Very solid game.
Think A Link to the Past mixed with Dark souls elements.
Solid visuals, combat, dungeons. Music is generic, but not bad.
Strong intro into the game, a tutorial that feels a lot less forced than most, and a nice intro dungeon that introduces the general gameplay very well.
The main game doesn't hold your hand, and although the game is fairly linear, there is some side content to gain, and optional challenges.
The game controls very well, although I absolutely recommend a gamepad.
Only the dodging feels a little off, but the hitboxes of enemy attacks are quite generous, and if you're having problems dodging, just hit and running works well, since attack animations are genrally pretty short, and enmies only rarely atack rapidly.
There's a scene after each dungeon, and a couple bonus scenes obtainable through exploring outside of the main dungeons, rewarding players for exploring, but the scenes, while well animated, are all pretty bland and uninspired.
There's also h-enemies, that rape on hit, these animations are also good, but your standard monster rape for the most part.
Biggest problem is that the game is pretty short, and doesn't do a lot with what it has. About 4 hours for everything, including side content, and hentai stuff. The game has zelda-style items, but barely uses them for anything.
Overall very enjoyable, some wasted potential though.