QSP - Abandoned - Jack-o-Nine-Tails [v2.2.3] [Old Huntsman + Community development]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    It's definitely one of a kind, with more hardcore options in place. The potential, alongside devs' creativeness, is huge, that's why I give it 5 stars. Now, it has lots of flaws, like "invisible" slave customization, and repetitiveness (lack of events).
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    No matter what i do the game is crashing non-stop. for me and someone else i asked it to try. No matter what we do, every other interaction - crash.
    Games old like that and with so many "polish" and "fixing" shouldn't crash 10 times a minute. Can't rate this with a good score.

    I originally rated the game 1 out of 5.
    The current developers and users seem to show a lot of interest and help in problems like that and try'n fix it. This deserves some respect, given that most projects these days are a money-grabby milking-farm where nobody cares for the customer. I remember the game being kinda fun, back in the day (when i could launch it) and therefor i'll changed my rating.

    Addendum1: If i get it to work somehow, someday i may be able to give proper insight and a 'real' review.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is not for everybody, neither for it's content, nor for the time it takes to play somewhat comfortably. The first is something you can see on "genre" and the second only requires to run the game.
    That said, it's one of the best management games I've ever tried, I enjoyed learning even if it meant restarting the game over and over.

    To add something to the positive things usually said about this game -the level of detail, the huge variety of options, specializations, etc.- I want to defend that I really like the concept of Ethernal Rome: the very strange and heterogeneus mix of elements, somewhat works by leaving a lot to the interpretation/imagination of the player. It reminded of a certain book by a couple of russian brothers who might have inspired the author (I've no idea if that was the case).

    Finally, I want to congratulate the people who further developed the game and kept Ethernal Rome alive. Thanks.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    This game's content is good. It's a worthwhile try on a slaver game, although personally it can't beat my opinion of the premise of Free Cities. It has a lot of kinks that satisfies many audiences, but it's just that some kinks that seems too extreme for the faint of heart. Like for example, the cannibalism content of this game, combined with the pig that I saw slaughtered by our local witch doctors for sacrifice IRL, made me keep myself from eating pork for a week. It's that uncomfortable, but I guess everyone has different tastes. I just wish I could play the game without coming across those weird kinks unintentionally. Fortunately, it has a non-loli version, so it's cool.

    And setting aside the content that I don't like, there's some stuff that I like with this game. The girls are all attractive anime girls, and I can't believe they also even used the official art of Ryoko Otonashi from Danganronpa zero! I like how they found that rare jewel. Also that plant guy from the Carmilla house is my favorite. I'd definitely gave him that cringy vegan teacher to eat if it's possible.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    best trainer out there, immense possibilities, slaves need time to be tamed which is more realistic, and multiple gameplay(slave training, fighting, ponygirl races) with their own rewards, money management with (finally) rents and supplies to pay...
    Will really be hard the first time you play it, but when you understand the gameplay, the most enjoyable
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    A true depraved classic.

    Story ???

    Is there a story? You're a slave trainer and your goal is to move up in the world by training higher and higher quality slaves. There are people who desire certain attributes in a slave and they kind of have a backstory for why they want those attributes. But I wouldn't call that a story.

    The story of the city is... given in pieces here and there. You know the technique. People talking about daily life and you gleam how the environment is from that since your character is also in-the-know and doesn't exposition.

    Gameplay 9/10

    Train slaves. They may resist, they may rebel, they may be defiant. But you train them to do all the deeds.

    A classic slave trainer game with tons of options. From pet training to horse racing to gladiator battles.

    Be forewarned though. There is quite a high learning curve.

    Art ???

    There's very little if any original art. It's mostly pictures ripped off the internet. If you've played any slave trainer before, then you know what I'm talking about. Every action has a generic picture attached to it. But really, you don't play a slave trainer for the beautiful art.

    Overall 9/10

    Ok. I fudged the numbers. If I really rated the story, it'd be like a 2. If I really rated the art, it'd be like a 3.

    But gosh darn it, this game is fun and it's hot. What else can you ask for? Regardless of the category numbers, I'm making an executive decision that this game is a 9/10.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Very difficult but also very rewarding game that I believe all NSFW games should aspire to be. There are so many layered mechanics such as slave skill and aura that it takes quite a while to fully master.

    Because the game has been updated by both the English and foreign communities for so long, much of the content is shrouded in a bit of mystery which makes for a wonderful experience.

