Just asking


Dec 6, 2020
I just did some research...
FUTA is an universal for transman or transwoman.
the term I didn't understand

A woman with a dick is called a "DICKGIRL", while a man with a pussy is a "CUNTBOY".

Deleted member 440241

Active Member
Feb 14, 2018
Yeah, I was gonna say, original post said nothing about porn or nsfw art, they clarified that after the initial comments.

also while I'm here

"Futanari" is the Japanese word for hermaphroditism.
It's been popularized and sexualized by hentai, and is now used globally for porn and nsfw art.
Idk how appropriate of a term it is in Japanese, but yeah outside of Japanese (e.g English) it's exclusively for talking about fictional characters, particularly in a sexualized way/setting (e.g hentai, lewd art, etc.)
"OP didn't specify porn. I know that the term is exclusively used for porn outside of Japan, and I know we're on a porn forum. But I'm going to pretend that OP could have another meaning in mind because it gives me an excuse to vomit my politics into a public setting."

I was rude because you and Ophanim were assholes. You knew porn was the most likely reason OP was asking the question, but you acted like morons just so you could excuse injecting political talking points into every discussion possible. You weren't even right about those talking points either. Hermaphrodite isn't an out of date term, it's still commonly used to describe animals that genuinely have male and female sexual organs. Intersex is used for humans because no human has both fully functioning. Also, trans people are not intersex. Intersex covers a range of genetic disorders (most typically the duplication of sex chromosomes) that cause people to be born with some of the secondary sexual characteristics of the opposite sex. Trans people are physically their own sex but psychologically identify as the gender of the opposite sex. Two completely different classifications.

TL: DR If you don't want to be insulted don't intentionally act like a stupid jerk.

so theres no proper term for a man with a pussy?
Cuntboy. As mentioned in 2 posts and quoted by me when I mentioned you. You should have gotten a notification when I did that.

FUTA is an universal for transman or transwoman.
No, futa has nothing to do with trans people beyond being incorrectly lumped with them in this site's tags.


May 2, 2018
"OP didn't specify porn. I know that the term is exclusively used for porn outside of Japan, and I know we're on a porn forum. But I'm going to pretend that OP could have another meaning in mind because it gives me an excuse to vomit my politics into a public setting."

I was rude because you and Ophanim were assholes. You knew porn was the most likely reason OP was asking the question, but you acted like morons just so you could excuse injecting political talking points into every discussion possible. You weren't even right about those talking points either. Hermaphrodite isn't an out of date term, it's still commonly used to describe animals that genuinely have male and female sexual organs. Intersex is used for humans because no human has both fully functioning. Also, trans people are not intersex. Intersex covers a range of genetic disorders (most typically the duplication of sex chromosomes) that cause people to be born with some of the secondary sexual characteristics of the opposite sex. Trans people are physically their own sex but psychologically identify as the gender of the opposite sex. Two completely different classifications.

TL: DR If you don't want to be insulted don't intentionally act like a stupid jerk.

Cuntboy. As mentioned in 2 posts and quoted by me when I mentioned you. You should have gotten a notification when I did that.

No, futa has nothing to do with trans people beyond being incorrectly lumped with them in this site's tags.
Oh, I see, so your problem is 'politics'. I thought I was talking about history, as I understood it, and honestly in a pretty mild-mannered way, but here we are I guess. The reason transpeople come up is because stupid jerks on here tend to treat the whole concept of futa content, and transpeople, as being one and the same, which was part of what I specifically talked about, if you read my comment. People are legitimately ignorant enough to go around calling transpeople futas, so no, OP's intentions weren't obvious, actually. People do stuff like that on here all the time?

Like... we agree, is the annoying thing, but you're acting like we don't? Transpeople and futanari have nothing to do with one another in the modern age as you say, but I was saying that 'futanari' as a concept were likely once related to japanese folk beliefs about what we now call transpeople. And also intersex people. Because historically, people didn't conceptualize sex and gender the same way we do, and the meaning of futanari had as much to do with androgyny as it did with what we call 'intersex' people now. Real shocking, controversial politics in this thread :rolleyes:

Did you think I was trying to... somehow gang up on OP with that other guy because you saw something you classified as 'icky politics', and thus you need to jump in to save them?

