
RPGM - Completed - KAME PARADISE [Final] [YamamotoDoujinshi]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    - Only minigame you play is "rock paper scissors"
    - Map is very basic, you go around and do the minigame

    Frequency of Scenes:
    + Very frequent.

    - Basically non-existing

    --> All in one: Very basic game just to quickly unlock scenes. I guess the quality of animation is the only good thing about the game. Just use a full save file. 1 point of 10.
    Likes: GaRbS
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Extremely basic rock, paper and scissors gameplay, good looking world and some impressively well animated cutscenes.
    I quite liked it despite how short it is, and the difficulty of trial and error, especially the animations that do not look as high quality.
    Applause to the developer.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game parody of Dragon Ball, now with the perspective of a male protagonist and diferent girls. The game is like all games of this author, so expect good drawing, animations and sound but poor gameplay and technical errors like climbing walls etc.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    this is what i like short and to the point
    a parody game about dragon ball
    its pretty easy and you can finish in one setting with the help of the walkthrough
    the scenes are animated and voiced so what more can you ask for
    i guess we would ask for more scenes but whatever
    the game has a second installment that has been uploaded to the forum recently
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The game runs perfectly and i recommend it fro everyone . The H-Scens are hot as hell !!!

    And the graphicks are gorgous too . Don't give it a second hought download it , you don't have to fear anything !!!!
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    I think this is a huge step up from the other versions of this game. I hated the other ones where you had to lose just to get scenes and that there was no way to save the game. I think rock paper scissors is still kind of boring and makes the game feel unnecessarily long for no reason but, at least it isn't dreadful to play it.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Love Yamamoto's style. I hope this gets atleast three parts like the bulma one. Maybe like part 2 being the android saga and part 3 being the buu saga. And maybe part 4 taking place after or during the T.O.P.
  8. 2.00 star(s)

    Agent HK47

    A game like this should be right up my alley. I love DB, DBZ & DBS, and I have also watched the GT series (I don't like that one).
    Dragonball is one of my all-time favourite animes, and I have long wanted an adult game, set in the DB universe.

    This game however, is not really doing it for me. Don't get me wrong, the art style is spot on and some of my fav. girls from DB are here, but is just... not enough.

    The game has way too little in terms of actual content. There are around 8 girls or so in total, and each has around 5-10 frames of (censored) sex. You will spend 99.99% of your time in this game, walking around the world and trying to beat enemies with the most boring mechanic of all: Rock, paper, scissors!
    I get the joke. DB characters have often resorted to settle arguments with RPS, but it is a boring game mechanic.

    You play Goku most of the time. Master Roshi will send you out to find a girl, in a small, yet incredibly boringly made map. When you find the girl, you will need to beat someone in battle (RPS!) to get her back home to Kame House. When you are back, you will play as Master Roshi, as he tries to convince the girl to have sex with him, which is done by, you guessed it: ROCK PAPER SCISSORS!

    When you finally beat the girl, you will get around 30 seconds of sex at most, and then you are back to spend another 10 minutes as Goku, trying to find a new girl to bring back to Roshi, so you can spend another couple of minutes trying to beat her in RPS, and get another 30 seconds of sex.

    In short, there is just not enough to the game. The dialogue is too short, almost to the point of being non-existant, the battle mechanics are boring AF, the girls (although their art is well-made) don't have enough content to satisfy the effort you put into picking them up for your master. We need more. More girls, more area to explore, more dialogue, more interesting battle mechanics, and - most importantly - we need more actual sexual content!

    Also, on an ending note, I am not sure how to feel about seeing pre-teen Chi-chi being bent over and pumped full of old pervert cum. I don't mind underage characters in my games, within reason (like 15 and above), but I don't really think I wanted to see this kind of shit.