If you ever listened to little kids playing hide you have probably heard the kid that counts 1,2,3,4, 10. they skip a lot of numbers because they want to get moving on.
Well there are writers who do the same thing. I'm sure there are a number of reasons authors do it none of which are good.
It doesn't matter if it is pressure from readers or self interest that creates the circumstance it doesn't justify doing it.
This discussion for the most part is going to evolve around corruption type games. Games in which the female character inhibitions are lowered.
I generally find in most corruption games there is large gaps in behavior changes. That also means a lot of potential content of various types are missed.
There are generally stages on different lines when a person lowers their inhibitions they are loosely tied together.
Example: a person into exhibition doesn't mean in the least bit they are likely to fuck another person more or less.
I can give you a long long list of escorts/prostitutes that will fuck pretty much anyone for money but won't ever fuck more than one man at a time.
Lots of women like bondage but don't like pain or sm.
The best analogy I have for this is think of there being a wall between those factors with occasional doors and windows being placed sporadically.
You have to have a lot of shit lined up for a woman to want to go through and try it.
Stages of exhibition:
personal or incidental: exposing one self when they think others aren't looking, wardrobe malfunctions made to look accidental, finding places to expose more with low chance of being caught, doing it areas that aren't busy various times of day or have low foot traffic, driving exposure maybe only someone in a big rig or large pick up could see what is going on, beach exposure, parks, river, on a private boat, balcony, back yard, running around he house naked, missing under wear bra / panties or both, wet clothing, tucks skirt in panties after using restroom, loose top nip slip,
Work place exposure: clothing increases in exposure. Basically it simply covers less and articles of clothing is removed. There are plenty of jobs such as topless baristas, maid services, massage work, This can cover work in basically any store all the way up to modeling ,stripping and working in a massage parlor.
Sex personal: This covers everything from hand jobs to full intercourse and getting creampie.
Sex impersonal: Job related sex or sex for favor or money or any other reason than basic personal choice of the individual.
Bondage per: Bondage variants from having have hands cuffed to full rope bondage between her and someone she has a personal relationship with
Bondage imp: Be it job or other reason
You can break down most other aspects and fetishes similarly. People have lines they won't cross without reason or cause to do so. Second people usually are more inclined to do something behind closed doors before they will in public.
There is a sort of exception to the rule when it comes to personal and impersonal. Some times people are more willing to do something with a person they feel they have a level of anonymity with and won't feel judged vs doing it with someone who's opinion of them matters to them.
Example: Not every woman who cheats doesn't love their husband or boyfriend. So she may not be willing to show the significant other she wants to try something like bondage & SM out of fear their view of them could change. So they may let their hair down per say with a stranger more in such a case if they feel it will never get back to them.
Everyone thinks.
From the smartest to the dumbest to the most insane person they think. If they are functioning in society to any extent they think.
The reason people make bad choices or the choices they do isn't because of lack of thought but do to the information they have readily at hand to go by.
It's all about perception. Even the most bat shit crazy person has their reasons.
There are a lot of factors that go into what effects a person and how or why they choose to do something.
Comfort with the situation and people. What alternatives do they have. Is the alternative really worse.
What other people will think. What they will think of themselves after the fact.
What their current impression of something is.
Mood / temperament.
What their feelings toward another person is...
That's isn't all of the factors of course.
Some of these they will way consciously others subconsciously.
There are very few times I have know anyone to switch personality views abruptly. Each of those times involved trauma. I have never seen a victim of trauma go to liking something ever. It's pure bullshit. That right there is the shit you get out of those bat shit crazy people mentioned before. In most cases the close down and put up walls. I have never seen one unscathed.
By trauma I mean physical and or mental such as car wrecks and brain injury to rape victims.
If you want them to cross those lines or walls. Use an incremental step system. It is the most assured way. Start with what appears to be small exposures and build up. Maybe, get another person to way in on the topic. Build a dialog that then includes it and have their character go from no interest to curious the next natural state. No one jumps from one to full hardcore into it without a large push or reason behind it.
You might find something like a girl who has gotten into porn gets a porn offer for a large sum to do a scene in a movie. That could be a more rapid move to try something different. Still it is unlikely she is going to go full hard core into liking it. Especially in porn. So much of it isn't really about enjoyment but about getting the shot and other stupid shit going on is a distraction. So it if she finds it enjoyable its more likely to lead to her wanting to experiment.
When it comes to sex partner partner partner. Who you partner is makes up a vast amount of how much you enjoy it. As my x-wife would tell you if marriage was based on sex alone we would still be married. That doesn't make her current bf that happy.
If you are a writer try and consider all the factors of how you presented the character up to that point. How smart you represented them their personality. What have they done or been exposed to. Then think is this really something this person would do at this point? If need be make a pro and con table. Make sure to give each item a weight in how much value it holds over other aspects.
By doing that little bit you can avoid a lot of plot holes created by characters taking actions they shouldn't or wouldn't.
