Painfully disappointing is the best way I can sum this up.
- The art is there
- The scenarios are there
- The family dynamic is there
- The conflict is there
- Personality is barebones but workable
- The kinky situations slowly gorw into something extraordinarily hot
- The models are awesome
There's a lot in place. It's like a chessboard that's already set up for victory. You've already won, but you still have to do the moves because your oponent doesn't even know he has already lost.
But instead of simply proceeding to win the game, you instead take a cyanide pill, pull down your pants, moon the judge and piss all over the chessboard.
The game is PAINFULLY repetitive and grindy. Progression is horendously bad. The code is disgustingly bad. Unmaintainable junk.
To give you an idea of how bad the grind is. You have a hidden stat of "exercise" that periodically drops. You don't know where you're at. You get ONE POINT by exercising and there's a check for A FUCKING HUNDRED POINTS. There's no gameplay related to this. It triggers no scens. You just have to click on the button several hundred times (because it periodically drops).
Same with sis domination. You have 2, maybe 3 events a day. They reward a single point. You need 20 at the minimum and even 100 at some point.
If all of that weren't bad enough, the game is lazy. The ui is full on 100% amateur hour. Coulnd't even be bothered to resize the navigation images.
IF THAT WEREN'T ENOUGH, the game has no narative glue. There is nothing linking these events. It's a cliff notes depiction of what's happening. All the meaningful character building dialog is skipped. Had it been skipped for incestuous 12-somes, I would be completely okay with that. But no. It's skipped out of pure lazyness and not caring.
At some point there's a "subplot", I use that term in almost a parody of what's going on. WHERE NO ONE ASKS YOU TO BUILD A SITE. You just decide to. Because the text where you were asked to, or thought this was a good idea ... is kinda missing.
Pointless meandering about. Like a headless chicken. Because there is almost no feedback on what's happeing and where you are. You just click and click and click, hoping to trigger events. But you'll get stuck because some events have conditions like: "buff over 100, and mom likes you over 200, and mom bj > 2 and day 7 and full moon and flip a cpoin - and if all ture then scene" - more or less.
This game, made by someone else, could be a masterpiece. Instead we have wasted art.