This first build is rather short but gives you a good idea of whats to come. As the synapsis says, you play as a female teacher in an all girls school and get to spank pretty girls. The animations are good, the renders look nice and the girls are more pretty than hot but thats because of the artstyle. There are spanking sound effects, moans and voice lines, which is pretty nice, appreciated and hot.
Edit: Kana, our Female MC is not an absolute beta female that gets blackmailed and loves it for no reason. Thank you dear developer thank you very much.
A question to the dev:
Will there be sexual content? Like fingering, corruption, licking, dildos, buttplugs, vibes, made to lick Kana scenes. Or maybe even kinky stuff like blackmail, forced vibes during class, urination ?
A bit of criticism directed to the developer:
Story/gameplay: The intro is almost too much on the nose. Kana can explain how everything works herself, for me it was emersion breaking having Yui tell you everything in the way it played out.
UI: I'd love it if we could see the names of the facilities on the quick travel screen, without having to hoover over them.
Erotic scenes: I really enjoyed a good spanking. What I missed in your scenes was the following: Why does Kana care. I mean I get excited if I get to spank a nice piece of ass. But Kana goes in like the terminator, pulls down the pants, hits like 40 times and leaves, no questions asked, no thought given. Thats kinda cold. This way the spankings feel like wasted opportunities. As a player I know like nothing about the girl getting spanked. Throw in some lines in Kana's mind that explains who the girl is and how Kana feels about spanking her (later you could even implement a player choice here. In the Overview it says the player can chose to be a tyrant, whcih I definetly want to be fyi, so if Kana is feeling neutral, you could ask if you enjoy spanking a girl or if you try to make her a better student, something along those line). I'd also love me some reactions. From the spanked girl add some lines along the way of "ouch" "ahh" "please stop" and so on. And from Kana maybe some thoughts like "what a firm ass" "hehe I like the shade of red my hand leaves behind" etc. Also: Is she getting wet? Thats like the point of such a game imo xD
Now some general tipps about Sandbox games. I played many bad games that were sandbox style games (like 30 before I stopped), I also played good games that were severely hurt by being a sandbox (like 30) and almost none that profited from being a sandbox.
Sandbox in general: In my opinion, sandbox gaeplay has the following pitfalls:
The first and most prevelant is useless time skipping. What I mean by that are place and time sensitive events at certain times on certain days. For example, talk to Yui in the Nurse Office on Tuesday at 10 A.M. If you complete the "quest" to unlock said event on a Wendsay you have to skip 6 days and its tedious, boring and useless. Please please please never implement something as horrific as that. That is like the most nonsensical thing ever.
Second is non story relevant grinding. If you think actually working to buy stuff to unlock sex scenes is appropriate for PPorn Games, change your mind immediatly. Thats just lazy story telling and bad game design imo. Better spend your time creating actual content instead of useless grinding. There is a way ofc, if you implement certain story events, milestones are a great way for that, that give you access to a fixed amount of capital you can spend to acquire certain items that help you progress to the next milestone where you get to chose again, that is totally fine.
Then there is the lack of a hint system: On the first day, I wanted to tech the class because the last scentense of the intro told me to do so. I went to the classroom and the line "You're missing something lol go find it" popped up.... So I hit the skip button and randomly clicked every overworld location once and found a paddle. Thats kinda stupid. If you have to find specific items to progress with the story, always implement the following with them: A small Task Bar / Active Quest list, whatever you want to call it (Top left corner for example) that says, what you have to do. Next to the task say where to complete it. There is nothing more annoying than clicking through 15 locations while nothing is happening. If there is a pre requisit to complete a certain task, tell me where and how to complete that as well. I downloaded your game, I actually want to play it, not get lost trying on the way.
Character progression: Add a box or something similar (Maybe top right corner) where I can see infos about each girl. How many scenes are there in total and how many have I already unlocked.
Characters locations: On the quick travel menu, add little images that show who is where.