Isekai Bastards v0.1.1d
I've so far played the game up until Day 13, after it turns into a Sandbox mode.
I will update this review later once I get more information and have more feedback.
The 3D models, art, and renders for this game look fantastic. I like the theme and story. And the ambient sounds and sound effects are nice. I like how the dialogue doesn't have a textbox background. Because of all of this, I will go ahead and give the game five stars. However there are a lot of things with this game that should be fixed and improved.
01.) The game starts in forced full-screen and there is an immediate means to switch to windowed mode. You cant Alt + Enter. There is no 'Settings' on the main menu. Luckily, you can find a 'Settings' AFTER you have clicked 'Start Game'. But it shouldn't be like this. A player should be able to access 'Settings' in the main menu BEFORE clicking 'Start Game'.
UPDATE: Settings was added to the main menu in v0.1.1d. Thanks, dev.
02.) There are only three save slots. A player should have as many save slots as they want or at least 50 or 100 save slots. Since this is a Unity game, there should be plenty of save slot assets that the developer can choose from and add to the game because three slots just isn't good enough. Five or ten save slots wouldn't be good enough. There should be 50 or more save slots, or unlimited.
UPDATE: This later changed to 24 save slots in v0.1.1.d. Thanks, dev. Although, I want to point out that it is weird that the first save slot is called Slot 0. It should be Slot 1.
03.) The developer's writing style is good. There are semi frequent spelling mistakes and bad grammar, but nothing too serious. I do get annoyed that the developer oftentimes uses "i" and "i'll" instead of "I" and I'll". And it is just bizarre on how many sentences don't have a period or punctuation at the end, while some other sentences do. But overall, it's not too bad. I would still go through and add periods to the end of every sentence, use spell check, and capitalize "i" as "I".
04.) A lot of developers struggle on this, and I don't know why. But let's say I resize the game window to how I want it and I load a game. Everything is fine. But as soon as I go to Main Menu, the game position and size is changed to some default window size without my permission. I don't want this. I like games to be a certain window size and position, not covering the taskbar, flush against the left and right sides, can see entire game window, etc. That's why I resize the game window. But if I resize a game window, the game shouldn't change the size and position without my consent. Another thing is that on my custom game window size, some things get cut off on the bottom. I can only see the top half of "Settings, Menu, Load, and Save". And only the bottom half of "SAVED SUCCESSFULLY". A game should display all elements and graphics despite what the game window size is, especially if the game window size is close to and similar to a standard default size.
05.) You lose audio when the game is not in focus. I have two computer screens. I wanted to play the game on one computer monitor while doing stuff on the other monitor at the same time. But as soon as I click outside the game window, I get silence and no sounds. No ambient sounds. Nothing. Makes for a real boring experience when I don't get any game audio when I am not in focus. It looks like the game also pauses when you aren't in focus. This should be an option in settings or just make the game not paused by default.
06.) There doesn't seem to be any way to "go back" or go to "previous" in case you clicked too fast or didn't understand something. I've seen Unity games add this feature, so it isn't restricted to just Ren'Py games. There really needs to be a way to see the dialog history.
07.) Some things can be improved. For example, if you turn Full Screen off and then turn HD Resolution on, it switches to Full Screen even though it still shows that Full Screen is off. The only way to get both Windowed and HD Resolution on at the same time is to a.) turn Full Screen off, b.) turn HD Resolution on, c.) turn Full Screen on and back off again.
08.) It would be nice to change the step family's last name, just like we are able to change the player's first name.
09.) It would be nice to know how choices affect the game, but it is pretty much impossible to figure out because there are only three save slots and you can't rewind and redo a choice and there is no walkthrough or hints. If only we could rewind and if only we could have unlimited saves. Then I could save anytime there is a choice and I would be able to rewind instead of loading save all of the time.
10.) When I click the spacebar or left-click and the dialog advances, the character's name (MC or NPC) will flicker and remain for a second and it is very distracting. It looks like a glitch. Or like it displayed the character's name without dialog, as if the dialog text was missing. But after playing the same parts over and over, there is no missing dialog text. It's just that the character's name acts wonky anytime you advance the dialog.
11.) Very rarely, the dialog will auto advance on its own, and I would rather it not do that. I want to be in more control of when the dialog advances.
12.) It's not very obvious on what a character is thinking and what they are saying aloud. The thinking text should be more italic or something.
13.) At the very beginning of the Sandbox mode, I'm not sure which girl is who. They look very similar and the rooms dont' say things like "mom's room", "Laura's room" etc. I will eventually figure out who is who and where their rooms are, but I was a tiny bit disappointed that I didn't know right away.
14.) When I interact with an object that is a Work In Progress, it takes too long for that popup message to go away. I wish that there was an x button to close out of it.
15.) It is kind of annoying that I can't Load Game from anywhere but my bed, even though sometimes on rare occasions I can do it from the menu options at the bottom when they are visible. Inconvenient.
16.) The save system is slightly broken. For instance, I saved in a classroom at school. But when I went to load the save, I was in my mom's bedroom.
17.) The times of day and rest/sleep are a bit confusing. If I am correct, you can't sleep at night time. You have to sleep at dawn? That makes no sense. It would make more sense to be able to do things at Night, sleep at Late Night, and wake up at Dawn to do more things. Actually it would make more sense to just be able to do things AND sleep (both) at Night and do things in the Morning, with no Late Night or Dawn. In the game, there is only Night, but in the tutorial it is described as Late Night. All very confusing.
18.) The kissing noises are really gross. They need to be replaced with better ones.