    Would definitely recommend to anyone willing to take on a challenging game.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    I don't get this game. I've tried at 3 different times to start the game throughout the years. And even if I cheat all stats the game is unplayable, because the slave refuses to do what I tell her to do due to one of the countless variables in the game that aren't explained properly. I WILL NOT and SHOULD NOT have to read an essay in order to be able to play a game. How tf am I supposed to raise obedience reliably? I don't care anymore. Trash game. The only people that enjoy this are some hardcore nolifers. Game Should have never been made. Absolute garbage.

    Too much clicking for too little doing.
    Too hardcore.
    Too high learning curve.
    Too many systems to micromanage.
    Energy, mood, obedience, fear, weight, money, time, hygiene, food, home tidiness, pride, slave traits, despair, spoil, devotion, habit(separate from submission), and who knows what else that I haven't learned about.
    You are punished for playing repetitively. Aka if you enjoy playing a SPECIFIC WAY that IS NOT INTENDED you will lose.

  9. 1.00 star(s)


    1. It runs
    1. Steep-ass learning curve.
    2. Art is terrible and just stolen from random anime babes.
    3. Feels like trying to solve an unsolvable puzzle, rather than training a kinky slave.
    4. Haha you lose cuz you suck at this game. That'll be 6 hours of wasted time.
    5. PP soft
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    There is definitely a very high learning curve, but once you mastered the basics, you have very well polished slave trainer game that manages your slave's psychology. The animation is limited to hentai cgs, the soundtrack is decent, and there is no real plot besides getting rich, but the gameplay is what makes this game a solid 5 stars. I've included a little guide to the basics of the game for when you start.

    1. If you're starting normally, pick your character and you'll start in the slums. First thing you want to do is buy a house in the quarter of outcasts. If you're staring a custom game, make sure to invest some points to start in a house, and then put the rest towards magic to unlock spells. You don't really need points in combat and stewardship since you're assistant can do that and combat is not really necessary in the game.

    2. After you have you're house, go to the gate/border and you'll get a free assistant Isabella. After that, you can buy your first slave from the slave market and sell them to customers that live in residences or in auctions, or you can take slave contracts from the guild. Important to note that selling your own slaves raises your own brand, but completing contracts raises the guild rank. I would recommend doing guild contracts until you can take B contracts, but that's up to you. When completing a contract, I found that I rank up faster if I submit higher quality slaves rather than focus on speed, but that may not actually be in the code.

    3. When choosing a slave or contract, make a save state and roll for a slave with high endurance and low pride. This makes training go by ten times faster. Also make sure the beauty matches whatever rank you're trying to get her to.

    4. When you get your slave, go to the market and buy her clothes to boost her skills. The shirt depends on what job you want, but I always get the boots for a boost in sexual skill training (the soft slippers are also good for increasing mood). Also buy her a collar in the shop in the necropolis, or there's also a more expensive collar in the jewelry store. Also remember to check her medical condition in the serpentine quarter to make sure she doesn't have disease or is pregnant.

    5. When you train your slave, make sure to explain her position for the first three days. You also need to assign her 3 rules to avoid spoiling her (the easiest ones are cooking, no masturbation, no orgasm). After she is more obedient, you can change the rules, but always keep at least 3. Also some rules decrease stats like temperament and nature, so make sure to read the wiki for the effects. For the first few days, give her easy tasks like gymnastics and reward her to increase her mood. Then you can move on to giving her lessons and eventually sexual lessons. When rewarding your slave, make sure the reward matches what she has done right (indicated by the number next to the gift). If she only has "1", then only pick first option rewards, so sparingly approve, gift flowers, stroll on the roof, etc. If she has "5" you can reward her anything. Two important rewards are hot spring (lvl 3 reward) that doesnt take any energy and sexual massage (lvl2 reward) that gives the girl back one energy.

    6. If you have spells, you can increase the speed of your training. The three most important ones are magna magnifika to increase your aura so your slave obeys your faster, sententia veritas to increase merit and guilt so you can give larger rewards without spoil, and auspex to see if your slave has depression, angst, spoil. Theres also a high level spell to give your slave a magical brand that tracks her if she runs away. Some guides tell you to use the fear spell, but I find that I have a more successful time training a girl through rewards than fear. Be careful with fear, since if a girl is depressed, the rate of training goes soooooo slow.

    7. When you are ready to sell your slave, make sure to take her to the medical center and check if she got new disease or else your rank will decrease and you'll lose hours of progress. Then if she's a guild contract, you can turn her in. If you want to sell her to a client or an auction, take her to the beauty salon and give her a full routine. Then give her clothes until her style and exoticism is green (S+). For exoticism to become green, you will also need to pierce her (including scar and tongue) and give her the large tattoo which would take multiple days. The clothes that also increase it are the dancer outfit, mage robes, and the green wig and one of the rings (might have missed a few).

