VN - Ren'Py - Jikage Rising [v2.15b Arc 3] [Smiling Dog]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Ugh h h h h h h

    This game is great. The art is good, but I'm particularly impressed by the animations, both in the quality and amount of them. The combat/grind stuff isn't particularly unique, but it doesn't take long and the money bomb is really fun.

    Overall, definitely worth playing and especially so if you're a Naruto fan.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    I finished arc 1, did part of arc 2, got a bit bored but since Im fairly certain the game wouldnt evolve past my expectation, here's my two cents.

    The story is fine. Youre not technically fucking all these girls simply because the game told you to but there is an overarching plot for your involvement in the game. Of course, there are some obvious liberties taken but its a parody anyway and should be treated as such. If I must critique the story, its the fact that the game makes a bold attempt to not screw the canon, going so far as to explain why cant you just mind control everyone and rule the world, and yet the idea that the protagonist have in his control a bunch of fairly significant characters, whilst still not affecting the canon, makes it all a tad silly.


    Alright, here's the meat and potatoes of this game. Your task is to essentially break 4, and later 5, girls so they'll obey your every whim. You do this by creepily sexually assaulting them until the game decides that you can level up your control, get more options, until finally they'll willingly fuck you without any further backchat.

    The mind control aspect is respectable. The girls slowly progress from resistant to ahegao face in a well paced manner so it doesnt feel like you went from acquaintance to cumsock in less than a day. You have an option to allow the girls to express themselves (though its mostly scowling until the very end) or turn them into fuckable planks of wood. As for how the mind control works in this game, maybe its just me, but I always felt that mind control should alter the characters persona, rather than just make them feel like theyve just popped a love potion down their throats.

    The other form of gameplay is a fairly token fight system. If I have to be honest, this part of the game is where the vast majority of the rpg aspect of the game is and yet despite being somewhat functional its fairly forgetable. I spent my entire gameplay basically killing bears because they disgorge so much money and yet so easily beaten I never felt the need to do any of the more advance missions because I practically have more money than god just fighting those bears.

    The H gameplay Its more or less just pick your poison, cum in or out and that's about it. Each of the girls have specific positions unique to themselves. There's really no complexity placed anywhere, though I have to say it feels grindy as fuck. Imagine skipping through the majority of the sex sessions just to push the game further. At least its animated, though only arc 2 has VA for some reason.


    Its fine. Fairly faithful to the source material, but with options to change clothing and in arc 2, hairstyles.

    Only thing I like is that you get sexier versions of their costumes after you break them which gives us some agency to pursue the game further.

    Not much else there is to say. The game isnt going give me a toothache anytime soon. If you like the designs in the source material this game doesnt disappoint. But if youre looking for more youre not getting it.


    Well, its not a bad game. But its certainly not complex or enticing enough to warrant more than one playthrough.

    I cant help but feel there's something wrong with building your entire game around mind control but because there's no fun in fucking a brick, the game then contrives as much as possible to pour the girls' personality back into their bodies. The way the protagonist extends his control over the girls still requires him to essentially help them with their lives, gain their trust, or otherwise treat them like actual human beings so its really not that different from a regular dating sim, except it feels shallow by comparison.

    Theres a bit of me that feels that the game would have done better simply being a dating sim, where you recruit the various girls to be harem mates fighting back against god. Isnt this basically just the same storyline at the end? Only difference here is that they call you 'master' and you get to experience what it feels like to have girls superficially in love with you.

    But I guess at the end, its a decent game that does what it says on the tin. Double bonus points if youre a fan of the girls in the naruto universe. Not likely to uproot any trees but does well enough to deserve respect.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    In terms of mind control games with a fleshed out story, Jikage Rising in all 3 of its acts sets the bar. I can't think of any other game that lets you build a harem of hypnotized slaves, with each slave having a distinct story and personality. Though you can probably thank Naruto itself for that aspect first and foremost, there was still care put into the writing of this game.

    More love can probably be put into the writing of the side characters, like Samui's whole deal is having big boobs and that's it, but still. No other game can be recommended for setting the bar in terms of being able to order around a fleshed out character.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a great parody trainer game. It does get a bit repetitive but the art is nice and the game is all around solid. The main appeal is that you can fuck girls from Naruto, so if you like the art and Naruto you'll probably like the game.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Jikage Rising [v2.02 Arc 3] [Smiling Dog]
    A good game that I recommend.
    While I recommend the first chapter, which from my point of view deserves 4/5, given that I liked it a lot except for some features that I didn't use, such as the clothes (got for all the girls for completionism, but never used) or keep girls under control (seal mind), honestly I much prefer to see the reactions, but it's a matter of taste.

