Ren'Py - Jen's Dilemma [Ch. 3 v4.0] [SerialNumberComics]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Terribly coded. The Dev has literally no idea how to code flags, so the story is all over the place.

    Also, what you have to do is very hidden and the ingame guide is a joke.

    Most things don't have animations.

    Bottom line is, this game is terrible to play.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    The developer is specifically crooked. Some of the scenes with the sister are activated by triggers - some by stats. As a result, you can’t kiss somewhere - somewhere you fuck in all the holes. Somewhere, the sister sees GG's c... and is embarrassed - somewhere she gives it in the ass and sucks. And all this happens at the same time and the head is spinning from this.
    Mother seems to work only on triggers - everything is clearer with her.
    Oh yes, fire hints - it’s not at all clear what to do.
    Of the pluses - quite a sane plot and normal graphics. Well, the interaction of the characters with each other. I was especially surprised that when mam catches with his sister - and game over.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    The grind is a nightmare in Jen's Dilemma. Far too many scenes are repeated in the game, it's a real kill joy and spoils the player's experience.

    Don't make the same mistake I did: don't waste many hours on this game, it's not worth it. Give it a try, then download the gallery mod. It's a shame, because the girls are sexy. This game is ruined by the excessive grind.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    So I'll start this out with pretty much everyone's criticism of the grind and confusion of what to actually do easily would make this game a 1 star, the only reason I give it 3 stars is because I personally don't mind a bit of grind since it adds to the build up and the reward for me, thus not a big knock in my book.

    It is very hard to understand what you are suppose to be doing at any one time but with enough stumbling it's possible to figure out. Hopefully the Dev makes it more clear or irons out the game play a bit so its not as frustrating.

    The other reason I give it a higher rating then 1 star is because I personally like the Nadia model a lot and I enjoy seeing characters in more then one outfit and this game delivers on that with a character model that works for me.

    So I would only recommend this if you don't mind some grind and you like the character models. If you do its bearable, hopefully the Dev fixes some of the issues and I think more people would enjoy it, but they are justified in their 1 star ratings as of writing this.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    this game is just unplayable, grind is one thing but this is just stupid same. The ingame walkthrough is useless, you'll keep on running in circles, I just can't understand how the experienced dev created this hot mess
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    What a hot mess, I even tried with cheats and put hundreds of stats in everything, this game is just so confusing to play, I played for 2 hours this time, constantly clicking everywhere hoping for the best because it takes 2 minutes to find the quest log and then it's useless.
    I don't even know how to leave the house since the map button is grayed out. I know I might be missing something but I've played hundreds of renpy games and none of them got me THIS stuck.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    What a mess. I figured I'd give it a shot despite the bad rating it had and oh boy was that a bad idea. Everything everyone has ever said about this game is true, the stars don't lie!

    It's not just that it's a grind, if that was the only issue that would be fine. The points don't matter at all, they only serve to fuck you the player. Stats degrade over time and having too many points or too few locks you out of various scenes.

    I can't in good faith recommend this to anyone unless it gets a serious overhaul or a benevolent walkthrough mod maker decides to unravel whatever this is.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    I don't like hitting a dead cat, and there's not much to talk about either, practically every flaw in the game and the developer has been said over and over again.
    I see some 5 star ratings and wonder if they were bought as it totally goes against most of the ratings and comments on the thread.
    History: Same thing as other games, that is, it does not exist. Just one hell of a grind, just so it can be called a game.
    Graphics: A total mess, some good, some terrible (those are more and more present).
    Gameplay: Think of bad gameplay, and now multiply it by 10 (to be generous).
    Fun: Doesn't exist, just frustration.
    It's not even worth dwelling on too much, the game sucks in every way.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    wonder why the dev keeps doing extreme sandbox games which cannot be played without a walkthrough which is too hard, this game corruption is good if they didn't make it too long to get the scenes this makes the game not worth playing.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I can only wonder about the low ratings given to this gem of a game...

    Maybe people don`t enjoy this kind of "puzzle" game, where you actually have to think a bit before progressing and "try and error" to progress further.

    Speaking for myself this kind of game is a very rare gem in my eyes. I love slow progress, with lots of corruption steps and a huge buildup.

    This game is not fast food, no for me it ages well over time, and I always find myself coming back to the wonderful art and style of it.

  11. 1.00 star(s)


    Absolutely horrible grindfest. Stay away, unless you have nothing else to do for a week or two. Makes me wonder what kind of person dev is to make a game this grindy. Only reason I tried it was because I liked the theme and renders looked decent.
    Not recommended at all.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”

    Dev just keeps making the same exact game over and over lmao. This dude must live in his own world. If this guy would just listen to some feedback and make his games enjoyable he would probably have 2k patrons. Multiple games with millions of views and 200 patrons. Something's not adding up here pal.

    Game is atrocious, it's literally foot of the mountain repackaged. Absolute dogshit game lmao.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    Grinds are ok if there is a path - not so here. You have no idea what to do to progress - the help is useless. Really wanted to like this, nice grahics, stats and open play / sandbox which I like. However, as it is the game is just too awful and frustrating. If there was some good basic in game hints I would come back to it, but as it is please do not waste your time.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    Don't normally leave reviews, but this is....shockingly bad...normally like Ren'Py games like this (mc gets all the girls) and also like sandbox games but this one is just a grind fest.
    The mc is a loser, the renders are not very good, there is too much unnecessary grind, and nothing seems to differentiate from the last game, last time I was a supporter for FOTM but this seems like he rehashed the models, gameplay mechanics and most of the (poorly written) story to keep getting paid for minimal work.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    GRINDTASTIC! You spend most of your time grinding for something that gives little return. Expect to spend DAYS in game grinding for one night of "fun" (if you can call it that). At last look, the walkthrough was lacking in any real detail, just a follow me grind. About the only thing you can do without much grind is spying (peeking).
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    My first Review,

    Gameversion is the newest 0.19V.

