worth your time. Maybe.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Unless you are willing to pay a high amount for the "real" version of the game, you might as well turn around and never look back as the quality is poor and the gameplay is buggy.

    I played for ten minutes and found is pretty much a waste of time, and after checking out the patreon page I pretty much knew the creator was more or less pulling a scam with the public version and fairly sure the paywall version is just as badly done. too many codes, too little real content, too little actual attempt as progress and fixing issues.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Do ya like grinding terrible minigames for minuscule gains? humor that feel extremely dated? how about 5 seconds of H every couple of minutes. if so this game is for you. About the only thing it's got going for it is the decent designs for the girls.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    (review of v0.91 after following the game's development for several months)

    The art style is decent for standing portraits, but the sex scenes are just flat out bad. They tend to be inconsistent with one another, are drawn/animated poorly, are extremely basic, and zoomed out so far I have to lean in to even see what's going on on a 31" monitor. Mini games were decent until the recent mage one, which is just straight up awful. The game is also riddled with bugs, inconsistences (one girl has take home as an option, but what you have to do instead is make her follow you then manually go home), awkward and cluttered UI (can't get a girl that's following you to leave unless you specifically go home and tell her to leave, and you can't leave out of a selection screen without selecting something), terrible English, and is flooded with Patreon ads that let to skip the crappy grindy parts of the game to get do it's mediocre core.

    While I understand this game is very much still as work in progress, with it's current development pace and content, I really just don't see this game going anywhere.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Tedious. You spawn in your house, click a dumblell, mirror or book 2-3 times each (3 times is a day). Then rest. Then click another. Then rest. Then click another. Now you've leveled once. It took about 10-13 clicks and animations to level 1 time with the exact same animations and no interactions with anyone.

    You exit your crappy house, click a building to interact with girl, so you can grind girl. OOP. Crappy minigame time. These are mandatory. They're what stats are for.
    Want to romance 4 eyes? You need to arm wrestle her. Its impossibly hard by default, so you need str. But you can't just grind str. You can grind all 3 stats to level up. You can't specialize on the one you want.
    Once you have enough to win, you just spam this identical option over and over again until she likes you all of a sudden. No real personality on display. Then maybe have sex.
    This is a 3 part 15 + animation grind with minigames to make glacial progress on one girl. Oh and when you enter a building it shows the foyer for no reason, so that's another click. And when you sleep that's another animation.

    You may think cheats fix this. And yes, somewhat. Skill points and gold are gained via cheats... but nothing that matters. Its one of those games that feels like its made grindy on purpose to make people pay for shortcuts, but then the shortcuts don't exist for anything that's particularly grindy so... I don't get it. No wait, I do. There is a cheat for girls liking you. Patreon exclusive. So you can skip this entire grind (and therefore basically the entire game) if you pay enough.

    On top of all of this, the game deletes my saves every time a new version is released.

    tldr; it has no story, progress is entirely based around watching animations or stupid minigames, no one has any real personality and it deletes progress every time it gets updated
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    The characters aren't good looking doesn't bother, they 're cute. I'm not a fan of enslaving girls, but I can take them home and sleep with them. Also you can have threesome with certain characters and date with them. Who doesn't want to see himself sleep with a girl he likes a lot nakedly? 8/10. Just don't enslave them, men need love. Rika is cute that she acts like a gf, just make love to her.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    I went into this fairly optimistic and left rather disappointed. The game is buggy, has placeholder interactions everywhere, the codes for this most recent version are locked behind a Patrion version which makes having codes in the first place pointless (which would not be an issue if the game wasn't excessively grindy). The main gameplay loop consists of playing poorly made mini games to raise one of the lust/trust of one of the few available girls. there is also a random mandatory grind for your own stats to get skill points to be able to do anything with the girls even after you get them to the proper level. Finally after you complete both grinds will you be rewarded with *drum roll* a couple stiffly animated repeatable scenes with bad dialogue (wow, truly ground breaking I know ).
    Only giving this 2 stars because one: I've seen so much worse, and two: I think there is potential for something here in time

