I don't get what gave you that idea. But no. Art used is FREE and usage is allowed. Also, the term STOLEN is somewhat ironic to use on a forum that...well...piracy, piracy everywhere. So cough cough.
I'm not going to quibble over the semantics of whether stolen or borrowed or pirated are more appropriate descriptors; nor do I care to litigate whether or not that content should or shouldn't be allowed on this site. I will however say that claiming this art is free is further from the truth than someone claiming it is stolen. Just because you found the art for free on a repost site with it's own usage guidelines doesn't mean that that art was obtained legally, that you are allowed to use it, or that it is free. You've taken art from another project wholesale and are selling it commercially, that's almost certainly legally described as copyright infringement unless you can provide proof otherwise - which you certainly haven't here. If it were original art based on someone elses characters you could make the parody defense, but taking art, writing text under it, and then selling it is definitely illegal.
You almost certainly won't get caught or punished or sued for it given the tiny stakes and the fact you live in a different continent to the creator of the art, but that doesn't change the legality.
Also saying that this is a piracy site, "oh the hypocrisy" kind of stuff, doesn't make your actions more or less legal or justifiable. Sure, people who use this forum may have less standing to call you out, but the person who is calling you out doesn't change the facts of the case. And, just as a sidenote, pirating a game that is credited to a creator with links to the creator's site to buy the game or support the creator financially is not the same as taking art and using it in your own game. Pirated games on this site may see some financial benefit from the exposure, the creator of the art you are selling as your own work is far less likely to see any benefit or exposure.