Deleted member 440241

Active Member
Feb 14, 2018
Oh, I see, so your problem is 'politics'. I thought I was talking about history, as I understood it, and honestly in a pretty mild-mannered way, but here we are I guess. The reason transpeople come up is because stupid jerks on here tend to treat the whole concept of futa content, and transpeople, as being one and the same, which was part of what I specifically talked about, if you read my comment. People are legitimately ignorant enough to go around calling transpeople futas, so no, OP's intentions weren't obvious, actually. People do stuff like that on here all the time?

Like... we agree, is the annoying thing, but you're acting like we don't? Transpeople and futanari have nothing to do with one another in the modern age as you say, but I was saying that 'futanari' as a concept were likely once related to japanese folk beliefs about what we now call transpeople. And also intersex people. Because historically, people didn't conceptualize sex and gender the same way we do, and the meaning of futanari had as much to do with androgyny as it did with what we call 'intersex' people now. Real shocking, controversial politics in this thread :rolleyes:

Did you think I was trying to... somehow gang up on OP with that other guy because you saw something you classified as 'icky politics', and thus you need to jump in to save them?
You're the one who quoted me to call me a dick for telling OP to ignore the political BS. Obviously you knew you were talking from a political position and felt attacked.

OP never said if it was for porn or not when most of us posted? You're acting kinda passive aggressive, and it's completely unnecessary. Maybe don't be a dick for no reason?


May 2, 2018
You're the one who quoted me to call me a dick for telling OP to ignore the political BS. Obviously you knew you were talking from a political position and felt attacked.
You're the one who burst into a completely normal discussion to label anything you disagree with as 'political', which is mostly just the move of somone whose political position is threatened by people having normal conversations about history. Kinda typical, really. I called you a dick because anyone with eyes could see you being passive aggressive - you're not very subtle about it - and it was annoying to me. Super simple.

I notice you have absolutely nothing to say regarding the things we agree on, and have resorted to making vague, blanket assumptions about my intentions, which really just says you know you were in the wrong to be shitty to everyone else in the thread, but are doubling down on your position by insisting I must have some political agenda here.

If you're committed to 'I know you are but what am I', I don't really see where else we can go from there.

Deleted member 440241

Active Member
Feb 14, 2018
You're the one who burst into a completely normal discussion to label anything you disagree with as 'political'
Ha. No. I cut into a chaotic discussion full of misinformation and parsed it down to just the information relevant to the OP's question. That you were personally offended when I told OP they could ignore the political stuff proves your intentions clear as day. There's no conversation to be had because you don't want one. You want a soap box from which you can shout at everyone else about your beliefs. I'm neither obligated to give you one nor obligated to listen. The, highly inaccurate, history you want to talk about has nothing to do with what OP was looking for.


May 2, 2018
Ha. No. I cut into a chaotic discussion full of misinformation and parsed it down to just the information relevant to the OP's question. That you were personally offended when I told OP they could ignore the political stuff proves your intentions clear as day. There's no conversation to be had because you don't want one. You want a soap box from which you can shout at everyone else about your beliefs. I'm neither obligated to give you one nor obligated to listen. The, highly inaccurate, history you want to talk about has nothing to do with what OP was looking for.
You have a preconceived notion of me and merely labelled things you disagree with as 'BS', which is pretty much the definition of not wanting a conversation. Basically, you keep trying to spin this as me being some kind of active political agent deliberately here to spread 'misinformation' as you put it. Look. I got the info I mentioned from a book called 'Male Colors', which is all about homosexual expression and gender expression in Japan's tokugawa period. The author pretty much makes the connection to 'two spirit' people for you. Early internet futa art in the 90s is also undeniably linked to western art about transgender people, so putting the 'is it politics' zombie debate aside, I'd say it was a fairly relevant and not especially controversial take.