    TLDR: this game doesn't respect your time and the small amount content isn't worth it. Come back in a year and maybe it will be worth a shot.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Game has great concepts and design work when it comes to the erotic elements but the developer has a poor monetization system and the game systems suck. In the early access state right now a lot of things you see you cannot meaningfully interact with and are mearly placeholders which can be annoying. Hopeful the great erotic concepts and developer's "passionate" outlook on the game can eventually create something amazing even if I have to bootleg the cheats off the forum to not play stupid minigames.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    The art of this game is great. There are beautiful animations and some very sexy pixel art. Also, the game has a lot of promise in terms of fetishes and promised mechanics. Unfortunately, the gameplay is completely broken as it is today: there is scant indication of what the player should be doing or even can do; the progression system requires spamming the same scenes and minigames over and over and over and over and over; and there are a ton of placeholder icons for content that is not yet accessible.

    This game may be really great with a lot more time and care, but right now it's not fun to play at all.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    +I like the art. very retro and actually hand made. plus the girls are very sexy and thicc.
    +pregnancy fetish.
    -20 sex positions... but no missionary or mating press?
    -Extremely grindy. Beyond ridiculous. Even with cheats you need to grind a lot.
    -Gameplay is just minigames
    -Minigames are particularly awful.
    -One of the minigames is particularly homoerotic (shopkeeper's). You see a male performing extremely lewd dancing and you need to murder him, repeatly. Maybe funny for 5 seconds... then you realize you need to spend an hour grinding to softcore gay porn before you are allowed to fuck the woman. If I could cheat to skip the minigames this wouldn't be bad.
    -surprise bestiality. dev says you can avoid bestiality by "not clicking the horse"... it is a point and click game. and clicking a horse is not a clear "this will lead to bestiality" sign. there could be myriad other reasons to click on a horse in a point and click game.

    Lots of potential, but squandered.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    The game today is summed up best as amazing art and models, good kink list, mediocre sex scenes (sprites), poor gameplay (grindy minigame spam, faintest story/dialog, incomplete mechanics and plot). There are Patreon cheats (if you don't have, subtract a star from this rating) but they don't let you cheat the girls' relationship levels which is where the grind is. There's a ton of "WIP" text all over the place too. All in all, I feel like 3 stars is as much as anyone could honestly give it today. If dev walked away and left, never to be seen again, honestly I'd probably give this 1 star...
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    As of v1.089 its a pretty fun game with a lot of potential. About an hour of content and the sex scenes arereally fun. My only complaint is about the arcade minigame which is annoying but stillfun game worth checking out
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Decent potential, but could really go either way.

    Gameplay is mostly grind judging by this demo. Play minigames that take 30-60 seconds to raise targets stats by 1 or 2. Do this several times to level up once and expand options you can take with them. While this is a demo, it would be good to have included two girls so we could have a better idea of how the referrals and levels work. Also would've been nice to see the purpose of MC's stats, though it is much appreciated to be told they're pointless in the demo.

    Art is about what you would expect from pixel art. Could be nicer but it's whatever.

    The biggest detriment in my opinion is the lack of story/text-based sex interactions. Lack of story is understandable given the demo. But it looks like it at least as some potential for a more interesting/amusing story. But the sex scenes are literally just rapidly clicking the mouse to raise a bar while the pixel sprites go at it. Why do we need to click? Who knows. Without any dialogue here and only the limited art quality of pixel art, it's incredibly lackluster.

    Overall, current state of the game is very grindy and available sex is dull af. It has good potential. But minigames, story, and dialogue all could use improvements. So I'll give it an optimistic 3 stars in hopes it improves.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    this is a promising one for now but mini game machanics sucks and there is just too little content for demo all you do is go to bar play(ust touch the last option and wait for 60 second) and spend time with bartander?