Unity - Isekai Bastard [v0.1.2] [Bastard-Sama]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Review Update:
    Fairly quick update rate so props for that, the amount of content is great (for the time between updates) but is very slow paced in terms of both progression and actual play-through.
    The grind is just too much rn, either make less of it or make the actual game move faster.
    Everything else is pretty dope,kudos.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    4 stars because it's a first release and I trust the dev will fix the problems that make his game unplayably slow. Those problems being the lack of a proper skip button (the one in the game now is way too slow), slow text speed, slow transition speed between scenes/renders, slow animations that you can't click through and need to wait for the animation to finish, and a long grind that is extremely tedious to get through as it is compounded by all the other problems making the game slow.

    The girls are hot, the renders are great, and the setting/scenario is interesting. The writing is good enough. it has everything you need to make a great porn game.

    Only things keeping it from being 5 stars are that the animations aren't anything special (at least the ones that I was able to get to before I decided to call it quits due to the game being so slow), hopefully one day the quality of the animations can match the quality of the renders. Also holding it back is the writing. The isekai parts really drag and get boring to the point where youThe sandbox writing is fine, but it's not amazing 5 stars level. just want to get out of it but it just keeps going and going. I wanted to read it, but I just lost interest in that part. Also The MC is just so ugly and such a creep/loser, I get that's the point and what some people are into, but I can't give a game 5 stars with an MC like that. The fact that I give it 4 is a testament to how great the girls/renders are and hopefully the dev fixes the problems ruining the game right now because it definitely has a lot of potential.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, good graphics, interesting and original story.

    Honestly was was pleasantly surprised by quality of game, for which I was skeptical at first. Nice take on mc that is not a jock with baseball bat between his legs, but is rather a growing underdog. Good selection of LIs

    A bit on the slow side but dev said that he is already working on it.
    Some quality of life fixes are needed like gallery and options to skip through seen, and also more save slots, but, are also promised by dev, so I am eagerly awaiting next update.
  4. 4.00 star(s)

    Penumbral Evanescence

    My review of Isekai Bastard as of v0.1.1c

    I have to say that I was quite pleasantly enthralled when playing through the initial release of Isekai Bastard. I am a fan of playing ugly bastard characters as the MC, and more importantly, the Netorase (NTS) elements of the game I found were executed quite well.

    On that note, I am outlining some more of my thoughts below (pros vs cons).

    Positive selling points:

    + The overarching narrative/plot and world-building elements were quite intriguing. The whole Isekai format and being thrust into a video game environment and observing the MC's adventures in the world of Necronomica were quite exciting to see.

    + Colourful/Delightfully eccentric cast of characters. Incidentally, I found the different FMC interactions quite charming to observe from a character relationship-building perspective. I especially liked learning more about Shezebel's backstory (i.e., the pinkish-skinned succubi-looking demon girl). I believe she will be a very staunch ally of the MC for future adventures.

    + The choice of music and ambient soundtracks used at times were also nice to listen to and fit the setting of the environments very well.

    + Renders/Models were overall decent. Some characters could use a bit of polish here and there, but overall I love their design (especially Laura) being one of my favourites. I think her model is quite something else (body proportion-wise) :love:

    Areas for improvement:

    (-) There is a need to fully implement/enhance some quality of life features in the game. E.g., fast dialogue skip option, message backlog function so we can have a log of past messages to read through if we skip too fast and miss what was said in conversations, adding more save game slots, etc. The dev is actively spotting these errors and working to resolve them, so I have confidence that these quality-of-life improvements will be implemented in future updates.

    (-) Repetitive/Grindy gameplay at times. Sometimes, it can be a bit of a grind-fest needed to unlock certain special events with some female characters in-game. As such, perhaps the requirements to meet certain FMC events can be lowered and/or offered in some way where players do not have to go through a repetitive grind to attain such scenes.

    (-) Opportunity to build upon more linear-styled gameplay. For me personally, I do not mind playing through sandbox-styled AVNs, but if there is a possibility for more linear-themed narratives, then I would prefer the latter more so than the former on account of ease of gameplay value.

    Final thoughts:

    In summation, I believe that for an initial release, Isekai Bastard hits a lot of positive marks for me. E.g., ugly bastard-themed MC/male characters, hot women, harem-themed gameplay, Isekai world-building, etc. I believe that the dev should focus their efforts on fixing some of the pre-existing bugs and improving upon some of the quality-of-life elements of the game to ensure smooth gameplay moving forward. Perhaps even a switch to the 'Ren'PY game engine might help enhance a lot of the quality of life aspects of Isekai Bastard from a gameplay perspective.

