Others - Completed - Juuyoku no Jousai, the Fortress of Carnal Lust [v2.0] [Fullfrap]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Very fun game that is heavily Zelda inspired & combines some elements from Dark Souls. The game will mostly focus on combat and puzzles. Combat feels surprisingly good on keyboard and will give you plenty of options for weapons, shields and magic. Puzzles are fair & never felt too cryptic.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game! The animations are really good and it was kinda fresh to see a game with a different gameplay (kinda got tired of thousands of RPGM games that are just basic). It's basically dark souls with a different perspective and huge boobas, so 5/5. It's also voiced which is very nice. Probably my favorite game from this developer.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Mister Wake

    I remember when this game was first coming out and I struggled to find it anywhere online. Originally, I was just trying to find videos of it. This game-- and my search for it-- is what brought me to F95 itself. It was completely worth it.

    This game has amazing artwork, beautiful animation and challenging (but fun) gameplay. If you want to play an enjoyable and well made combat/puzzle game alongside your kinky desire for being raped mid-combat if you mess up on some enemies, this is the game for you. Fullfrap has proven themselves time and time again as a talented and kinky developer. This game gave me a few days of absolute enjoyment, mostly in part to how I got stuck on puzzles and took my time.
    All puzzle answers you will find somewhere in the comments of this thread, thankfully <3
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    It is an darksouls like game with 2d open air camera, which is unique for this kind of games, I think, but it doesn't give anything good to this game, just difficulty. This game is very boring, also the plot. I have no reason to play it, especially after forced rape, even after I defeated first boss (is he resurrected or what ?). This game is also not about porn, so zip back your pants.
    Can't recommend it.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    even before the sex content, just honestly a real solid top down action-adventure game. default controls took a bit to get used to, but worked well. combat isnt super difficult, but it's fun. decent length, took me about 4 hours.

    decent amount of sex content. not a tonne, but not bad. the animations on them were really good, especially the full screen full size scenes. the girl is super hot, amazing tits and ass.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I just finished this game and I was amazed on how good this game is even if this is a hentai game. The devs really put effort in this. The game difficulty and the way you can see h really satisfied me and the story ending made me think "Oof infinite loop". Overall the game is great unlike other pixel games made. Fullrap is one of the best game makers. (y)(y)(y)
    Likes: OEJ
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Very solid game.
    Think A Link to the Past mixed with Dark souls elements.

    Solid visuals, combat, dungeons. Music is generic, but not bad.
    Strong intro into the game, a tutorial that feels a lot less forced than most, and a nice intro dungeon that introduces the general gameplay very well.
    The main game doesn't hold your hand, and although the game is fairly linear, there is some side content to gain, and optional challenges.

    The game controls very well, although I absolutely recommend a gamepad.
    Only the dodging feels a little off, but the hitboxes of enemy attacks are quite generous, and if you're having problems dodging, just hit and running works well, since attack animations are genrally pretty short, and enmies only rarely atack rapidly.

    There's a scene after each dungeon, and a couple bonus scenes obtainable through exploring outside of the main dungeons, rewarding players for exploring, but the scenes, while well animated, are all pretty bland and uninspired.
    There's also h-enemies, that rape on hit, these animations are also good, but your standard monster rape for the most part.

    Biggest problem is that the game is pretty short, and doesn't do a lot with what it has. About 4 hours for everything, including side content, and hentai stuff. The game has zelda-style items, but barely uses them for anything.

    Overall very enjoyable, some wasted potential though.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    This is by far Fullflap's weakest entry, even compared to their earlier stuff.

    The graphics are gorgeous, the circle's visual style and animations have always been smooth and beautiful to look at. Plus, the caricature super-oppai proportions work well with the h-content. ((That being said, there's one animation that occurs in the world with the blue-skinned male where the character's face becomes hideously deformed...))
    The problems arise in the gameplay department. Fullflap has already delved into the Souls-esque combat mechanics with Dragon's Sperm, and I honestly regard that game's combat as much better than this one. The top-down view makes it hard to judge distances. The default control scheme is confusing and the mechanic to fast-swap items takes away your ability to move, putting you in danger when you're trying to reach for your stave to heal... But the feature that takes the crown in the department of "most annoying and rage-inducing mechanic" goes to the dodge. Once you tap the dodge key, there's a fraction of a second until the iframes kick in. The regular enemies don't telegraph their attacks for long enough for your dodge to avoid them most of the time; you end up dodging before they commit to their attack and hoping that they will attack and not just stand in place shuffling back and forth like they usually do. Moreover, any good souls-esque game needs to nail one thing: Dodge takes precedence over any other animation (minus stuns.) I have managed, during testing, to tap the dodge button followed by the attack key: the character will proceed to attack and then dodge in that order...
    The level design was ok, but the lack of distinct sprites, objects or just different coats of paints makes it easy for one to get lost, especially in those areas with multiple levels. There's no clear signposting of where the end of a zone is, so backtracking multiple screens is fairly common, which actually points to bad level design.
    And the h-animations and images... They are pretty standard, varying in quality since some characters get zoomed cut-outs while others only have a top-down view animation. That being said, the variety is pretty lacking and there's way too few! There are more than in Dragon's Sperm, but still a lot of empty room.

    Tl;dr: If we weren't talking about Fullflap but some unknown upcoming developer, I'd be impressed. As the latest entry from this circle, the gameplay is pretty weak and the h-content pretty lacking. Still, got 2 hours of mildly entertaining frustration, I guess...