    Unfortunately I didn't like the second one, it doesn't deserve 1/5 given that in some aspects it improves compared to the first chapter, like the cheat code which also gives you all the materials to make clothes, or like the bathroom which finally has a sense and the scenes are really good.
    The problem is that the girls are not of the same level as in the first game, moreover everything is simplified and there is no longer that idea of managed control as in the first chapter.

    Honestly, I dropped the second chapter, but despite this I recommend the game which has some truly remarkable art.

    Despite its flaws, it's one of the best "parody" games currently out there, as they're usually not the best.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Arc 1 of this game has always been quite good, with my only real complaint being that it has tons of misspellings and a good number of UI bugs - QA was very obviously not an emphasis here. However, that aside, there are a fair number of events relative to the somewhat small cast of characters that allows for each one to have the needed amount of screen time to individualize them. The art is quite good for what it is as well, though I do wish there were more variations of scenes and the animation is very thrown together. I'm not a fan of the battle system at all, it's very basic and boils down to pressing the "Basic Attack" button repeatedly as none of the skills beyond the shuriken bomb are actually useful, and that is a one-time (per preparation) monetary investment that is basically just your nuke.

    If I were reviewing just Arc 1, I would give it a solid 4/5 stars.

    But Arc 2. Oh Arc 2 my sweet child...I'm afraid I'll have to take you out behind the barn.

    Arc 2 is just...I think it's mostly a pacing issue. Everything flies by, and unlike Arc 1, which had you going to a lot of different locations and managing different questlines, Arc 2 is entirely "Go to house > train new girl > repeat", and the only reason to go anywhere else is for a couple other lewd scenes or costumes. You hardly interact with these new characters at all, they show up, have a couple lewd scene options, then you keep playing Cookie Clicker on the train button till the next one is available.

    The overall storyline maintains this pace as well, so with effectively no build-up massive events happen, but they're just pure-kinetic sequences that you had no expectations for and leave you bored. Honestly, the writing is pretty poor and again full of misspellings that at times make it hard to read.

    The expanded scope of Arc 2 without any revisions to the UI system has ended up being very detrimental. You have to go through 4 menus to access the costume menu of each character, the costume menu itself, then another 3 to get out. That's 8 menus for a costume change for each character. Go ahead, try to change everyone to their new costumes in a timely manner. I dare you.

    I also want to talk about how costumes are obtained. In Arc 1, most of them were purchased at the clothing store, and a few were RNG and annoying to get. In Arc 2, we still have several at the clothing store, but apart from that we have meme sequences (they're actually holiday events but they really should be a seperate file due to how they interrupt the gameplay). There are a couple, quite lengthy sections, where you find a random menu option that doesn't really make any sense for being there, so you press it, and then your character...does something incredibly stupid, sometimes endangering the whole operation because they get drunk, or maybe they just get spirited away to a land where all the characters are reindeer or whatever. It has no bearing on the story or characters, the options to access these are in-your-face, and it's overall just really annoying because of how tone-deaf it is. And, as you might expect from the placement of this particular rant, the reward for sitting through the roughly 25 minutes it might take to read through that meme is a costume set.

    I could go on about different aspects of Arc 2 that I sincerely think are an utter travesty for a while, but I feel I've covered the main points that just make it far inferior to Arc 1 in pretty much every aspect. The one thing I will give it is that animations are much smoother.

    All Arc 2 had to be was Arc 1 with a focus on Suna, but instead it seems they decided to throw all their ideas together in as short of a development cycle as possible and it is mind boggling how different of an experience it becomes. I would recommend Arc 1 any day of the week, but Arc 2 is a solid red flag to me.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Decent game with nice art, but a few quality of life shortcomings made me drop it, and it's not good enough to make up for the problems, especially the lack of an autosave.

    First, as someone coming to this game for the first time, I downloaded arc 2 and was confused as hell trying to figure out what was going on.

    The download page has the second arc as the main download and to start from the beginning you need to click on the box that says spoilers to reveal arc 1. This is counterintuitive as someone coming in fresh would want to avoid spoilers. In reality, arc 2, the main download, has the actual spoilers as it reveals the end of arc 1. I'd be really surprised if I was the only one who was confused by this. I know the main art on the game page says arc 1 complete and arc 2 in progress but it's not immediately obvious that they are separate downloads. Why are they separate downloads at all? Having both arcs in one download would be so much simpler for someone coming to this game as a new player.