You're personally offended that we were even talking about the history of the term, and that's pretty plain to see, otherwise you wouldn't have come in the way you did. Did mentioning transpeople in your porn hurt your feelings? Clearly.

As I said... I posted that before OP ever clarified what he was talking about, and then you were rude and dismissive of everyone else in the thread when you had no need to be. So I called you on it. Stop trying to make the thread into a political pissing contest where there wasn't one without you.
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anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
I just did some research...
FUTA is an universal for transman or transwoman.
Do better research next time. While futa can possibly apply to MtF when you twist it's effective meaning (what is frequent nowadays), there's just no way it can apply to FtM.
And, of course, it anyway don't refer to transidentity, but to intersexuality.

Intersex is used for humans because no human has both fully functioning.
No, intersex is used for humans because hermaphrodites represents only ~10% of intersex peoples. It was invisibilizing the other ~90% and their problems, what wasn't fair.

TL: DR If you don't want to be insulted don't intentionally act like a stupid jerk.
Do as I say, not as I do...

Deleted member 440241

Active Member
Feb 14, 2018
No, intersex is used for humans because hermaphrodites represents only ~10% of intersex peoples. It was invisibilizing the other ~90% and their problems, what wasn't fair.
Considering there are no, nor have there ever been, true hermaphrodites within the human species this seems highly unlikely. You got a source on that?

Do as I say, not as I do...
And what did I do to warrant being insulted? Oh right, I gave OP an accurate answer to their question while also letting them know they could ignore the political talk about trans people. Talk that was both unrelated to OP's search and riddled with inaccuracies and misinformation. Misinformation you repeat despite it already being corrected in this thread.

Do better research next time. While futa can possibly apply to MtF when you twist it's effective meaning (what is frequent nowadays), there's just no way it can apply to FtM.
And, of course, it anyway don't refer to transidentity, but to intersexuality.
MtF means "male to female" and refers to biological males who identify as females. FtM is obviously the other way around. Neither has anything to do with intersexuality and are entirely about trans identity. Making this statement not only wrong but internally inconsistent. An impressive feat of stupidity to fit within only 3 sentences.

PS Futas are not intersex. Futas are true hermaphrodites.
  • Haha
Reactions: anne O'nymous

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
Considering there are no, nor have there ever been, true hermaphrodites within the human species this seems highly unlikely.
From my point of view, while still representing a small part of the population, is far from your "no human ever have been a true hermaphrodite".
But I guess that you know better than the doctors and scientists who wrote this publications and peer reviewed it ; as well as all the others doctors and scientists who wrote, and peer reviewed, all the other publications regarding human true hermaphrodite cases.
They are probably all on drugs. Or perhaps that, unlike the omniscient Tinman95, they are wrongly using the concept of "true hermaphrodites".

You got a source on that?
Well, among many others, why not ?
And if you were referring to the percentage, well, as seen above, my memory betrayed me, and doubled the value. What, in fact, just make the need for a change of terminology even more necessary.

And what did I do to warrant being insulted?
"Do as I say, not as I do" is an insult now ? Fuck, I was insulting myself since decades, and I didn't knew it...

But if what you asked was in fact, "why do I deserve such remark", it's because you are acting like a fucking jerk since you entered the discussion (what isn't really surprising), being unnecessarily rude with people for the sole reason that they don't agree with your, too often biased and wrong, point of view.

Misinformation you repeat despite it already being corrected in this thread.
Let's see: "While futa can possibly apply to MtF when you twist it's effective meaning (what is frequent nowadays)"

Oh. My. God ! What a terrible misinformation I wrote when I just stated the truth...
Because I'm stating the truth. It's precisely what your "misinformation" mean, and what trigger you every time. Futa are not transgenders, yet people use the word "futa" as meaning MtF.

MtF means "male to female" and refers to biological males who identify as females. FtM is obviously the other way around. Neither has anything to do with intersexuality and are entirely about trans identity.
Oh. My. God ! You mean that I was right when I wrote, "and, of course, it anyway don't refer to transidentity, but to intersexuality", in the message you're answering to, and that you claim as spreading misinformation ?

