VN Ren'Py I've been working on something I'd like to share :)


Game Developer
May 1, 2020
I want to explain how status will work in future builds, in the current one it's only a preview.
(I'm very new on the game development area, but I have confidence that this system it's achievable with my current knowledge. Also not native english speaker, so, sorry for the typos. )

There is four base status for every character.




Woman base status refer to h scenes presented based on the status.
Every woman until half their route will only have 2 types of hscene based on status.
Woman status change based of your choices.
Higher status will trigger hscenes.

Main chara have:



Your status will refer directly to the female status. (see first image.)

You will gain Mind or Body every morning.
You will gain Malice or Rhetoric in dialogue choices.
When following a girl route you will be tested.
Some status will conflict along the way, Mind conflicts Body and Rhetoric conflicts Malice.


When the character engages in a dialogue to trigger a hscene, he will be given two main choices on how to proceed, this choices are associated with your current status, the scenes have 4 types.



In future builds I wanna be able to give this system more depth, like specializing the two higher status of choice adding a new one more "special" , for now it's functional. If you have any feedback feel free to share.

Thank you.
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Jul 9, 2022
Looks interesting. The only feedback I have from initial impressions is that you may want to change the names of the Main Character's stats to be less ambiguous. "Mind" sound too intellectual for a stat that you use to raise Lust; "Charisma", "Charm", "Moxie", "Wit", "Hutzpa", or even "Raw Animal Magnetism" could work as replacements.

I'm not 100% sure why the "Rhetoric" stat increases love and affection, so I'm assuming it symbolizes your ability to convey your feelings to others, not the persuasiveness of your arguments. "Empathy" or "Rapport" would work if that's the case, but if it really is about how articulate and persuasive your character is, "Smooth-Talking" or "Persuasion" would both sound less academic.

"Malice" implies evil intent and if that was what you were striving for- it works fine. However, if that wasn't your intent, "Command", "Dominance", or "Authority" would all be suitable replacements.

"Body" works fine as is. You could change it to "Physique" if you wanted to get fancy, but I think "Body" gets the idea across just as well.


Game Developer
May 1, 2020
Looks interesting. The only feedback I have from initial impressions is that you may want to change the names of the Main Character's stats to be less ambiguous. "Mind" sound too intellectual for a stat that you use to raise Lust; "Charisma", "Charm", "Moxie", "Wit", "Hutzpa", or even "Raw Animal Magnetism" could work as replacements.

I'm not 100% sure why the "Rhetoric" stat increases love and affection, so I'm assuming it symbolizes your ability to convey your feelings to others, not the persuasiveness of your arguments. "Empathy" or "Rapport" would work if that's the case, but if it really is about how articulate and persuasive your character is, "Smooth-Talking" or "Persuasion" would both sound less academic.

"Malice" implies evil intent and if that was what you were striving for- it works fine. However, if that wasn't your intent, "Command", "Dominance", or "Authority" would all be suitable replacements.

"Body" works fine as is. You could change it to "Physique" if you wanted to get fancy, but I think "Body" gets the idea across just as well.
Thank you for the feedback, It make's sense, I will absorb, also "Raw Animal Magnetism" hahaha, perfect.


Game Developer
May 1, 2020
Hello, Ojot here.

Today, I would like to talk about some of the progress I have made with Cursed love.

So, I read everything about the game here and on other sites, and I got some very good advice and knowledge from you guys taht I will implement in the game.

First, the Content and Exploration.

The content of the game at the moment is short; we have some introductions and hscenes already, but I know that the pace is very fast and illogical in some points, I have some ideas to make the player feel more in control.

The first major change I will make is to give the player the ability to move around and make the choices they want. I will track every major event and make sure that you will not lose any character interaction because of the choice, for example, you can leave the house and have a hscene with chara A, while in the house you would have a hscene with chara B, next day will have the same options, but if you choose chara A again, the interaction you had the other day will be counted, and you will have another one, consequentially, if you choose chara B you will have the first hscene.

You will still have different hscenes based on your status choices.

The bad part about this feature is that the development process will probably slow down considerably, the coding part is becoming very puzzling to me, yet I'm learning more and more every day.

This new way to interact will not be used in the 0.1.0 version, old interactions will remain the same, messing with old code is very dangerous for me, so I will only integrate this in the 0.1.1 forward.


Then we have the Status System.

The status system will have a little revamp, I read some coments and advices that changed the way I saw things.

The way the system worked didn't match the related character very well, so starting from 0.1.1 we will have some changes.

This change will better reflect the way you interact with the characters in the world and the route you choose.


Thank You.