VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Just Sam: The Case of Lilly-Anne [Ch. 1] [Vycron Entertainment]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    4 Stars for the great potential. It could easily become a 5-star-game, but at this stage it has so little content, that it cannot even be called a demo version. The game has extremely sexy characters and the potential for an actual story. So it may one day even become something akin to an actual adventure game, while stll being an extremely hot porn game. I just hope the protagonist and her girlfriend stay gold star lesbians for the whole game!
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is v0.0.1 - Chapter 1...

    This visual novel/game requires a lot of suspension of disbelief...

    The visuals of the characters are decent, but the character sprites during dialogue have lighting issues for the female protagonist (looks like half her lips are black and the other half is white) even though the main screen visuals show no lipstick at all... The backdrops are ok, but the only creative/unique backdrop are the forest scenes... The author/s try to throw, what I perceive to be, humor at the viewer/reader when introducing the nurse character (showing her in a sexy nurse costume at first), but that could be a bad omen for the actual direction this VN/Game will actually take...

    The script has some broken English, as well as the occasional spelling/grammar error... It was still readable, but sometimes the wrong word was used... The plot revolves around a rich former cop, now private detective, female protagonist... Of course there are almost immediate erotic scenes, leading to a very quick shower/bath scene, followed by a quick jaunt to go jogging in a forest... As if what was already presented, didn't already feel a bit disconcerting, you get a feeling this was not going to be a story focused experience, but instead just a small amount of story, used as dressing for lots of sex scenes...

    During the jog, the two (lesbian) women run into a decaying corpse hanging from a tree... Here is where it gets really truly strange, and the suspension of disbelief comes into full focus... The protagonist, a former cop, leaves her girlfriend (after smooching her?) at the scene of a murder crime, by herself, and runs to call the police... The police station doesn't believe her story (what?), even though she's a former cop, and only sends 2 plain clothed detectives to investigate... Anyone who's ever read a crime novel, or seen a movie involving a crime scene, or been in a real world situation like this, knows that normal cops are usually sent to calls like that, and perhaps maybe a detective or more may come along, or not even be called until there is confirmation of a crime requiring investigation...

    In any case, when the protagonist and the detectives get to the tree, the body is not there, and neither is her girlfriend... Very quickly the investigators dismiss her claim and take off, barely even there a minute, and they just dismiss her claims and go... She didn't even get a chance to mention her missing girlfriend to them... They don't even inspect the possible crime scene for any possible evidence of a crime or not... Really? After that non-sense, then you begin to wonder if this protagonist may have some psychological issues? Or maybe she's haunted? Or maybe she talks with the dead? Who knows at this point, because the content ends there...

    Overall, I can pretty much deduce that this is not so great of a VN/Game, as it seems to be pushing sex scenes more then actual deep and meaningful, or even somewhat believable, story... I understand it is really early into it's development, but you can just get a sense of what the real focus of this VN/game will most likely entail, regardless of how the story will actually progress... I could be wrong, but that is the gut feeling I get from the current content and presentation... I may revisit it later on, but I'm not all that impressed with it so far...