Unity - Isekai Quest [1.6.5] [Ginkgo Studio]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    1. Animations are very simple layer tweens. Many low quality with visual bugs.
    2. Stuck in sex scene, can’t quit. To quit you have to use the menu Quit, which previously is to exit the game entirely
    3. Buttons on the UI are overlapping and hidden on Steam Deck. Had to swap between resolutions to get access to the hidden buttons.
    4. Defeat screen takes too long to show and can’t skip it, resulting in button mashing
    5. During the card shuffling mini game after game over, the Level showing at the bottom never changes from 1
    6. Lots of easily missable Steam achievements, have to start a new playthrough
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Match 3 game. Later levels get really difficult unless you spend hours grinding easier levels for power ups or just get really good rng with gem spawns.

    Game starts like it'll have a storyline, it doesn't.

    Voice acting is meh. Art is average but off in some spots, due to it being AI.

    Sex scenes (judging only off demon girl) are roughly colored sketches with many inconsistencies. Like the demon girl has cross earrings, but it's not attached to her ears. The player's body is basically a roblox character. Your limbs are rectangles.

    Before the sex scene, the part where you click to touch her and raise her arousal. Her expressions aren't... I don't know the word but it's not done properly. Her grin and open mouth overlaps. If you click on her pussy, only the left lip moves, the right stays still. You have to buy and use a condom to access the sex scene, but in the scene you're not wearing a condom so what's the logic behind this?

    For a match 3, it's pretty average. Easy to absurdly difficult due to rng. For a porn game, the porn is awful and locked behind the match 3 rng. Not worth it.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    simple puzzle game, not much story, getting all the sex scenes is not as simple as "win in puzzle duel, get sex". Shoddy voice acting and art is hit or miss - studio has history of using AI. Not worth the grind imo but these kinds of games aren't my cup of tea always feels like rng.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    I just finished and had fun with this Match-3. There isn't really any story to speak of, it is just combat with individual female opponents who each have their own unique fighting styles and vulnerabilities. When you are defeated you are taken to a "Revive or Death" card game that is super easy early on but gets unfairly difficult late in the game. If you choose the wrong card...Death...all of the women are reset to zero progress but you do get to keep all your cash and skills. I had to start over once and didn't like that aspect of the game, but it did allow me to develop my character more so I was better prepared once I got to the hardest fights.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game.
    A worthwhile game to play if you're looking for something to kill time with that doesn't really demand much thought or anything else.
    The sexual scenes are passable (or, at least, better than what I've experienced so far). Well, it's a puzzle game, so what do you even expect /shrug.
    100% worth the download :D
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Simple game of gem matching. Beat the girl = get scene. If you want easy gameplay you need to grind gold to buy useful powerups. You get gold by moving one particular block to the bottom of the screen, after you do that, the girl will show a little of her body (max 2 times per girl).

    Pretty nice game if you want something that doesn't require a lot of thinking. Animations are simple, but the artstyle is gorgeus. I'm waiting for new updates
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Actually a game worth playing if you are looking for a time sink that doesn't really require much thinking or anything else this is it. The sex scenes are decent (actually on the better side at least from what I've played so far) dialogue is yeah well it's a puzzle game what do you even expect. Worth the download I'd say that at least.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    A mostly fun gem matching combat puzzle game, with some erotic stuff thrown on top. If you've played Mirror before, then you'll have a good idea of what to expect, although the animation quality isn't quite on that level. Basically, you beat each girl 3 times, and you get sexy times with them, with one exception. It's not the first of it's kind, but it has it's own interesting twists.

    Every time you beat a girl, a screen pops up, allowing you to choose from 3 cards, each which has some permanent upgrade, a new Skill, or an item. You can also this random upgrade screen from the Shop, with there being different card upgrade rarities and strengths.

    But how do you get gold? I'm not really sure. During a battle, if an enemy attacks you, they place a quest gem on the field (if one isn't there already), and getting that to bottom of the screen gets you 20 gold, but it's incredibly hard to do and kind of random. If you perform a 5 or more combo, you get a diamond sphere, which adds a few gold too, but other than that, I'm not sure how gold is earned. It doesn't appear to be earned when you win, it just seems to kind of happen, or it's limited to the previous 2 things.

    Anyway, every time you beat a girl, every girl becomes slightly harder to defeat, so there's a sort of choose your own progression to the game. When you eventually die, the world will reset itself, allowing you to keep your upgrades, skills, items and any scenes you previously unlocked, but all girls are set back to their default.

