VN - Ren'Py - Jessica O'Neil's Hard News [v0.65 BETA] [stoperArt]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Stoper has created a beautiful, charismatic and interesting character. The renders are amazing, and Jessica's personality makes this game engaging. I hope there will be slow but gradual development as Jessica embarks on many sexual adventures.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Edit: Since I originally made this review, the have only been a handful of updates. It's disappointing to see the lack of progress. Regardless, it is still a good game but it's disheartening getting maybe 30 minutes of content at best in almost a year.


    Honestly, no complaints. It is a well put together game, way better than most ones I have played on this site. The quality is good all around. The dialogue for the most part felt natural, there felt like a lot of content thus far, and the only thing I want is more.

    I think there is a severe lack of realistic fem protagonist games where you can choose to go down a corruption route or stay relatively innocent. This game does a fantastic job filling this niche.

    The girls are so sexy and there is a diverse set of them. You can choose to pursue whoever you want and this amount of customization you can do each plaything is really fantastic.

    Looking forward to seeing where this game goes; definitely worth a try.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    excellent art of the game, very careful every detail ... we hope later you can devote yourself completely to the game so that it is updated more constantly, when that solution will be a great game ... but for now it is one of the best, each scene makes sense and they don't spoil it with so much meaningless sex ....
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I think this is a great game. Curious were The plot will end up. So far i like The way you arena able to choose You're own way. Good graphic. Can't wait for the next update. Good to be able to choose all lesbian road.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, that give us phenomenal art work with the models, the storie plto its not the best, but its good enough to make the game fun and entretaining plus I really like games with female protagonist so, its just great for me, love the lesbian path and Im really hopethat in the next updates I can continues that path with jessica, really one of my fav game right now
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Jessica Oneil's Hard News, the game that wanted.

    Plotline: 3/5, the story follows your average corruption cliché expected from a female protagonist, rather than, for instance, one wherein the protagonist uses seduction and her looks to grow powerful on the social ladder

    Visuals: 4/5, the models look good and original, and the post-processing is good in most scenes

    Sex scenes: 1/5, it's lacking severely in exchange for an unnecessarily elaborate plot, especially what I mentioned before;

    Choices: 2/5, they really don't bring much impact to the game, more of a "do you want to watch this scene? Yes or no" thing, but most games around are like that.

    Consensus: I think what happened here was that Stoper created a bond with the character Jessica, adopting her as his, pardon the lingo, "waifu". Thus, he won't allow his sweet character to go down paths that are too deviant, especially if that involves adding other men to her venality.

    You feel that in the game, you sense the potential for the scenes but they never come, and you're left in a vacant, expectant loop for something to happen - which never does. Cue to Homer Simpson's "Boring!".
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This game it has a great story, excellent renders, and great animations. There are very few sex scenes, but sexy has hell. Loved the fact that it's a female protagonist. Overall the game is excellent. Play it and you won't be disappointed.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    for this game my rating from 1 to 10 is 7/10 and my reaction is just for the story lane and the art

    for story line: i think this game is just fine with story line like lesbian and also little bit NTR when i play but yeah dont like ntr so i didnt play ntr scene much my rating is 6/10

    for the art: this game is so awesome with that art 3dcg i like the MC she is very hot and also another characther like blake and laura she is prettty hot too , my rating is 9/10
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    really great story telling, world, characters, and amazing quality.
    but why 3 stars you might ask.
    well the girl is pretty but could be everywhere a but curvier in my opinion.
    she should be in her mid twenties but with make up she looks like in her mid/late 30's. thas why i prefer her without (or nearly no) make up.
    after one year still only sex scenes with her boyfriend. :/

    and after one year only having many opportunities to fuck her boyfriend and no one of the older guys is the other star and the reason the current state - quality aside - gets only 3 stars from me.

    + story
    + characters and interests
    + quality!!!
    + nice fetish
    + female mc!! (normally a must have for me)
    + smooth animations

    - nearly no sex
    - (the current sex feels forced)
    - too much teasing
    - too much lesbian stuff
    This game has much potential but imho doesn’t use it to its full amount.

    But still quality work +1
  10. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 881965

  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    + We have good looking renders and animations. Animations are have good physics and their FPS value is decent aswell.
    + Choices mather and changes story and thats immersive thing to have.

    Bad Points
    - Some scenes looks little bit bad. Jessica face while bathroom scene happens is good example for this and there is a lot of other scene like this one aswell.
    - Day 6 is little was boring and disappointed.
    - Game story is pretty empty and boring if you are loyal to your boyfriend. There is couple reasons for this but most important one Jessica's boyfriend being boring ASF i gues... I dont think he is suited to be main character and main protagonist boyfriend at all or maybe he is boring because of leading player being unfaitfull? Dont know, still bad point tho.
    - Updates takes to much time and adds pretty little amount of content.
    - Game needs more lewd content with better peacing instead of being slowburn for long time and happening in flash. Its just doesn't feel natural at all.

    For The End
    Well this is not bad game and have good potencial but bad points of this game makes things annoying and hard to enjoy your time with game... Worse point of game is probably Jessica's boyfriend being boring and plain ASF and literaly making loyal path is boring/unplayable...
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    excellent renders, actually this game has the highest quality of renders among all porn games.
    the story also is good, even it's only at its front matter we could find lots of interesting stuff. one thing for sure is this ain't a superficial game like most you can find on this site which you'll know the ending at first five minutes
    characters, the MC is an intelligent also extremely hot woman, which is already enough for me. as always, most of the other characters don't have a full background story like the MC, but theirs sharp personalities really help them stand out, one hundred percent sure you'll find funs in some of them.
    this is my favorite now!!!
    p.s. pay more patience guys
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Great plot.excellent renders.the way the game its made and the variations on how much you want/can corrupt the girl is smooth and of the best games around here.the best ways for me to go are the lesbian and with the elder guy from the shop.i m hopping that the lesbian route can be more expanded with the collegues of the of the best games to play and folow.keep it up! regards zal:cool:
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    story is pretty obvious but i really enjoyed playing and and reading some of the inner conflicts that the mc have..seems to be quite linear for the time being but i really would like to see what the new updates will bring..nice renders, models and animations..the prologue animation could have been put somehow later though..since i like a little bit of mystery..will be waiting for future updates..(sorry for my english)
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Solid game so far (0.20).

