// Janitor of Love v0.1 Save Decoder/Encoder
// This function both decodes, and re-encodes, save data for Janitor of Love v0.1.
// Run in javascript console. (open a new browser tab, open dev tools, paste this shit in)
// To decode:
// 1. open 'AppData/LocalLow/Umbra/Janitor of Love/Janitor.love' in notepad, copy the wall of chinese
// 2. type processSaveText('䅫䅋䄒䅹') in console (replacing 䅫䅋䄒䅹 with your wall of chinese)
// 3. decoded text is all your saves in json. edit as desired, it's in spanish but pretty straightforward.
// to re-encode:
// 1. do the same function again, but put the json between the quotes instead: processSaveText('[{"Id":"98a0...')
// 2. paste the new chinese that it spits out back into notepad and save your Janitor.love
function processSaveText(input_save){
let processed_save = ""
for(let i = 0; i < input_save.length; i++){
processed_save += String.fromCharCode(input_save.charCodeAt(i) ^ 11223344)