Unreal Engine - Kagura Survivors: Endless Night [Early Access] [Kagura Games, Big Bang Studio]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Glad there's more h-game clones of real indie games out there but this one fails the mark fantastically.

    The visuals and graphics are it's best quality - pixel and map work is beautiful and so is the vfx and general polish on abilities. Game looks really good. I like the few music tracks included in the game.

    Gameplay is gutter trash, unfortunately. A full game run is effectively barred from you until you grind to unlock the levels on the weapons - yes the core idea of making your weapons bigger better faster stronger in these vs clones is not available from the first run. simply astonishing. By minute 5-9 at this point in your runs it's simply impossible to out dps the flood of enemies that start to entrench the screen. So it's basically grind until you can start hanging, but it's a giant waste of time.

    Any upgrades feel near useless and it's only the levels on the weapons or upgrades that feel substantial. The board wipe and dash moves are locked at the start of every run and you need to rng level up into these near essential skills, which is terrible.

    On the bright side there is a ranking system that rewards flawless play, where kagura slowly rises up in rank as you continue clearing mobs, from D to SS rank. Mobs cleared at higher ranks reward more points at the end, but getting hit severely reduces rank. Points are calculated at the end according to how many mobs fell at which rank you were at the time. A genuinely interesting incentive to reward more precise gameplay but ultimately it's empty score hunting and could've been something to alleviate the horrid grind but unfortunately, not enough insight by the devs for that.

    h-content is barebones. it's literally a handful of pixel art that you can unlock by opening chests in the game. Nothing else - no disrobing when taking damage, no multiple speeds on the animations, not even every kind of position, not to mention lack of cgs or voice acting.

    Game's not worth your time - there's already other vs hentai clones that are much more well thought out then this one. It's a shame too since the main girl is cute. Oh well.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Pretty solid game, I only have a few gripes with it.
    The most insanely annoying thing in this game is enemies spawning directly on top of the player. And it wouldn't be half as much of a problem if you could actually hit them but you can't, or at least not before they take a massive chunk of your hp. Your basic attack has a massive blind spot around the player sprite. So if a critter gets too close you not only have to contend with it's attack damage but also it's contact damage per millisecond as well.

    Another constant source of annoyance is collision. Getting stuck on invisible walls and map geometry is a pain in the ass in general but here it's even worse because enemies can just walk through some objects. I've had bosses die in obstructed places and I couldn't get to the loot it dropped as a result. This is a problem most appearant in the maze, the ruined village and the wasteland areas, also although only a minor inconvenience are the giant rocks and the lamp posts on the small island.

    Enemies seem to get stronger based on how many things you buy in the shop.
    Which makes sense and I'm not particularly against it... Except the fucking Knife goblins and the Woodland spirits are a massive pain in the ass cuz they are so tanky even when I'm practically oneshotting everything, mowing down bosses like it's nothing these shit asses still take a life time to actually go down. And as I've mentioned before if they get too close they just melt you.

    Don't get me wrong even after all the poison I spewed at it I stil think it has some potencial. It has some good ideas even if executed poorly.
    I still don't understand what the combo system does I've gotten to SSS rating multiple times, at first I thought it might be like a shield letting you take a hit with some invincibility, which would be a good mechaninc imo.
    But no,I really don't know what it does.
    I do like that the shop items grant both a passive and active upgrade to your skills but the power system is undermined by the fact that you can't chose which slot your powers go into, also the rng can be pretty bad giving you abilities you can't make use of. Not to mention if you have a maxed out ability, picking up more of it doesn't seem to change anything.
    On that note friendly reminder if you don't have at least two abilities by 4:00, just restart the run.

    The game is bad, but could be worse. But it's Early access so I'll take it.
    This turned into a rant more than a rewiev but I feel I've articulated what is wrong here.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I love these sort of games and i can see this one has a lot of potential.

