Unity Abandoned Island of Seclusion [v0.1] [Dirty Cook]


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2017
The only thing I can tell by looking here and on the Patreon page is that this game is click-bait to get you to support his other title. His Patreon is at 0 of 100 and there are no playable version of his "Kingdom of Taboo", which appears to be his larger endeavor. That is no playable version of the game for supporters, either!
To be fair, his other title sounds a lot more interesting than this one, at least to me.
Of course Kingdom of Taboo seems to only exist as a vague concept so far, which may or may not turn into a game at some point. As for click-bait, a few high quality images might have done a better job than this... tech demo.


Assets Grabber
Aug 18, 2017
The premise of this game has so much possibility but I will wait, since Kasey feels very unsure :p


Active Member
Jul 17, 2017
For future reference, you'd earn more likes and less annoyance from the users of this forum if you made sure to post a game with at least some content. I have played short games before, but as it is theres no content, not only that people say this is "Island of Seclusion" yet the description still talks about you being a king of something...

Please fix your post or upload a game with some more content :)
Aug 4, 2017
kingdom of taboo is a concept that has a ton of potential to be different and interesting from existing incest games which are basically replicas of each other. Sadly that game does not exist. The game which exists, island of seclusion, looks pretty shitty.
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Resident Evil-doer, part-time Candyman
Dec 24, 2016
... And honestly there can't be any N*R nonsense in the thread unless some cannibal dude comes out the treeline with a giant dick... :p
Now I got angst, seriously.:OhMyGoodness:DON'T you open Pandora's box...

But the scenario is intriguing, some Robinson Crusoe tier shit with hula-hoop girls and stuff. That's it. We got PotC porn parody, why not more lewd games with such? I'd give it a go if dev is eager to create something. ...And perhaps a pirate ship cruisin' at the horizon (they still exist as we know).

Last time I played a 'u now stranded on island here' game they got sorta zombies there. I mean wth??


Jun 17, 2017
The description is still from the other game.

The correct description is:
You play a man trapped on an island with his sister. You will have to make difficult decisions in order for the two of you to survive on the island. There will be decisions that will shape your relationship with your sister that will develop into different outcomes to the story. You're surrounded by the ocean, can you survive?
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Life's pretty Straight without twisties
Nov 16, 2016
bah the dev just clickbating his/her first project ever exsists and this project is just clickbate for his first non exsistent project clickbate = clickbate = conartist = monygrab
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Active Member
May 3, 2017
i'm not sure but i think this game is abandon :FeelsGoodMan:.... the Patreon page is just gone and i can't find anything else about this game anywhere...


Active Member
Jul 17, 2017
bah the dev just clickbating his/her first project ever exsists and this project is just clickbate for his first non exsistent project clickbate = clickbate = conartist = monygrab
Heya, dont wanna go all grammar Nazi on ya, but its Clickbait :p as in when you bait a fish, when you say "clickbate" it sounds like some kind of masturbation fetish xD
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