    After creating more than 4 Games, the Dev didnt learn anything new about Gameplay and Renders. You can see he is just reusing the Models, and the "Story" is mostly not there.

    Normally i really like Grindy Games, but this Game has the Chance to softlock you with certain Characters if you progress too fast and lose the Option to get Relationpoints with the Landlady/Mom. E.g (Footrub)
    Sadly at some Point you are just holding the Skip Button because you need a certain Day or Time to progress in a certain Point which with bad luck is blocked because the Points decrease over Time, in my opinion, unfair Ratio.

    So its really annoying that you have to Mod the Files or Edit the Savegame just to get the Chance, to see the next "Step" from the Scene.

    Good thing about this Game, are the above average Renders/Animations.
    But thats it.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    The game has a great potential, but just like previous games made by the developer, the way you're supposed to progress the story is horrible.
    You need to grind stats to unlock new scenes and the hints are so hard to reach and ambiguous in their explanations.

    If the grind was removed and a competent hint/walkthrough menu was created, my rating would instantly jump to 4 stars.
  18. 1.00 star(s)

    El Indio

    I decided to Quit on it.
    Try it with cheat with mod with some comments here and no1 seems to provide any guide or walkthrough.

    Game is pain in the ass .

    U need billion relation points to trigger just one shitty scene meanwhile to earn those u grind over and over like moron , same fucking time same scenes same routine or places - a simple '' DEFINITION OF INSANITY '' !!

    NONE DEVELOPER and I will repeat NONE DEV EVER SHOULD USE THIS WAY FOR GAME PLAY, inside of their games , because this is fucking porn game not an grinding FEST to nowhere. Me personally I dont have time to waste on grind some of us have job to do too. I dont like too much fast pace games but this is bullshit too slow too much grind too many repetitive scenes THAT U MUST DO TO PROGRESS FURTHER !! It just isnt worth it.

    I really liked models and graphic but it is useless because models and story are easily 4 or even 5 stars but gameplay killed overall rating to fucking ZERO.

    2 STARS is best Ive got or I can but, naaah... Ignore 4Life
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    Review for Jen's Dilemma v18:

    Summary: At this time, the game has an overall rating of 1.8. That's generous. You've seen all of those teaser preview images in the OP? Well, you're not going to see them for a long time and when (or if) you finally do, you're going to be too pissed off to enjoy them. Save yourself a lot of time and frustration and avoid this garbage game.

    Story: 2/5 - Kind of a below-average incest story.

    Originality: 2/5 - Not really anything new here, except maybe one of the lamest premises to a story you've ever seen.

    Renders: 4/5 - The renders are good and the models are good.

    Gameplay: 0/5 - This is one of the worst sandboxes I've ever played. It's tedious, non-intuitive and buggy. Examples:
    • Using the phone to access the quest log. You have to go to the "internet" and then when you're done, you can only click "return" and it closes the phone, so if you want to check on other quests, you open the phone, the internet, and the quest... again.
    • The UI shows which characters are in which rooms, but frequently, when you go to those rooms, they're empty.
    • The phone is frequently not available.
    • Using the phone from anywhere always takes the MC back to his room. WTF?
    • The game doesn't always tell you when you gain or lose relationship points, and sometimes, you gain or lose them for no apparent reason. [Edit: it appears as though relationship points decay with time, which of course, adds more grind, but I think there's more to it.]
    On top of being tedious and buggy, the gameplay is a frustrating whack-a-mole experience. It's grindy as hell and mostly without any feedback to the player. You grind for a week or two of in-game time and then get one render or one line of dialogue that's different, then it's back to grinding with the same old renders and dialogue for another week or two. It's not fun. It's a boring snooze-fest. There are enough games like this out there that developers seem to feel that players like them, and I guess the dev's 200 or so patrons prove it, but just look at the review ratings and comments. There's real evidence that very few players actually like this type of gameplay. I want entertainment and this game is just a mindless time-waster. I have to applaud the dev for his conviction, though. He's obviously not doing it for the money.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    The in game walkthrough is outright wrong most of the time, or so vague that it is completely unhelpful. On other games, that might not be a problem. But on this one, you have to grind for hours doing the same things over and over until finally something changes. It isn't ever clear what part of the routine caused the change though, so you can't skip any part of the routine. And god help you if you accidentally left out or did something wrong in that grind, because you could go for hours accomplishing NOTHING and not even realize it.

    An example of an entry in the in game WT that is completely unhelpful is this one that says "Visit the hall @ 18:00, have the talk with Elaine about renting your room." First off, there is no hall. The only rooms are the living room, Jenny's room, Nadia's room, the MC's room, and the bathroom. I have tried all of them at 18:00, and nothing happens. I have even tried going to the world map at 18:00 and still nothing. So maybe I have to go to one of these on a certain day of the week? I have no clue. I don't even know if I have met the prerequisites to trigger this event. Maybe I have to do it in a certain room on a certain day 5 times (this game will do shit like that.) And even then, maybe some stat is not high enough to have started the chain needed to trigger the event, so I'll need to get one of the stats (which one is a mystery, so it is more likely all of them) higher and then do all of that over again.

    I have never seen a game as poorly explained as this one. My advice is to just not play it. If you are about to play it for the first time, just keep in mind that you will probably get a few hours in, get super lost, and come here for answers. You will not find the answers that you are looking for. All you will find is that you have wasted hours of your time.