Making this statement not only wrong but internally inconsistent. An impressive feat of stupidity to fit within only 3 sentences.
I know that you'll not like it, and you'll feel insulted, but well it's nothing else that the truth:

Your so blind that you corrected me, twice, while I'm saying exactly the same thing than you.
Therefore, those two sentences that closed your comment, they are clearly applying to you, and only to you. Funny, isn't it ?

Deleted member 440241

Active Member
Feb 14, 2018
From my point of view, while still representing a small part of the population, is far from your "no human ever have been a true hermaphrodite".
But I guess that you know better than the doctors and scientists who wrote this publications and peer reviewed it ; as well as all the others doctors and scientists who wrote, and peer reviewed, all the other publications regarding human true hermaphrodite cases.
They are probably all on drugs. Or perhaps that, unlike the omniscient Tinman95, they are wrongly using the concept of "true hermaphrodites".
Apparently you didn't read your own source. While the testes and ovaries both develop the external genitalia generally don't, or are malformed and useless. Meaning that those people do not have both sets of fully functioning reproductive organs and therefore are not really hermaphrodites. In this case "true" is used because both types of gonads develop which is incredibly rare, but it's a relative term to the other 95% of intersex cases where only one set occurs. It is not how most normal people would use the word "true" nor does it mean that those affected will grow up to be futas.

"Do as I say, not as I do" is an insult now ? Fuck, I was insulting myself since decades, and I didn't knew it...
I'm referring to when Ophanim called me a dick immediately after my first post. Pull your head out of your ass, you've got too much shit in your eyes to see properly.

Well, among many others, why not ?
And if you were referring to the percentage, well, as seen above, my memory betrayed me, and doubled the value. What, in fact, just make the need for a change of terminology even more necessary.
A website with "intersex" in the name, made well after "intersex" started being used in place of "hermaphrodite", propping up an article written by its staff, with several points concerned about fetishization of the term "hermaphrodite" and the gender identities of intersex people. Wonderful source. By the way, here's 's opinion on hermaphroditism. "The mythological term 'hermaphrodite' implies that a person is both fully male and fully female. This is a physiologic impossibility... Unfortunately, some medical personnel still use them to refer to people with certain intersex conditions, because they still subscribe to an outdated nomenclature that uses gonadal anatomy as the basis of sex classification." Your second source actively disagrees with your first. Which one am I supposed to assume is on drugs?


Dec 6, 2020
Do better research next time. While futa can possibly apply to MtF when you twist it's effective meaning (what is frequent nowadays), there's just no way it can apply to FtM.
And, of course, it anyway don't refer to transidentity, but to intersexuality.

No, intersex is used for humans because hermaphrodites represents only ~10% of intersex peoples. It was invisibilizing the other ~90% and their problems, what wasn't fair.

Do as I say, not as I do...
i know what is FtM and MtF but i need a porn term an specific term to search to get my result.


May 15, 2017
The sentence is incorrect.
Futanari (Futa) is a sexualized term for a person who exhibits both a penis and a vagina, either in full or partial (also known as a hermaphrodite). Testicles may or may not be present.

As for the question:
A person with only a vagina but identifies as male could be a transman.

A person with only a penis but identifies as female could be a transwoman.

There are other gender identities, as well.
OR just call man, women and gay.

Why such a fuss about pronouns and all these billions of sexual preferences... Sure one may find Light Poles fancy and have a go at it, may even have another round on a bike, then in a bucket, then finish in a nearby cat... Sure, sure...
But man is still a man, women is still a women.

If they like the same sex, they're gay (or bi) but still men/women. If they've both sexes they're hermaphrodite. It's really that simple.


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
A person with only a vagina but identifies as male could be a transman.

A person with only a penis but identifies as female could be a transwoman.
Alternatively, if the notion of transidentity don't apply, she will be called either shemale (fake boobs) or dickgirl (natural boobs).
Additional word of warning, American LGBT+ activists would be very insistent that in these cases there must be a space after "trans": trans man, trans woman, trans identity. Don't know if anyone's been cancelled for it yet, but they'd definitely call someone a bigot over it. Their reason is not very sound but that never stopped them. You even see some of them insist that's how it must be spelled in other languages, their basis is the relevant qualification that they only speak one language.