    Good luck and have fun!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    As other reviews have stated, Jack-o-nine-tails has a pretty high initial learning curve. Otherwise, the game is absolutely fantastic. In my opinion, it's only surpassed by Free Cities in the slave... slaving... slave trainer.... genre.

    All the slave training mechanics are very well done, they fit together well. However, figuring out how and why they fit together, takes some time. Overall, a few reviews do a good job of listing pros and cons, so instead I'll do good beginner tips for current version (2.2), since some of the tips in the thread don't seem to really work all that well anymore. Note that these tips are for starting out, though they more or less work for the entire game.

    - Custom start character:

    1) Try to drop most of your spec points into your main stats (strength, allure, leadership, etc.). Isabella can cook/clean, so I'd avoid substats like steward. Combat as a slaveowner also a little iffy, and it isn't fun. One of the potential ways to build up starting funds is save scum fog battles, but again--- not fun. So don't pump too many of your points into combat, either. Surgeon and Magic are super good things to boost. Magic opens up soooo many alternative ways to deal with slaves.

    2) You must join a faction, just do Camilla House, they just cost 5pts. You do not want to be living in the abandoned shack you end up in if you don't pick a faction.

    - First move once you start, travel to the city gates and recruit Isabella. She has great stats, traits, everything. She's gonna be your assistant for potentially the entire game. She's also going to be doing the vast majority of cooking/cleaning/accounting for you.

    - Buy your slaves at the slave auctions, the most important stat is the one that's second from the top, Endurance. This needs to be as high as possible. Feeble/Weakened slaves are a pain to deal with. Other starts are more or less whatever, but don't buy ugly chicks-- they're too difficult to rank up, Plain or above. Also, save scum before auction and after. Sometimes the merchandise has issues you only see after purchase.

    - Sell slaves to the nobles in each district. Focus on the ones that want D+/- ranks in a specialization. In your objectives tab, it lists specs and what you need for them. Easiest ones to do are Assistant, Witch Doctor, and Maid--- avoid Concubine. Ponygirl isn't bad too, but maybe wait to do those until you have better stats and more initial ways to break a slave.

    - Second/alternative way to make money early game, is to accept the Slaver's Guild contracts. Save before checking what the mission is. If it's not one of the previously mentioned easier specs, reload.

    Rest you'll learn as you play, and visit the wiki. But the above will keep you from running out of funds early game.

    Don't bother with tutorial, they're harder than the base game.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Very entertaining after an initial difficulty wall. Getting started is the hard part, if you persist you will get one of the best management games on this site. Would like to be able to train multiple slaves at once in endgame but its a great game.
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 300949

    A pretty fantastic slave breaking experience, bit of a learning curve. I got about 20 hours into it and just got to the point where I could train disobedient slaves to high quality efficiently, but still have no idea how battles or racing really work, and it seems like there's a huge amount of late-game content that I haven't yet gotten near.

    I'll start with some advice for new players who might be interested, that I learned through trial and error. First, unlike other slave games, your PC is super important - his stats determine the effectiveness of his training. So if stuff isn't working, it could be because your PC's skill in that area is too low. Also, obedience is primarily affected by some combination of mood, fear, and previous obedience/rebellion. Every action that is obeyed, therefore, increases future obedience - and every action that is disobeyed causes rebellion which must be overcome with increasing fear. However, increasing fear usually also decreases mood, and ending the day with low mood can cause despair (depression) which will lower the mood at the start of the day and is harder to get rid of. Therefore at the start you want to increase mood and fear, and then get the slave used to doing basic obedience with easy tasks like gymnastics or tidying, before moving on to other trainings and sex.

    Ok, but how do you increase mood at the start without also causing "spoiling"? Well, there are actions that increase mood but have nothing to do with spoiling - in fact spoiling only is related to not having enough rules, giving too many privileges (like sleeping in your bed before a certain devotion threshold), or giving too generous of rewards for meritous slave behavior. Therefore encouragement, taking your slave to the spa for the $3 spa treatment, giving them drugs/alcohol and letting your slave clean herself are actions that you'll probably have to repeat early in the game to keep your slave's mood up, to get your slave to obey, before your slave starts excelling at things, upon which you can give rewards that improve mood instead.

    Other than that, giving your slave a sundress and shoes will improve mood, and paying attention to the slave's uniform when doing specific trainings (Frilly Apron for cooking etc) are helpful for ensuring good performance that you can then reward.

