Ren'Py - Jen's Dilemma [Ch. 3 v5.0 Public] [SerialNumberComics]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Like Foot of the Mountains it is horrible from the mediocre graphics and history but that is the beginning we have the same gameplay as Foot of the Mountains so basically it is grindy an atrocity I do not know what you intend to achieve with such a mediocre job accomplished.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    I guess 2 stars is all I can give atm. Just like the first game from the Dev, you are clicking your way through repeating scenes, with no idea what the hell you are supposed to do, next. the in-game tips are sparse and mostly useless, and so far nobody has figured a way to write a condensed walkthrough/guide.

    It seems that game is looking for a set of variables to be reached for each new scene to initiate and if you are somehow missing one then you can replay the game until eternity without progressing.

    The story itself is not original, you are the typical beta-male with a comically large dick trying to corrupt your NOTfamily. Thankfully, the Dev this time skipped the over-story which he under-developed so poorly last time it was painful.

    The reason I do give the game some stars is that the scenes are mostly nice, and some renders are incredibly beautiful. I also like that the fan favorite character from the last game, Melinda, gets a role in this game too, and I am looking forward to this part.

    Conclusion: play only if you have a lot of time to burn and you can tolerate not knowing what even to do, next..
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Wowie it's been a minute since I've reviewed a game. This one finally made it to "Month 7 of taking peoples money" so here goes...

    Do you like repeating the same task over and over and not knowing if it's benefitting you in the slightest? Or what about moving from one room to another and it taking an hour of in game time away from you? Maybe you like being a completely useless character and being told you're the main character.. Either way if you like any of that, this is the game for you. The last game by this guy he gave up on right as it was about to actually have anything interesting happen. And all that to go to this, an even more dumbed down version of the same game. This game was started way after the IC crackdown at patreon but all the variables are mom and sister related so, you know... Smooth. But still grind away at your love/corruption cookie clicking tasks all to amount to I dont know. My mind glazed over for an hour or two and nothing happened. If end game is good I doubt I'll really know.

    The renders are practically all just ambient lighting with nothing amazing and the most expressive I've seen someone is your character literally chucks a carton of milk at NOTmoms head and she has milk in one eye and is angry in the other. If anyone is out there about to start making a game, use this as what not to do. If you need grinding in your game at least get some sort of incremental payoff. Because this is just boredom with extra steps...
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a fantastic game, especially the new update Jens Dilemma -7.0 has a perfect difficulty level. It's very enjoyable to play, it's now very easy to earn money because MC can now work every day at Daniel's, so no one will have problems to get enough money to buy everything. The new update Jens Dilemma - 8.0, is very hot, I think everyone would love it. Just like before, it's all easy to unlock. Personally, I would have liked it to not be so easy.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    The renders are average. The plot is bear boned and is hidden by a terrible and repetitive excuse of a free roam mode, which makes the entire experience an unfulfilling grindfest. Add to that a lack of a soundtrack and of likeable characters and you have a recipe for a frustrating gaming experience.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    So is why some people dislike sandbox games? I only played a few including this one and boy does it feel like a chore. Upon searching about this Dev I found shockingly all of his games are like this. Here's what I found wrong or didn't like:

    * The gameplay is really tasking and I'm not a fan of doing the same thing over and over again that's insane.

    *I don't like the main character at all he seems like a giant dweeb. I got the hint that he's some kind of a smart pants whiz, but he acts like a moron.

    *The characters are so-so. The Mom or whoever she is seems to act like bitchy all the time, the Sister or whoever she's supposed to be acts like she doesn't wanna be bothered with the main character also.

    *There seems to be vouyer stuff I don't know if the dweeb gets any action himself, probably not but he sure likes to watch.

    *The Renders are so--so as well, not bad or anything but I'm not impressed either. They're mediocre compared to what I've seen.

    *Not much of a interesting story either.

    This game was very bland to me not to mention the patience one must obtain to constantly click on things over and over again for minimum reward. I wouldn't recommend this at all.
  7. 1.00 star(s)

    Spirit Detective

    1/5 stars Story

    1/5 stars Gameplay

    2/5 Renders

    More of the same thing from this Dev, there's no growth and development in his games whatsoever. Just passable content.

    Mediocre models, he's even using some from his last project but in a different role. He's also obsessed with sandbox games which are almost always bad. I give up.