    + High quality renders
    + Very good writing.

    - Things get a bit long winded at times. Some text sequences seem to go on and on forever, with far too much time between each choice/interaction. I got bored and went into mindless skip mode instead of actually reading constantly (turning the game into a slideshow).
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is v0.20...

    One of the best choice based Visual Novels in this market... It's about as close as you can get to taking an adult romance novel and putting it into VN format, from what I've experienced, thus far... It's not the absolute best VN/Game I've ever played, but it's the closest I've seen a VN/Game come to being like a professional romance novel, but with choices...

    The visuals of the characters are high resolution, and done very well, even though I recognize several of them from other VN/Games... A vast majority of the backdrops are ones I've seen used over and over again in other VN/Games... This is probably the only real qualm I had with this VN/Game, was the usage of so many visual models and backdrops I've already seen too many times already... There are some high resolution animations, but most are short and some are so subtle as to almost be missed if you're not paying attention...

    The script is absolutely spot on, as I don't remember running into one spelling or grammar error at all... The plot revolves around a female protagonist who is living with her long time boyfriend, both of which just started new jobs... Her boyfriend supposedly works for a charity organization (not sure they should have used the real name of the organization, as that might get the developers in trouble, and I know it exists because I'm a veteran) for military veterans... She just started with a news agency, as a journalist, who is competing against another female reporter for the permanent position... All sorts of stuff goes on from there, as she works on various news stories and helps out the current staff members... All while also making many choices that actually have some long term results... She even has a couple living next door who seem to have an open relationship...

    The choices are one of the biggest thumbs up, as you get to decide just how corrupt or strong she acts in certain situations... This is not really a corruption story, unless you want it to be... You can decide who she acts sexual with or not, how far she can go, and who she decides to sexually partner with or not... But that is just a part of what she has to deal with... This VN/Game is heavily focused on the meaningful and deep story telling, with both the main story as well as the sexual encounters... I could swear the text during the sexual content was coming straight out of an adult romance novel, with the wording and details of what transpires... And that same level of detail is also placed into the remaining story elements, dialogue, and monologue... The developers writing, and story telling talent, really shines in this one...

    There is also plenty of intrigue and several plot concepts going on at once, which had me worried at first... But the developers seem to have a good handle on the continuity thus far, regardless of choices made, so I never ran into plot holes... The pacing is good as well... All that being said, if all you're looking for is constant sexual content, then this VN/Game is not for you... Even though the sexual content it does have is well developed, it is spread out, coming at random intervals... There is even far more overall content in this VN/Game then I had first imagined, based off the version number...

    Overall, I am very impressed with the story and content... The visuals were somewhat disappointing, due to how many times I've seen those models and backgrounds already, but if you're new to playing/reading these things, then for you it will not be so bad... This VN/Game is as close as I've seen this amateur driven market come, to a visual representation of a normal adult Romance book (novel)... Both in it's story telling, and it's descriptive sexual content... There is a lot of depth and meaningful plot and story in this one, while also including enough adult/erotic content to keep you hooked...

    Thus far I have to say kudo's to the developers of this project... Keep up the good work... I look forward to revisiting this VN/Game at some point in the future, after it gets a bunch more development under it's belt... Good luck...
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent graphics and sensuality.
    Jessica's butt is something so well achieved.
    And those different paths which you can open and at the same time are optional are great.
    I hope more action with Mr Birch, Mayor and Mr Parker, as well as some sexy times with her sister and mother, are coming.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Female reporter with veteran BF starts new job with newspaper, tries to track down vigilante. Has sexual encounters with neighbours, colleagues, and more. Game format is story with choices.

    Graphics are really nice. The girls are gorgeous, especially the MC, and I love the outfits and heels they wear. (Also that they change outfits. Not just the same clothes every day!) I hope we will get to see them in some hot boots too. :)

    If I had to be picky, I felt that some of the facial expressions were a bit off in the earlier scenes, but really that's just nit-picking - this is an excellent piece of work.

    Version played: JOHN-020-pc
    Likes: Pagot
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Author started off strong but eventually fell into the delayed delivery pit so many resort to so they can string their Patreons along. Graphics are good and the right scenes can deliver entertainment but the last few updates have taken well over 2 months each for less than 10 minutes to go through. Too many new characters have been added and the old ones related to the actual plot piece have all but disappeared.

    Jessica was supposed to make her mark and do what it takes to get that scoop in a dog eat dog world. Playing as a female protagonist falling from grace is an art when done right. Sadly, this specific last update she spent it mostly chatting it up with her family in her flat.

    I suggest to re-visit this game by end 2019 to experience the progress of the next few updates. Hopefully by then the author can focus on this project and deliver the goods.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    The render is one of the best I've ever seen. I usually don't play female protagonist game but this one is just too juicy to pass. I would recommend more close-up scenes (face, body, ... not necessary sex scenes) to make it more immersive which I believe is one of the things that all successful games have in common.
    The sound is a little bit lacking and missing for the few latest updates. I would love to have a default theme on the background in this the game if possible.
    The story is also good so far. Keep it up.

    Thanks for the game.