This game has a lot of potential.
It’s clear that the developer has poured a lot of love and care into their work. The story is captivating, the art is well done, and the gameplay is decent—though I’m personally not a big fan of free-roaming unless it’s implemented really well.
That said, there are a few areas that could use improvement. First, there are user experience issues, likely due to the game still being in its early stages. The inability to speed up text, the lack of a walkthrough, or even a detailed task list can make things frustrating at times.
Another area for improvement is the sex scenes. So far, I’ve seen one, and while it was set up nicely, I feel the developer could have spent more time making it longer and more engaging.
All in all, I hope this game continues to improve and eventually reaches its full potential—it’s definitely on the right track. The effort and talent behind this project are undeniable.