Dear reader,
If you are expecting for a short and sweet review, this ain't it.
This is arguably the best Naruto parody you will find on this site (of course opinions may differ). The character designs are amazing and catch a feel that you are actually playing Kishimoto-sama's creation.
The girls look believable in the trance state and it is actually fun to grind!! I absolutely love how they do not have hangers- instead look believable.
The dev is a man of culture obviously (look at his avatar! WHO'S A GOOD BOI?) and is extremely reliable. Get this: since last year, they have not missed a deadline and this is with being connected to another project that is much heavier. Plus, I don't know if you noticed, but, they are on the forum as well always ready to take suggestions and correct bugs.
If none of the above seem to make you want to love his work, then may I entice you with the community over here. It is extremely healthy compared to others and let's hope this stays so.
I am leaving a 4/5 review but really it is more a 9/10 just because I think it can always be improved. TATTEBAYO!