    As for the good, the game has really nice art and a nice lore friendly concept. The art is good enough to match the quality of the source material, it's the best naruto parody art out there in my opinion. Some sex scenes are animated, nothing too fancy or sophisticated, but it's enough imo.

    The protagonist you play as is essentially a non-character, he has absolutely no characteristics, but that's fine.

    Unfortunately, I dropped this game after finally playing arc 1 and I probably will never play it again. The reason is very simple. I lost about 45 minutes of progress where losing kicks you out to the main menu. There's no autosave and I hadn't saved in awhile as the game was not really challenging at all, only grindy, until I lost progress. I messed up and the end result was I lost about 45 minutes of progress with no recourse or way to load before the loss. To make matters worse, the skip function didn't work on the parts I'd already completed when I tried reloading the 45 minute old save. Honestly, there aren't many games I'd keep playing after losing that much progress and time.

    So, overall, this is a parody naruto porn game with really well done art, a lore friendly story, but some quality of life shortcomings that make it less than good but definitely better than bad. An autosave feature and having both arcs in one download would probably raise my rating to a 4.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Version 1.22d public review; 3/5 stars

    Always happy to see another Naruto porn parody
    Art is decent overall
    Good selection of girls

    The art for sex scenes for each girl is very limited
    Animation might actually take away from the experience because it feels so choppy and unnatural
    There can be a lot of grinding if cheats aren't used
    Art, especially in lewd scenes, can be inconsistent
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Didn't think much of this game for a while, but decided to try it since I have the time. Have to say, I'm pleasantly surprised.


    - parody of Naruto is great, the characters are fairly spot-on
    - art is alright, the kind that will grow on you after a while, but some scenes (with ahegao) are better than others
    - plot makes (some) sense, which makes the story enjoyable despite being linear


    - story is linear, choices are generally inconsequential or lead to dead ends (which are obvious enough anyway), hoping that future arcs will allow for different variations of outcomes depending on choices
    - each character has a limited set of scenes, which is a bummer

    Overall: Was tempted to give this a 4-star rating, but decided against it since I want the dev to work on future arcs (2,3,4, etc) and I'm pretty biased towards parody games so there's that. It's a pretty quick 2 hour run with cheats on, so just play it if you have time! You won't regret it.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Is pretty nice, although sex scenes aren't consistent in quality, the good ones are good.
    Updates tend to be a bit empty though, consider waiting 2-3 updates before playing each time, except if you're bughunting.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Fap-able game.

    A must for fans of the anime.

    Classic trainer mechanics but also some combat.

    The majority of the scenes are animated, but even the still ones are hot.

    It has a respectable amount of content; you can spend 2 to 3 nights on it.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Probably worth it if you are into Naruto.

    Otherwise, it is a pretty generic trainer system with simplistic characters that will only develop into predictable premade molds set by the devs. Key word here is predictable. So predictable, it saps much of the enjoyment from the corruption system.

    A more interesting and advanced version of the trainer system would be something like rogue-like evolution and their x-men spoof. Where characters would come up to you for their needs and have distinct personality challenges to corrupt them.

    I could see a similar version here, since the assets are already done up(programming the personality branches are gonna be a bitch tho) but I guess we gotta wait for at least the 2nd arc to be finished to see any potential changes.

    Also gonna note the transition to arc 2 and having access to so many girls in an effectively new game feels weird. (too many rewards too early) Though, it is probably hard to write yourself out of a corner after arc 1.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    If yu're a fan of naruto i think you will enjoy the game. It was fun while it lasted. Not enough content to get me going at the moment but definitely a nice game to come back to in future. I would like to see this game get completed. It's not 100% a copy of Naruto as it has its own story and arc. But definitely a nice fanfic type game.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is really good, im about to play the arc 2 but i gotta tell you that the 1 arc is good, i enjoyed it. I never thought that i will like this game, but i gave it a try and now i think is one of my favorite games. Lettssss gooo hinaaataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Its good, thestory is nice art could be a little better and animations are good the problem is the UI sucks like ugly still im not to judge its still good would probably want a pregnancy feature though lol.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Long-time lurker here finally made an account to review this game.
    I'm reviewing version v1.15c.

    I personally enjoyed part 1 quite a bit, but I'm a bit disappointed at the disconnect between the two parts. They feel like separate games merged into one.