    Albeit, I am confident that this game has a promising future ahead of it. Bastard-Sama has my full support, and apart from the occasional bugs/quality of life features/enhancements, the product so far is quite favourable in my eyes.

    Greatly looking forward to future dev updates, and wish the best of luck to you @Bastard-Sama!
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    TLDR: Veryyyyyyyyyyyyy Sloooowwwwwwwww...

    I've been clicking through the dialog for probably 1,5 hours now. I can't get my time back but I can save yours. There was only one short x rated scene, that isn't really great either. The more I played the more I came to despise this game. It's painfully slow. Every scene has a fade in and fade out which takes 2 seconds. You can't click through the dialog because it's programmed not to allow that.

    When I reached free roam I accidentally clicked on the same dialog I'd been through before. I CLOSED THE GAME. I refuse to click through a 2 minute dialog AGAIN.

    It's just BAD. The renders are good, but the game is BAD.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    game has a insanely high quality from my standpoint. Unique characters and actual personalities in them, a interesting story i want to know more of, and a fun protagonist.

    It sure does have its bugs and technical issues as of writing (version 1.1c), like the slow pace, the grind, not a lot of saves, repeating scenes not skippable and the transitions being slow when you seen them a lot of times, BUT unlike a heap of other devs this one acknowledges it, prioritizes the work on these flaws and agrees with bug reports/wishes from the community.

    Im in for the long stretch on this one, def worth looking for the future of this one.

    Bastard-Sama, keep up the good work my man, this is a gem in the rough from my (depraved) standpoint
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Content of the Game seems excellent with high quality renders and mulitple angles even to just general conversations. From what i have played so far i would be giving it 5 stars if it wasnt for the time it take for transitions and conversations you have already seen and taking about 10 minutes to get through them again for no benefit. Game really needs a fast forward or skip button.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the themes of the game, developer seems to realy enjoy what is making! Dont be afraid of ntr, girl sharing is different, way better and hotter!
    I´m going support the patreon
    Best of luck to the developer.
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Ai Shoujo Fan

    Isekai Bastards v0.1.1d

    I've so far played the game up until Day 13, after it turns into a Sandbox mode.

    I will update this review later once I get more information and have more feedback.

    The 3D models, art, and renders for this game look fantastic. I like the theme and story. And the ambient sounds and sound effects are nice. I like how the dialogue doesn't have a textbox background. Because of all of this, I will go ahead and give the game five stars. However there are a lot of things with this game that should be fixed and improved.


    01.) The game starts in forced full-screen and there is an immediate means to switch to windowed mode. You cant Alt + Enter. There is no 'Settings' on the main menu. Luckily, you can find a 'Settings' AFTER you have clicked 'Start Game'. But it shouldn't be like this. A player should be able to access 'Settings' in the main menu BEFORE clicking 'Start Game'.
    UPDATE: Settings was added to the main menu in v0.1.1d. Thanks, dev.

    02.) There are only three save slots. A player should have as many save slots as they want or at least 50 or 100 save slots. Since this is a Unity game, there should be plenty of save slot assets that the developer can choose from and add to the game because three slots just isn't good enough. Five or ten save slots wouldn't be good enough. There should be 50 or more save slots, or unlimited.
    UPDATE: This later changed to 24 save slots in v0.1.1.d. Thanks, dev. Although, I want to point out that it is weird that the first save slot is called Slot 0. It should be Slot 1.

    03.) The developer's writing style is good. There are semi frequent spelling mistakes and bad grammar, but nothing too serious. I do get annoyed that the developer oftentimes uses "i" and "i'll" instead of "I" and I'll". And it is just bizarre on how many sentences don't have a period or punctuation at the end, while some other sentences do. But overall, it's not too bad. I would still go through and add periods to the end of every sentence, use spell check, and capitalize "i" as "I".

    04.) A lot of developers struggle on this, and I don't know why. But let's say I resize the game window to how I want it and I load a game. Everything is fine. But as soon as I go to Main Menu, the game position and size is changed to some default window size without my permission. I don't want this. I like games to be a certain window size and position, not covering the taskbar, flush against the left and right sides, can see entire game window, etc. That's why I resize the game window. But if I resize a game window, the game shouldn't change the size and position without my consent. Another thing is that on my custom game window size, some things get cut off on the bottom. I can only see the top half of "Settings, Menu, Load, and Save". And only the bottom half of "SAVED SUCCESSFULLY". A game should display all elements and graphics despite what the game window size is, especially if the game window size is close to and similar to a standard default size.

