Just found out about Virtual Mate. Thought I'd let you guys know.


Compulsive Gambler
Jun 2, 2017
Like Winterfire said previously, Custom Maid already have a things like this with the "Collector's Edition" or something along the line. Maybe not.. responsive in real-time as this one, but this is certainly not the first one and not something new "out of this world".

Nonetheless, at least the design is really awesome, can't disagree on this! :oops:


New Member
Feb 23, 2019
Here's the indiegogo link to the game. Comes with a hardware 'core' that is said to collect your motion data including depth, speed, and strength, responds in real-time. As much as I would love to try this out, the $100 price tag forces me to pass this one. Although I would love to hear how the experience is like if anyone here is willing to try it.

Edit: Here's the link to the official site:

Hi! It's great to know that you're interested in how amazing Virtual Mate works. As soon as we release Virtual Mate, you'll definitely see a lot of great feedback. You can also be updated with Virtual Mate’s news by subscribing to our indiegogo campaign:
We are right now deciding on which extra rewards to offer our Indiegogo backers and we'd really love to hear your thoughts about it. Your opinion matters! >>


New Member
Feb 23, 2019
I don't get it. What's the hardware for?

Hello Jon_Sleeper The Hardware is called "Core" which collects your motion data, passed onto your Virtual Mate via Bluetooth. She perceives your depth, speed, and strength-responding in awe-inspiring real-time.

Get to know more about how amazing Virtual Mate, and get 1st hand updates by subscribing to our Indiegogo campaign.

We are right now deciding on which extra rewards to offer our indiegogo backers and we'd really love to hear your thoughts about it. Your opinion matters!



New Member
Feb 23, 2019

Hi, ItsEricBoi!
Thank you for your appreciation to Virtual Mate!
Please feel free to subscribe and be an early bird for as low as 60% off!

We are right now deciding on which extra rewards to offer our indiegogo backers and we'd really love to hear your thoughts about it. Your opinion matters!



New Member
Feb 23, 2019
1. Are there going to be more models? If no, is it planned as a future update?
2. I'm thinking all her motions are scripted like a game cutscene. How many variety is there when it comes to those scenes?
3. Are there multiple voice packs for the model?

And finally, I would love to see a short demo. Like a proper one. The video that you have doesn't show quite as much. I had to ask here as I didn't see a FAQ page on your official website.
That's all. All the best for your product.
To answer all your questions.

1. We will be collaborating with actresses, appearing in our system soon. We can create a realistic virtual mate or a 2D virtual mate based on anyone or any 2D character’s appearance, provided they authorize the copyright. You can vote for your favorite characters and actresses online, and we’ll do our best to get copyright and feed your wildest fantasies.

2. Your Virtual Mate receives your depth, speed, strength in real-time and responds accordingly, thus she moves exactly as a real human would move. We’ve built different sets of micro-length motions, which combine into different types of motions and convert seamlessly. Players will never feel their virtual mates are acting like a robot or repeating the same motion all the time.

3. We now have one English Pack and we plan to offer at least 3 basic voice packs in our first release. Voice samples from different voice-over artists will also be displayed on our website and our players can then vote for their desired voices.

We will show quite a lot about our game content once we launch on Indiegogo! The videos you see on Indiegogo Pre-launch page are trailers only. We will be posting an FAQ very soon as well.
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Aug 22, 2017
No worries, we will show quite a lot about our game content once we launch on Indiegogo! The videos you see on Indiegogo Pre-launch page are trailers only.
Hello masturbator needed ? can ı play this game standalone without masturbator ?


New Member
Jul 11, 2020
This is nothing new, this was actually a japanese invention. There are tons of chinese copys of this already on the market.

It's a masturbator that has several small motors that respond to the players and ingame motions.

The problem with this stuff is that you still have to move it up and down yourself, so the immersion isn't so... immersive :ROFLMAO:
Thats the point its supposed to feel real your supposed to move yourself not the toy, so it emulates real sex i guess not sure how real i would like to try it doe
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