    I'm guessing there's also a way to play as a really brutal slave trainer that uses a lot of torture and fear, but I haven't explored that so far.

    Last advice: feel free to be picky about the slave you end up training - some combinations of stats just aren't worth the trouble. Haughty and Feeble are particularly bothersome, I avoided trying to train them.

    As for the review, the portrayal of the slave's internal psychology is fantastic. Once you get the hang of it, the right decisions to quickly and efficiently break a disobedient slave are slightly different every time.

    The sex scenes are well written and the image quality is decent, although there is usually not as much specificity to the images in the training scenes and the characters - in SlaveMaker3, when you trained Belldandy, all the training images were distinctively Belldandy. In JoNT, more often, generic images or images that only match the hair color of the slave are used.

    Finally, if I were to give advice to modders / developers, I'd ask for a content selection mod - scat, watersports, gaping, bestiality, cannibalism etc not only all feature in this game, they are often unavoidable in the course of training. For me these are huge turn-offs and I'd love it if we could control the content to avoid these things.

    Second, some more "unique" slaves would be nice - kind of like girl packs used in Brothel King, or the named slaves in Strive4Power, or the majority of the slaves in SlaveMaker3. Let people make post custom-made characters, with images, unique dialog, maybe give them quests and stuff.

    Lastly, I wish there were more ways to have sex with slaves outside of Active Sex and the three generic "relaxed" and "rape" options (vaginal, anal, and blowjob). I'd love a "relaxed titfuck", a "relaxed doggystyle", "relaxed bondage fuck" etc.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game, very few training games come close, If you liked those old slave maker games you will probably like this, unlike other management/trainer games you will almost always be training 1 girl unlike other games where you basically have a small village with you but what it lacks in those aspects makes it up with an amazing and realistic training simulation, where other games make turning someone into an obedient slave look so easy JoNT is much more close to how it would actually go, not to say it doesnt get easier but each girl you train feels a lot more of an accomplishment.

    The games have its downsides of course, It takes quite a bit of reading and practice to get into the game, not only that you might not like the fact you are forced to only train 1 girl for the most part, theres a few more gripes i have but they can be looked over for the most part.

    Would suggest you give it a try.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best slave management games of all time!
    I've loved this game for a long time and with this update I thought I'd give it a review.

    This world is brutal, in both lore and game play. I have never played Dark Souls but playing Johny on hard would be the equivalent.

    As for the world well Eternal Rome is basically Ankh Morpork the gritty porn version, remember the monsters in this world are law abiding citizens just like everyone else.

    An important thing to remember is this game is a huge time sink and if you're anything like me hours will just disappear into it every time you open it up.

    And finally this is not a quick game nor is it meant to be, spend a few hours inside before judging it too harshly.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    My type of game, thanks for creating such a wonderful game. Really appreciate it! The system inside is quite good, the spell to see slave's stats was quite confusing at first but not a big problem. I've only started playing for less than 3 days and i wish i could have more time to enjoy this game
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the best slave management game of this website. A big chunk of the gameplay managing to convince a slave to renounce her free will and obey you. It can be done using fear, using magic, using torture, seduction or positive reinforcement. Making every slave a bit different than the last in how you can approach her training.

    One aspect I particularly like is how there are stats to improve for the MC, making it an RPG. There are a lot of things to do outside of the main game, like fighting in an arena or against monsters. It makes the need to buy weapons, learn special techniques, etc.

    But what makes the game totally stick out from the rest is the art. The musics are simply mind blowing from the get-go, they always fit the mood and I can already see myself end up being nostalgic of this game because of them. The sexual pictures have show different slaves than your actual slave, but it's close enough to pass as a solid illustration (same body type, same skin color, same hair length). + they are in good quantity and quality (I checked, there are about 3000 sex scenes, all of them being good ol' drawn hentai, and without censoring!).

    Not only that, but the developers seem really nice. I gave a little check, and they give a like reaction to almost every post on the thread and then answer to them. It's reassuring that feedback is acknowledged (at least it seems, since all the bugs listed in previous reviews have visibly disappeared from the game). The game is sure to have a bright future!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I played this game a lot! And I mean A LOT. Didn´t know it was still in progress, im so happy right now.

    This is a good porn game and a better simulator game. It depict violence, rape, torture... so be ready or ignoreit if you can´t stand that. It´s a slave trainer game in a really dark fantasy world.

    But it´s really fun! you raise stats of your girl, sell, buy, fight(combat is a bit meh), you climb the social ladder(from nothing to nobility), use magic...

    if you like simulator games, give it a chance, because it´s the best slave trainer game. But it´s not an easy game to learn so be patient!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This is an awesome slave training game.