Any sort of short cut you make will create plot holes. Understand that from the outset. Most will be at the level of story killer. Anyone there that cares about the plot and story is going to be turned off. Anyone that says it didn't turn them off either reads below a 5th grade level or wasn't really there for the story. They probably held the button down to skip as fast to the next scene so they could fap. Listening to those types of players regarding story plot or anything of that nature isn't worth anyone's time. Nothing they say regarding plot or story will benefit you as a writer / author in producing a good product. They are the mostly likely to complain about it taking to long to get to various content. That will be their primary complaint in most cases.
That however doesn't mean everyone who is complaining about grinding is wrong. Grinding is often used when there is a lack of content to act as filler or in reducing a characters inhibition. So rather than have the character be exposed to another event they make players repeat events. It also can be a sign of proper event weighting. Doing different stuff should have different levels of effect. That said the more you are exposed to something the less effect it should have on you.
Let's look at goblins as an example: Lets say you have an RPG were you kill goblins the first 10 goblins are a little difficult to kill so you get 10xp each after that the it reduces to 8 then 6 and 4 and eventually you gain nothing from killing them any more. There is nothing killing goblins is going to teach you. Well the same when it comes to different levels effecting something like your various inhibitions.
It doesn't just mean that inhibition is lowered but also you can have comfort level of doing the act increase
Then you have also factors like level of comfort you feel around a person and or group.
You might be thinking this is a lot of work. It really isn't.
Consider you build a simple state system for each of the various inhibitions.
So when you perform an act it uses that act name to determine the state
It then runs the set of functions at that state with the various levels set in it to adjust the personality traits such as various inhibitions levels comfort and so on.
Those then are used to determine what actions are available the next time.
Then when you have a scene you use the state system of the personality to determine what options become available.
Of those which ever one the character selects uses the state system of the inhibition actions.
If you want to be sadistic with your players you could make it more realistic by allowing actions that are to far for the person's personality to accept which would again drive things in the opposite direction.
You could also use a similar system to switch out dialog as the characters personality changes. This though would take more work. It means you would need to write multiple sentences for each event that would reflect different personality levels. If you implemented the reduction in xp method that was mentioned above. Then people wouldn't be as likely to repeat stuff they have a lower level. So you would only need a few stages of transition.
Stuff a girl isn't willing to do. In part we discussed an option regarding this above. Such as having negative consequences if you go to far or try to.
Some games simply block or hide those options. But does that really go on in RL. No, you might ask and rarely is that were one gets into trouble and looses points.
It's usually when we get demanding or a it can be we ask something that is so far out of bounds. You now like when you ask an Amish girl to do a 3 some on the first date and you haven't even kissed yet.
My personal view is give people all the rope they want and sit back and watch.
Well there are writers who do the same thing. I'm sure there are a number of reasons authors do it none of which are good.
It doesn't matter if it is pressure from readers or self interest that creates the circumstance it doesn't justify doing it.
This discussion for the most part is going to evolve around corruption type games. Games in which the female character inhibitions are lowered.
I generally find in most corruption games there is large gaps in behavior changes. That also means a lot of potential content of various types are missed.
There are generally stages on different lines when a person lowers their inhibitions they are loosely tied together.
Example: a person into exhibition doesn't mean in the least bit they are likely to fuck another person more or less.
I can give you a long long list of escorts/prostitutes that will fuck pretty much anyone for money but won't ever fuck more than one man at a time.
Lots of women like bondage but don't like pain or sm.
The best analogy I have for this is think of there being a wall between those factors with occasional doors and windows being placed sporadically.
You have to have a lot of shit lined up for a woman to want to go through and try it.
Stages of exhibition:
personal or incidental: exposing one self when they think others aren't looking, wardrobe malfunctions made to look accidental, finding places to expose more with low chance of being caught, doing it areas that aren't busy various times of day or have low foot traffic, driving exposure maybe only someone in a big rig or large pick up could see what is going on, beach exposure, parks, river, on a private boat, balcony, back yard, running around he house naked, missing under wear bra / panties or both, wet clothing, tucks skirt in panties after using restroom, loose top nip slip,
Work place exposure: clothing increases in exposure. Basically it simply covers less and articles of clothing is removed. There are plenty of jobs such as topless baristas, maid services, massage work, This can cover work in basically any store all the way up to modeling ,stripping and working in a massage parlor.
Sex personal: This covers everything from hand jobs to full intercourse and getting creampie.
Sex impersonal: Job related sex or sex for favor or money or any other reason than basic personal choice of the individual.
Bondage per: Bondage variants from having have hands cuffed to full rope bondage between her and someone she has a personal relationship with
Bondage imp: Be it job or other reason
You can break down most other aspects and fetishes similarly. People have lines they won't cross without reason or cause to do so. Second people usually are more inclined to do something behind closed doors before they will in public.
There is a sort of exception to the rule when it comes to personal and impersonal. Some times people are more willing to do something with a person they feel they have a level of anonymity with and won't feel judged vs doing it with someone who's opinion of them matters to them.
Example: Not every woman who cheats doesn't love their husband or boyfriend. So she may not be willing to show the significant other she wants to try something like bondage & SM out of fear their view of them could change. So they may let their hair down per say with a stranger more in such a case if they feel it will never get back to them.