Anne's point about trans identity is important though, it's a bad idea to use the word "trans" for characters who don't identify with a gender that's different from the gender assigned at their birth.
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anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
Apparently you didn't read your own source. [...] In this case "true" is used because both types of gonads develop which is incredibly rare, but it's a relative term to the other 95% of intersex cases where only one set occurs.
So I was right:
Or perhaps that, unlike the omniscient Tinman95, they are wrongly using the concept of "true hermaphrodites".

Pull your head out of your ass, you've got too much shit in your eyes to see properly.
Talking out loud to yourself is a sign of early senile dementia.

A website with "intersex" in the name, made well after "intersex" started being used in place of "hermaphrodite", propping up an article written by its staff, with several points concerned about fetishization of the term "hermaphrodite" and the gender identities of intersex people. Wonderful source.
The website of an association dedicated to intersex, where doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, neurologists, and searchers share their thoughts and publications on the subject. Difficult to find a more reliable source, yes.

But as you did above, you prefer to twist the reality, in a vain attempt to belittle the person who had the gut to not agree with you, than admit that you can possibly have talked too fast.

By the way, here's 's opinion on hermaphroditism. "The mythological term 'hermaphrodite' implies that a person is both fully male and fully female. This is a physiologic impossibility... Unfortunately, some medical personnel still use them to refer to people with certain intersex conditions, because they still subscribe to an outdated nomenclature that uses gonadal anatomy as the basis of sex classification." Your second source actively disagrees with your first. Which one am I supposed to assume is on drugs?
What you quote clearly not refute the existence of "true hermaphrodite". It explain, a second time, why the use of the word "hermaphrodite" isn't appropriate. Firstly because one (and only one) of its meaning is misleading, and secondly because it exclude from the sex classification all cases coming from the genotype.

But it's funny to see you use as reference a site that, accordingly to what you wrote the instant before, isn't a reliable source. Do you really expect that doing this will make you look as something else than a fool who change his mind every time he need to comfort his own ego ?

Edit: Love you too tin"sweetheart"man95 XOXO
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anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
Note: I know that you just reported the information, not trying to enforce it or whatever else. I'll not say this against you, I'll say it in reaction to what you report.

Additional word of warning, American LGBT+ activists would be very insistent that in these cases there must be a space after "trans": trans man, trans woman, trans identity.
Well, I'll stand with my friends LGBT+ on this, "fuck the American LGBT+ cancer".

I volunteered for years to help transgenders, among others, and I'll always make their will pass before the agenda of some butt stuck US activists who are making a living from their talk on the subject, and therefore never cease to try new way to be unique, because else they would have to find a real job to pay their bills. And like it generally come with a cult of personality, they always found some fools ready to be their warriors.

It's a shame, they are destroying 60 years of fights and progresses just to satisfy their personal greed ; endangering the future of any LGBT+ person, this just to live the good life. And the worse is that it starts to spread outside of the USA. To the point that this year some associations and militants, mostly transgenders but not only, refused to participate to the pride day in their own country, because they are treated like shit by a part of the movement. The community is supposed to unit around the same desire of respect and equality for all, and then to fight as one to help the others acquire their rights, not to push some back in the closet and fights useless wars.

No, seriously, twenty years ago near to no one ever heard about transgenders, not even thinking that it could be something that exist. Now it's a well known fact, whatever if you support it or think that it's a whim, you know that it's something. And what ? The words enter in the dictionaries, appear in all medias, and even in the Law here and there, so it's time to change the way they should be wrote ?
As if the idiots, those who think that transgenders are just a bunch of crazy idiots who don't now what they want, and that they should be sent in an asylum, when they don't think that they should be killed, needed this to be confirmed on their stupid and Neanderthal belief.

Edit: Sorry for the double post.