Unreal Engine - Kalyskah [v0.23.3] [Nobre Lobo]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    While very early days, there is a ton of potential here. and obvious skill on the part of dev.. there is inventory, loot,puzzles and combat.. for an adult game that is very unusual. the character creater is amazing and if they fix the clipping bugs that appear on the clothes the outfits are nice looking to complete your sassy little vampire avatar.. the groundwork is solid the only thing that i would say really needs alot of work is the current combat system and ofcause the lack of an explaination of things.. there seems to be some kind of blood sucking ability if you stealth up behind victims but there was never any explaination on how it worked or why sometimes i seemed to have some special vampire powers like turning to mist, while other times i couldnt do those.. there is allso a bossfight at the very end of the demo that with a little polish could be good. if you dont just want a quick fap but actualy play a game and have some adult content at the same time, i think this is a game to watch out for... if on the otherhand you just want a quick fap, i think staying away from this is the best choice.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    TL;DR I had fun playing through it (until the game crashed), but I didn't fap to it. (v0.3.1)

    I've been following the development on Patreon for quite some time. Their initial public demo looked promising, and the short videos were hot. So I had high expectation when they released the long-awaited alpha.

    I was pleasantly surprised by the gameplay, but the sex part was disappointing. There were very few sex scenes and they didn't blend well with general gameplay. Most sex scenes are only activated upon defeat. The problem is that since the combat system is quite good, you want to win the fights, so you end up having to die on purpose to see the sex animations.

    They also take way too long to release new versions.

    I think they try too hard to release a good action/adventure while most people here (including me) mainly care about the sex. If I want to play a game without the sex aspect, I've plenty other much better games to play.