Everyone thinks.
From the smartest to the dumbest to the most insane person they think. If they are functioning in society to any extent they think.
The reason people make bad choices or the choices they do isn't because of lack of thought but do to the information they have readily at hand to go by.
It's all about perception. Even the most bat shit crazy person has their reasons.
There are a lot of factors that go into what effects a person and how or why they choose to do something.
Comfort with the situation and people. What alternatives do they have. Is the alternative really worse.
What other people will think. What they will think of themselves after the fact.
What their current impression of something is.
Mood / temperament.
What their feelings toward another person is...
That's isn't all of the factors of course.
Some of these they will way consciously others subconsciously.
There are very few times I have know anyone to switch personality views abruptly. Each of those times involved trauma. I have never seen a victim of trauma go to liking something ever. It's pure bullshit. That right there is the shit you get out of those bat shit crazy people mentioned before. In most cases the close down and put up walls. I have never seen one unscathed.
By trauma I mean physical and or mental such as car wrecks and brain injury to rape victims.
If you want them to cross those lines or walls. Use an incremental step system. It is the most assured way. Start with what appears to be small exposures and build up. Maybe, get another person to way in on the topic. Build a dialog that then includes it and have their character go from no interest to curious the next natural state. No one jumps from one to full hardcore into it without a large push or reason behind it.
You might find something like a girl who has gotten into porn gets a porn offer for a large sum to do a scene in a movie. That could be a more rapid move to try something different. Still it is unlikely she is going to go full hard core into liking it. Especially in porn. So much of it isn't really about enjoyment but about getting the shot and other stupid shit going on is a distraction. So it if she finds it enjoyable its more likely to lead to her wanting to experiment.
When it comes to sex partner partner partner. Who you partner is makes up a vast amount of how much you enjoy it. As my x-wife would tell you if marriage was based on sex alone we would still be married. That doesn't make her current bf that happy.
If you are a writer try and consider all the factors of how you presented the character up to that point. How smart you represented them their personality. What have they done or been exposed to. Then think is this really something this person would do at this point? If need be make a pro and con table. Make sure to give each item a weight in how much value it holds over other aspects.
By doing that little bit you can avoid a lot of plot holes created by characters taking actions they shouldn't or wouldn't.
Any sort of short cut you make will create plot holes. Understand that from the outset. Most will be at the level of story killer. Anyone there that cares about the plot and story is going to be turned off. Anyone that says it didn't turn them off either reads below a 5th grade level or wasn't really there for the story. They probably held the button down to skip as fast to the next scene so they could fap. Listening to those types of players regarding story plot or anything of that nature isn't worth anyone's time. Nothing they say regarding plot or story will benefit you as a writer / author in producing a good product. They are the mostly likely to complain about it taking to long to get to various content. That will be their primary complaint in most cases.
That however doesn't mean everyone who is complaining about grinding is wrong. Grinding is often used when there is a lack of content to act as filler or in reducing a characters inhibition. So rather than have the character be exposed to another event they make players repeat events. It also can be a sign of proper event weighting. Doing different stuff should have different levels of effect. That said the more you are exposed to something the less effect it should have on you.
Let's look at goblins as an example: Lets say you have an RPG were you kill goblins the first 10 goblins are a little difficult to kill so you get 10xp each after that the it reduces to 8 then 6 and 4 and eventually you gain nothing from killing them any more. There is nothing killing goblins is going to teach you. Well the same when it comes to different levels effecting something like your various inhibitions.
It doesn't just mean that inhibition is lowered but also you can have comfort level of doing the act increase
Then you have also factors like level of comfort you feel around a person and or group.
You might be thinking this is a lot of work. It really isn't.
Consider you build a simple state system for each of the various inhibitions.
So when you perform an act it uses that act name to determine the state
It then runs the set of functions at that state with the various levels set in it to adjust the personality traits such as various inhibitions levels comfort and so on.
Those then are used to determine what actions are available the next time.
Then when you have a scene you use the state system of the personality to determine what options become available.
Of those which ever one the character selects uses the state system of the inhibition actions.
If you want to be sadistic with your players you could make it more realistic by allowing actions that are to far for the person's personality to accept which would again drive things in the opposite direction.
You could also use a similar system to switch out dialog as the characters personality changes. This though would take more work. It means you would need to write multiple sentences for each event that would reflect different personality levels. If you implemented the reduction in xp method that was mentioned above. Then people wouldn't be as likely to repeat stuff they have a lower level. So you would only need a few stages of transition.
Stuff a girl isn't willing to do. In part we discussed an option regarding this above. Such as having negative consequences if you go to far or try to.
Some games simply block or hide those options. But does that really go on in RL. No, you might ask and rarely is that were one gets into trouble and looses points.
It's usually when we get demanding or a it can be we ask something that is so far out of bounds. You now like when you ask an Amish girl to do a 3 some on the first date and you haven't even kissed yet.
My personal view is give people all the rope they want and sit back and watch.