    A few things that need to be fixed or included for a better overall experience:

    - Upgrade system needs to add a column for base stats like health,def, etc
    - Main menu seems a little laggy? unlikely but maybe my system
    - Enemy drops need to be ejected from walls otherwise things like chests can get stuck in the middle of trees
    - Enemy spawn rate is fine but enemy health scaling seems too high, it gets to a point where your build cant keep up no matter what.
    - Extra heal drops would be nice or add more crates to break open.
    - with the amount of options for abilities and thier upgrades maybe add a luck stat so you get more options on level up
    - The graded power up system is cool but with the amount you are going to get hit, losing a grade per touch seems a bit much? maybe add a 3 hit shield each time you go up a grade so you can get a longer lasting benefit to it.

    The main suggestion - make it more common and much easier to see H animations. like if you are on D grade and get hit you get the animation everytime. This also plays into the 'overwhelmed' feeling . You get the scenarios when you are losing.

    Keep up the good work. i look forward to seeing more of this.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Don't play if you are here just for the scenes or hate grinding. I've played two of games already ( Sexy Mystic Survivors and Glory and Miserable Survivors) and I must say this one hits dead last. Running close to 8hrs in and I have yet to get past 17mins.

    Don't even bother upgrading the sword. You have to face the direction and the cooldown is really long for such a shortrange attack. AOE is pretty much going to be your friend here. I've maxed out of most of my passive weapons and skills, yet I still feel super weak.

    I like how your character levels up if you don't take any damage but that's about as far as complements go.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Honestly, it's not bad(compared to a lot of game here) a "Vampire survivor"like. The strongest point is... I don't know, I think this game is fun. Gameplay is fun, design is fun, leveling is fun... just the r-18 is not fun... but I don't care because it's a kind """optionnal""".
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Giving this game 1 star, is 1 star more than it deserve.

    The game is extramely grindy, and becomes booring fast. Tthere is a load of game wit this type of mechanics, that 100 times better than this game.
    Bounty of One is one of them.

    Try to make it a bit less grindy, a bit more fluid, the abilities thanks to the melee combat is pain in the ass.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    A good example of why Kagura are translators and not developers.

    There is really not much more to say to this. This is the hell spawn of mobile survivor game ads and bad pixelated porn. Everything's all over the place.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Awful progression, terrible gameplay, mediocre content at best, shake up the survivor format in the worst ways possible. You can go 20 levels without seeing your special come up once, you can take 5 minutes to kill the first mini boss that shows up like 2 minutes in, you can kill bosses and earn your chests and literally be unable to open them or collect the contents because of how many enemies just show up. Heck you can even somehow earn an SS rank and immediately lose it because a single hit drops your rank by an entire score yet requires hundreds to thousands of kills to recover.

    This game takes the survivor formula that has been growing in popularity and just shits on it in every way possible. All the weapons are frankly unreliable and garbage, the upgrades feel extremely minimal, and most importantly you have to actually save and pay gold to unlock the ability to even level up your weapons which is just really retarded. It's not added bonuses like a roguelite would do, you pay for the opportunity to level up in game and otherwise you gain no benefit what so ever from the upgrade system.

    As for the content, I guess it's tied to specific chests that are laid out in the overworld map. I find it interesting to make a survivor game with an actual map and objective involved but unfortunately that whole concept is ruined by everything that is this game in general. You can immediately go south and then to the east to find a chest that spawns 3 or 4 big goblins with grabby hands that move 3 times your speed and attack faster than you can actually move out of the way for. In other words it's pretty fucking stupid and your reward for putting up with that is a scene that has about 2 frames of humping and then 2 frames of cumming followed by the slowest transition back to the game. Press any key to continue and then watch it for another 10 seconds because it won't immediately jump back to the gameplay as soon as you press any key.

    It's just bad and not fun.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Gameplay is okay-ish. But this being Kagura and they can't make anything more but those really tiny animations. Like they have experience with so many H-games. Yet this is all they deliver? Really lame. Also not even well done tiny animations. It has like 2 or 3 frames.
    Likes: ob123