    There is a ton of depth, and lots of ways to achieve your goals. There are a huge variety of activities, and repeated slave training isn't boring because you can concentrate on different kinks and approaches. LOTS of fetishes are addressed. The UI is pretty intuitive, and the gameplay is very erotic... plenty of high quality art is included, making it more immersive than a lot of text only games.

    Practically speaking, there is no better slave training outside of real life.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    Before you play this game read the tags first so you'll know what you're getting into. If you don't know what tags are they are little words on top of every page of the discussion tab of this thread like "loli" and "horror."

    This is a simulation game like The Sims. You play a slavemaster who makes his living training female slaves in mostly sex skills but also some skills that are more mundane like housecleaning and cooking. Gameplay in a nutshell goes like so: You start a day, you make your slave do something and you get yourself a random picture with some caption. The challenge is for you to make enough money training and selling slaves before you go broke which gives you a gameover. This is considered a difficult game by some while others consider this version too easy. (This game has several versions modded by different authors over many years.)

    Playing the game to view a random picture is somewhat similar to the randomizing mechanic of what are called gacha games. This should be a nice experience in this case if not for several flaws:
    1. Nonstop clicking. For most actions the interface requires several mouse clicks to get the game to give you a picture. There are shortcuts for some actions like rewards and punishment but overwhelmingly you require at least 4 mouse clicks to generate a single random picture. (You don't quadruple click on a single point; you click on four different points with some distance from each other.) If you are playing this game for the pictures or you are rushing to train your slave in particular skills this can become very tiring very quickly.
    2. Random pictures. This game doesn't use original pictures. Instead it uses ripped assets from hundreds of different sources like Japanese eroge games and Patreon artists. Some of the pictures are very high quality. The rest range from okay, to so-so, to downright ugly. The result is that whenever you play for the random pictures, you will find yourself in an immersion-breaking experience: the girl you are training is replaced with the picture of a completely different girl. Let's call this last picture A. This experience gets much worse when you train a different girl with the same hair color and age range as a girl you previously trained. Once you play for random pictures with this new girl, you'll again find yourself looking at picture A. The immersion-breaking is made worse by the inconsistent quality of the pictures because they were ripped from so many different artists.

    This game has music too. Like the pictures, they are rips from different sources, without underlying themes. You'll get the same all over the place experience you get with the pictures.

    As for plot, there isn't any that you'd call a plot. The immersion in the game leaves much to be desired. The gameplay not infrequently puts holes in the immersion within what may be called a "plot."
    1. Take the rewards system. When you train a slave in a skill and she does well (or not), you can reward (or punish) her. One type of reward is giving your slave food, like letting her eat your leftovers or taking her to a restaurant. This being a horror game, can you guess what they eat here? If you are into immersion, knowing what they eat here, it's crazy the slave would consider food a "reward." Here's another. This game used to allow you to reward each girl with clothing. Now this has been removed: all clothing need only be bought once and can now be used over and over. So a fat overweight slave will have to wear the same clothing as a sexy one. Immersion-wise, this is crazy.
    2. As previously mentioned the random pictures are immersion-breaking. This also applies to the captions. The captions are made for the acts themselves, not any particular picture (there are exceptions). So most captions are made independent of the pictures. So you'll find yourself with different pictures with the same caption. Or if there's something noteworthy about the picture the caption won't mention it at all. Consider this another immersion-breaker.

    As for going through the motions of this game, the average player will need to do a lot of reading. A lot. The reason this game is considered hard is not because it's hard by itself. It is because so many aspects of the game are either not explained clearly or not explained at all. Example: Newbie players will frequently find their slave getting the "broken" psy status. What this means is you can no longer train that slave in anything. You have to get rid of her one way or another. If you've just successfully trained a similar slave previously and you're surprised why this is happening, you've just been hit by the hidden mechanics of this game. You can eliminate this problem by using cheats, which gives a different set of problems.

    There is a combat system of sorts, a rudimentary rock-paper-scissors kind of combat system. Once you get the hang of it it's freaking easy: the AI is pretty dumb. Except for adding of all kinds of cheats like actual cheats and buffing equipment in some way the combat system of this game hardly changed at all since its earliest days. Which is to say an RPGMaker game provides a better combat experience.

    This game when viewed in isolation may be a good game. Possibly even a great one. But it has several serious flaws. Immersion is broken in so many different aspects of the game. Gameplay is hard not because it's hard but because of hidden or poorly explained mechanics. Lastly combat is really boring.