    05.) You lose audio when the game is not in focus. I have two computer screens. I wanted to play the game on one computer monitor while doing stuff on the other monitor at the same time. But as soon as I click outside the game window, I get silence and no sounds. No ambient sounds. Nothing. Makes for a real boring experience when I don't get any game audio when I am not in focus. It looks like the game also pauses when you aren't in focus. This should be an option in settings or just make the game not paused by default.

    06.) There doesn't seem to be any way to "go back" or go to "previous" in case you clicked too fast or didn't understand something. I've seen Unity games add this feature, so it isn't restricted to just Ren'Py games. There really needs to be a way to see the dialog history.

    07.) Some things can be improved. For example, if you turn Full Screen off and then turn HD Resolution on, it switches to Full Screen even though it still shows that Full Screen is off. The only way to get both Windowed and HD Resolution on at the same time is to a.) turn Full Screen off, b.) turn HD Resolution on, c.) turn Full Screen on and back off again.

    08.) It would be nice to change the step family's last name, just like we are able to change the player's first name.

    09.) It would be nice to know how choices affect the game, but it is pretty much impossible to figure out because there are only three save slots and you can't rewind and redo a choice and there is no walkthrough or hints. If only we could rewind and if only we could have unlimited saves. Then I could save anytime there is a choice and I would be able to rewind instead of loading save all of the time.

    10.) When I click the spacebar or left-click and the dialog advances, the character's name (MC or NPC) will flicker and remain for a second and it is very distracting. It looks like a glitch. Or like it displayed the character's name without dialog, as if the dialog text was missing. But after playing the same parts over and over, there is no missing dialog text. It's just that the character's name acts wonky anytime you advance the dialog.

    11.) Very rarely, the dialog will auto advance on its own, and I would rather it not do that. I want to be in more control of when the dialog advances.

    12.) It's not very obvious on what a character is thinking and what they are saying aloud. The thinking text should be more italic or something.

    13.) At the very beginning of the Sandbox mode, I'm not sure which girl is who. They look very similar and the rooms dont' say things like "mom's room", "Laura's room" etc. I will eventually figure out who is who and where their rooms are, but I was a tiny bit disappointed that I didn't know right away.

    14.) When I interact with an object that is a Work In Progress, it takes too long for that popup message to go away. I wish that there was an x button to close out of it.

    15.) It is kind of annoying that I can't Load Game from anywhere but my bed, even though sometimes on rare occasions I can do it from the menu options at the bottom when they are visible. Inconvenient.

    16.) The save system is slightly broken. For instance, I saved in a classroom at school. But when I went to load the save, I was in my mom's bedroom.

    17.) The times of day and rest/sleep are a bit confusing. If I am correct, you can't sleep at night time. You have to sleep at dawn? That makes no sense. It would make more sense to be able to do things at Night, sleep at Late Night, and wake up at Dawn to do more things. Actually it would make more sense to just be able to do things AND sleep (both) at Night and do things in the Morning, with no Late Night or Dawn. In the game, there is only Night, but in the tutorial it is described as Late Night. All very confusing.

    18.) The kissing noises are really gross. They need to be replaced with better ones.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    First, I downloaded and tried v.0.1.1 (bugfixed) and the next day sent the dev a few dinars for coffee and good mood. I must admit, that's a rare case for me, so you can tell I really liked this project.

    I have doubts if Unity is the best option for making visual novels. I can't tell, as I've never tried to make a game myself (except for my attempts to create games using game creation engines with ready assets, which doesn't count). What I can tell is that I'm more used to Ren'Py engine games, but maybe Unity gives more opportunities for self-expression, or perhaps better works with a variety of sounds and how they mix. I'm not an expert here (again, I made a 3D scene on Unity with a character that was able to move with basic physics with a third-person camera on terrain with primitive greens and basic lighting with a few light sources. But implementing visual novel games on Unity has never been a great user experience for me, and again, if I compare it to good-old Ren'Py, it provides nice save-load system with tons of slots for different playthroughs, easy-to-use third-party tools to extract data from archives, not to mention the nice universal mod x052, predictable source structure. So, if you know the basic math, you can sometimes fix a bug yourself in the script file and continue playing if the dev made a mistake in the variables, so the scene you're expecting will trigger.)

