
Active Member
May 29, 2018
ok so I think there are 3 games with preg in the list. MGB, one of the demon "kings" and the one I mentioned moody niece/handle with care was tagged with pregnant on SXS and pornova... need help on the one I mentioned I have all the menus at start unlocked but there should be at least the preg variation somewhere in there...


Active Member
Dec 23, 2017
There's no "Pregnant" scene whatsoever in Handling A Moody Niece, either they probably mistagged it (which is entirely possible) or they just randomly put the tag onto it. The only one so far, at least that I'm aware that there's legit pregnancy, even so far as being a pregnant scene as one of the "rape ends" is on "Overthrow! The Demon King", the one that has Yumisu/Yumith the Demon Queen with pale/grey skin. Besides that there's no such scene on the newest game, at best you can either grab on the JSK Community Guide a link to the full save, there's a guide, but more or less in how to get to the different modes, I dunno nor have checked enough if they did mention how to unlock the different endings, other than that, it all should be on the Community Guide link.
Mar 13, 2019
The most recent JSK工房 game that has a pregnant ending is Overthrow! The Great Demoness. Sadly Anal hasn't returned yet since Overthrow! The Demon Queen.
I'm still questioning how ユミス got translated to Yumith.

Here's the JSK工房 community blog.
Speaking of MGB, The English Translation is done since someone translated the game from Russian to English but it hasn't been released yet.
Last edited:


New Member
Jan 17, 2019
Can somebody help me out? Trying to play reimi on the shockwave player in the mega file erza posted, but reaching an h scene or ending gives me a black screen even though the music plays. screenshots for examples:
323703 323702

Big Papa

New Member
Apr 10, 2018
I have the same version of Flash Player and it works fine. Is your "sub" folder in the same folder as the actual game's SFW file?
please explain for I have the same problem with all of the games, it would let me fight and defeat them but there is no sex scene


Engaged Member
Aug 25, 2017
please explain for I have the same problem with all of the games, it would let me fight and defeat them but there is no sex scene
Let's use Reimi for example. When you look inside the zip file, you should see the following: icons, sub, desktop.ini, Reimi, the Queen of Martial arts, and possibly translation credits. You should really only need to unzip sub and Reimi and put them into the same folder. Do not put Reimi into the sub folder. If you still don't know what I mean, just make a new folder, put the zip file into it, and unzip everything. Don't move anything. Your game saves are stored somewhere else, so don't be afraid to delete old broken files before attempting this.

P.S., Make sure to unzip the games into a different folder each time. This is to avoid having your computer ask you to delete a file with the same name and consequently break the scene for one of the games.

Big Papa

New Member
Apr 10, 2018
Let's use Reimi for example. When you look inside the zip file, you should see the following: icons, sub, desktop.ini, Reimi, the Queen of Martial arts, and possibly translation credits. You should really only need to unzip sub and Reimi and put them into the same folder. Do not put Reimi into the sub folder. If you still don't know what I mean, just make a new folder, put the zip file into it, and unzip everything. Don't move anything. Your game saves are stored somewhere else, so don't be afraid to delete old broken files before attempting this.

P.S., Make sure to unzip the games into a different folder each time. This is to avoid having your computer ask you to delete a file with the same name and consequently break the scene for one of the games.
Thanks Fergus*self insert heart heart*
Mar 13, 2019
I don't know why but as far as my English brain goes, there's something I do not like about JSK工房さん 姫将軍ゲーム or Shogun Princess Christianne. I think it is the overall view of the Camera itself that gave the game an "Outside body experience(In comparison to our dear first person perspective we've always had since the start. Of course the H scenes don't count)" that seperated itself from the other JSK工房さん games. I believe that is why my English side of my brain doesn't like the game but will accept the music in the game. Maybe my Japanese side of my brain might like this game.


Aug 12, 2017
Is there a guide on "Handling Niece with Care"?

Also any english subs soon?
There's half of a guide on the . However it doesn't cover a couple of things that well, namely the final two endings. There's a "walkthrough" for both of said endings, it's simply a bit confusing and, as followed to the best of my ability, doesn't actually work.


Jun 20, 2019
anyone got a link for me on overthrow the demon queen play it on site but I would like to download it as a save file
Mar 13, 2019
Anything new? Please send me a link... I'm mostly updated up to Plutocrat, Irene, Reimi
Same JSK Community link that I edited from before.
The only thing you missed, from what I am given, Is Overthrow! The Great Demoness, and Caring for my Moody Niece. Overthrow! The Great Demoness is still in partial translation.


New Member
Feb 21, 2018
There was no complete translation for Overthrow the great demoness at googledocs
so it means the translation has still not completed?...
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