    Here's where my problems with the game start. In order to do anything lewd with a girl, you need to beat them 3 times AND have a magical clear condom on you. Except that the condom becomes more expensive the further you advance, which is sort of silly, especially since you only need one to unlock the scene, and you could just wait until the world resets to buy them at their cheapest, considering how rare money is in the first place.

    Also, because of this progression system, you'll probably beat the first girl you fight (assuming its the demon or the knight), but winning a second time isn't an option at all when your starting out. You pretty much have to die. Since this is basically a rogue-lite, it makes sense, but progress is SLOW, so you end up beating a girl once, then having to lose immediately after, in a cycle that continues on until after you've done that like a dozen times or so. An option to reset the world at will, or practice stage where your only rewarded the "common cards" for winning would have been nice.

    Each girl has their puzzle gimmick, which I'm not going to spoil here, but this brings me to why I took another star off my rating: the elf. She's completely unbalanced as all hell. Her gimmick is that she places mines on the field, which you remove by performing 2 combos becide them. If you fail to do so within a certain number of turns, you take damage PER bomb, equal to what the elf herself does with a normal attack, but simultaneously.

    Now this isn't so bad, as she clearly isn't meant to be challenged early and she only throws 2 bombs at once, but it gets progressively worse. Stage 1 is awkward, but completely doable, with the right upgrades. Stage 2 is where she becomes unbearable. She beings throwing out 3 bombs plus, each which deal MORE damage than she does, and now they take 3 hits to destroy, and you only have 6 turns to break them. The mines are scattered, so it's literally impossible to slap them all at once, and you need at least 3 of the 6 turns they exist just to destroy them.

    Worst yet, the timing between her placing the bombs and her own attacks is much smaller. So basically, it's Attack, wait a couple turns, mines, wait a couple turns, Attack, repeat. Beating this stage doesn't happen any time soon. Expect to invest at least a few hours into the death cycling for upgrades before this round is manageable. When you get to her third stage, the bombs only require 1 hit to destroy now, but they deal double damage, and they throws them out every other turn, sometimes right before she attacks. Definitely a bullshit fight. Although, her eroge scene isn't too bad (not really worth the effort though, considering she's clothed during it).

    As for the lewd stuff, the game also has some minor animation errors, such as seeing one mouth behind the current one, and at one point a girls crotch stretched through her leg, but it's nothing too distracting or permanent. I did find it annoying that one girl has the options to remove her clothing during the foreplay scene, but they didn't continue that idea for the actual sex scenes. So most girls will be dressed up in costumes with some pieces missing over the naughty bits, and one of them straight wears their lingerie to bed, not really exposing much. Nice animations, but I prefer nude characters to actually be nude.

    Overall, not a bad puzzle fighter game, and I love this genre, so more is always better. I just wish developers would put a tiny more effort in. They seem to be planning more girls, and I'm hoping each current girl gets more scenes, but I'm not expecting much.

    TL;DR Worth a couple hours of your time, but I highly suggest using the gold cheat code a few times when the game gets tedious (i.e. challenging the overpowered elf). Your just going to earn those rewards by constantly dying anyway, so after you've already experienced each girls' puzzle mechanics, you may as well save yourself some time by using the extra gold.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    At the beginning the game starts out like it will have a story. Instad it's click and select battle.. there is no difficulty progressions or even a story line.. just stupid lines that basically you say you want to fuck her or you say hello and rest. Very boring game and I could not even get myself to even want to play it and I have played many of these type of line up 3 or more in a row type games and enjoyed them but not this one.

    Art is the only thing that looks decent.. other than that there is nothing here in fun.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    v2.2 review

    Basically just an advertisement.

    Look I have no problem with developers trying to make money. They SHOULD! But this game plays like an advertisement for itself. Buy on steam, taking up a big ol chunk of the screen, and several messages, and two or three pages on the 'end screen' all reminding you how great the game is going to be in the future if you buy it on steam.

    As for the gameplay it's pretty stock standard match 3 stuff, so nothing new there.

    The artwork is fantastic, but marred by pretty bad black censorship bars, and seemingly pretty limited in addition to that.

    Honestly, I'd give this one a pass, there's better match 3 games out there, and there's better lewd games out there. But your experiences might vary.