    The story is a G.O.A.T. I mean, literally, not many interesting plots are around, but this one just combines weird stuff with magic and AI with the real life of an average f95 user, at least at some period of it. A succubus with horns is not the kind I visually like, but I believe the idea was to make the MC not appealing, and not only are the horns not really appealing, but come on, the body looks natural, not disgusting. Just a reminder that sometimes we need to spend some time in the gym to be in good shape.

    I played the game for about an hour, and without a skip option, I was able to read every line before I got to the next one, even with my finger on the spacebar all the time. But there's nothing wrong with that, because the dialogs are well-structured and fun. With the setting, the narrative is in its place, so the writing deserves a solid 5 laughing perverted nerds out of 5.

    The renders look promising, and the overall visuals are nice. Scenes have well-set-up lighting, and the models are detailed. The only thing that caught my eye in one of the few animations I saw so far was the model of the body passing through the grass with no physics, but that's better than models with closed eyes in all animated scenes in some other projects, right?

    In my subjective mind, the renders deserve 5 Picassos out of 5. The animations, though, need a bit of polishing, but I wasn't expecting everything to be perfect, like it's a game published by an early 2000s game studio like Rockstar North. For a one-artist game, it also deserves 5 Walt Disneys out of 5, but it's with credit for future improvements.
    P.S.: Good luck, Bastard-Sama! I hope you will gain some local fame in F95 community and continue to develop your game. Thanks for sharing with us! Don't get mad at people with unstructured criticism. They likely have nothing else to do in their lives but to try to upset others.
    Will wait for future updates!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    10/10 renders, the author has put a lot of effort into this game and it really shows. There is a lot of content considering it has just been uploaded yesterday. The story is interesting if you like story. The characters are hot!

    I really like the long intro, it sets up the game nicely. without it, it would just be another mindless 3d porn picture game.

    Feature I would like added:
    A skip button for dialogue you have already seen before
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    A very good start. I don't remember playing the first version with so much content.
    - beautiful milfs
    - interesting plot
    - netorase / sharing
    - the game needs a few improvements QoL
    I hope the author stays true to his vision. This game has a lot of potential.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    QoL issues are holding it back. The premise is solid, though I do hope the promise of depravity actually holds up, as right now it's lacking even basic bitch anal, let alone painal.

    Also, fat bastards are a fun archetype, but that usually comes with being physically intimidating as well.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    Game plays way too slow at the start with little effort to really catch you. scenes play at a snails pace and there is no way to skip ahead. Feels like there is potential but the start needs alot of work before its worth investing time in
  15. 3.00 star(s)

    Alea iacta est

    This game has a lot of potential.
    It’s clear that the developer has poured a lot of love and care into their work. The story is captivating, the art is well done, and the gameplay is decent—though I’m personally not a big fan of free-roaming unless it’s implemented really well.

    That said, there are a few areas that could use improvement. First, there are user experience issues, likely due to the game still being in its early stages. The inability to speed up text, the lack of a walkthrough, or even a detailed task list can make things frustrating at times.

    Another area for improvement is the sex scenes. So far, I’ve seen one, and while it was set up nicely, I feel the developer could have spent more time making it longer and more engaging.

    All in all, I hope this game continues to improve and eventually reaches its full potential—it’s definitely on the right track. The effort and talent behind this project are undeniable.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Rating the game really highly, I like the intro even if its long its good and its one kind of a game, I hope the game upgrades your character just like in power vacuum in the future but not to extreme end like the mc in it lol.

    One thing the Dev should do is change the reading text to stay in same place when next text is added to the line so its easier to read, in its current state its not good as it moves the text as more text appears.
    Second thing, Skip button.
    Third thing to work a bit on better Animations.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Really cool game thx for sharing.
    if you like playing a bad ugly guy, incest and corruption this game is for you. The art of tits is really nice. Animations are "ok" and settings need skip if you already play this game before. Can't wait for next updates.
  18. 2.00 star(s)

    nio :3

    The pace of the game is EXTREMELY slow. It's ~30 minutes of cut scenes with a 2-frame style, poor Binglish, and no way to play. In combination with great art, it's the most frustrating game in 2025.

    My Disappointment Is Immeasurable And My Day Is Ruined