    HOWEVER, this is a porn game, and the sexual content is fantastic. 5/5.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    For Arc 1
    Good Points
    + Story feels kind of interesting and its not literaly copy of Naruto serie. It takes place inside of Naruto world but you are not playing as a Naruto or someone you know from Naruto universe. When you were about to die by random boulder you feel someting and found yourself in odd cave, you see some odd purple light and its says his/her name is Saru and explains situtation. He says he is your ancestor and you are last bloodline in his clan, he saved you when you are about to die with taking back you to past with hope of you to revive your clan. As you can see while its pretty much setup for lewd scenes at least we can say its kind of interesting and promissing.
    + Art looks smilar to original serie.
    + We have walkthrough and couple of codes given by DEV.

    Bad Points
    - Our game have grind and without codes given by our DEV you have to grind for: girls, clothes, money and stats of yours which makes hell of a grind but because of codes given by DEV you can at least stop worrying about your stats and money and you need grind for girls and clothes only and believe even with stop worrying about money and stats you still gonna need to do hell of amount grind...
    - Training/Corrupting girls feels pretty basic and its not enjoyable.
    - Sex scenes only have one position/angle (couple of them have two but its rare thing) and it makes them kind of boring.
    - Sex scene animations are kind of bad. Their qualtiy is not good and their FPS and physics are not that great either. BTW nearly half of ARC 1 sex scenes are not animated. Espacily Kurenai's, Anko's and Shizune's sex scenes not being animated is just wasted big oppurtunity and wasted potencial.
    - All scenes (lewd and normal) lack of images and heavily text based. When someting happens you are actualy not seeing that thing and text describe you what happens. For example text says: ''She suddenly forces Shizune's head closer to my dick, where she was almost choking on it.'' but in screen nothing happens, you are seeing nothing different than before this text.
    - Same music playing over and oever again is not enjoyable... Adding non-copyright musics was hard?

    For Arc 2
    Good Points
    + Quality feels like little bit improved.
    + Sex scene animations are feels like kind of improved aswell.

    Bad Points
    - There is still some sex scenes which not animated. Kurenai's, Anko's, Shizune's and Ayame's any scene wasn't animated and not just side girls even main girls nearly half of scenes were not animated and only had one picture for whole scene...
    - Arc 2 takes place after years of Arc 1 but Ayame still have exact same models and sex scenes which is totaly nonsense and disappointed... She have only one new sex scene and its just one picture, no animation or enough picture with different angles...
    - Changing Arc1 UI and menus would be great, because they look bad.
    - Still no improve on music part and same one music plays over and over again...
    - Corruption system is still same and its still not enjoyable.
    - Well i gues our DEV wasn't happy with current annoying grindy things and then he add intel thing for more grind and its works as intended, steals a lot of your time and its annoying ASF...
    - Amount of content is not good enough for 2-3 year of development time.

    For The End
    Arc 1 was poor and i was thinking its kind of starting point for our DEV and gonna improve with Arc 2 but Arc 2 was nearly same, which is totaly disappointed... At first its feels like have good potencial but its clear game wasn't improve enough even after 2-3 year of development time. Arc 2 still developing and DEV says he gonna make Arc 3 and Arc 4 aswell which makes me wonder is he gonna keep developing other arcs with same features from Arc 1 like Arc 2? I'm not sure but its looks like thats what gonna happen. If Arc 2 was improved version of Arc 1 i was thinking 3 or 4 star depend on bad points but now im gonna give 2 and hope DEV will improve his game ASAP. Because at this rate its just going to be poor game with good potencial.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Just excellent as of now, the first arc as of now I say is really good and opens the door for the next one pretty interestingly as well.

    It's 1.14b and I say the game is still on the right track, but we can't say anything about arc 3 and how the very end will be but I will definitely follow it for now

    and all I'm gonna say is that this is probably the best naruto game on this website, and it can make the difference even bigger too if the dev continues like this, I say give it a shot
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Holy cow! Imagine the Java dating rpgs from yesteryear and you've got a unicorn!

    It's one of the best I've seen. It reminds me of Ganguro Girl + Naruto dating sim. But it's got cannon lore and language. It doesn't have game breaking 4th walls from what I've seen (played about an hour). And the art is crisp and accurate. Tons of girl options for you to interact with. And yes, it's got your favorites! This is quite the gem so far! If you're a naruto fan, I'd give this a shot!
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    The idea is interesting. The art is nice.
    For me though it's not an interesting game, because:
    • The gameplay is a bit repetitive.
    • I prefer romance to enslaving.
    • Lewd scenes aren't quite realistic visually or logically, so they aren't any good for me.
    There are some good things like RPG elements, but they didn't seem to me very entertaining.