VN - Ren'Py - Kana Sensei [v0.5.1.1] [Kana]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game! Although the sexual content is fairly minimal, you must understand not everyone is looking for that. Within the spanking game community, there are few high quality games, but this is one of if not the best!
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    Bondage Queen

    I neither like or dislike spanking. At least, that's what I thought until I played this game. Now? I don't know anymore!


    - The characters are gorgeous. I adore the 3D anime style (koikatsu?) and all the characters are very cleanly designed. Combine this with the perfect amount of animation and good variety of camera angles, and the game is very pleasant to look at no matter what is happening on screen.

    - Excellent main character. Whenever I've played "dom" games in the past, I've always found the main character insufferable (sometimes intentional like Rance, othertimes not) or poorly written. This games manages to make a main character (Kana) who somehow manages to feel realistic despite the game being absurd. She comes off as harsh and even capricious, but not cruel or overly sadistic. It feels like the perfect blend to me. It also doesn't hurt that she's the hottest character in the game XD.

    - No content droughts. You'll never be bored from lack of content here. There's always stuff going on, and even if you aren't enthralled with what is immediately happening, there's always at least one thing you're looking forward to. For me, the prospect of exploring the high tech bondage-centric abandoned school kept me very eager, or the prospect of Kana getting one-upped by the snowwomen. There are quite a few concurrent story threads going on at once, so you'll always be latched on to something.


    - Pacing Fatigue. There's an extremely steady stream of spanking scenes being delivered through the days - pretty much every time you go anywhere, bam, new spanking scene. This is cool, but can induce a state of fatigue where you're like 'oh, ANOTHER spanking scene...' And then if it doesn't appeal to you, you may just skip through it because you have fatigue from all the other spanking stuff you've seen recently. The game would benefit from breaking up the pacing more, either through more minigames, or through more story-focused segments.

    - Plot Armor. As far as the first 3 days (the available content), Kana is purely dominant. That's fine, but her immunity to role reversal can be so authorial that it ruins immersion. For example, there's a scene where she wagers her panties on a minigame. Of course, I purplosely lost ^-^. But then it's revealed she wears like 8 pairs of panties and can't actually lose. ?? There's another part where a robot would spank her, but she perfectly blocks it (which, admittedly, is very funny) and then says "it's not my time." It's basically the dev saying 'she doesn't get spanked until I feel like it.' Kind of immersion breaking. Imo it's more fun with god mode off, so to speak, as it adds a lot of extra tension to certain kinds of scenes which otherwise lack them if you know she can't be touched.

    i'd say that mostly covers it so far. I've had a fantastic time playing this spanking focused game, despite being meh on spanking! From a content point of view, I'm very much hoping for some Kana role reversal! And, of course, I'd love to see more bondage/restraint, but maybe that's just me ^-^
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Tuatha Dé

    As far as the theme of the game is concerned I think the approach is quite good, the touches of masochism in some characters also give it variety and the scene of day 3 of the dormitory seems to me one of the best, a little weird that a teacher enters your room but perfectly understandable that it is because is heard in the whole hallway and disturbs others.
    The game seems to be ending within the week I hope it doesn't as it is quite entertaining although without those touches of eroticism either with lesbian scenes or masochism it can get a bit monotonous, We will have to wait to see what possibilities the science teacher, train repair or the snowman can come up with for this game.
    I would like the game to evolve little by little and show more lesbian scenes but that is not the theme of the game as much as I would like it to be, and if we talk about tastes I would even put that little by little she perverts his students, touching them and giving them orgasms and even using them to give her pleasure xd, one of the people with whom Kana could have lesbian scenes is the nurse and the other one is Emi, hopefully at some point it will happen.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    I have no problems with the genres of this game, but content becomes kinda repetitive. In this particular game it is abundance of similar scenes of spanking. In other games that could be some other topics, but the problem is identical. Repetitiveness.
    Even if the game was only about spanking, author could make each individual event so unique that it would not feel repetitive. But unfortunately this is not the case.
    Not gonna talk about situations being too artificial and the plot itself unrealistic, but it still doesn't help to enjoy the game.
    I feel the game deserves 3/5, but I'll be generous.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Surprisingly awesome.

    + I didn't expect much more than a few repeated spanking scenes, but there's a story, character development, and humor. And if you don't care about that, there's still a lot of spanking - literally everywhere you go - and many scenes are quite unique. One scene is split into 4 different spanking variations, while another scene has girl's butts sticking out of pool tubes in an almost stuck-in-wall fashion. Yet another gives you the choice of encouraging a girl's masochism by vibrating her during the spanking or just beating it out of her with a hard paddle.

    - Only downside is the crying voice lines are on repeat, or there's only ~3 of them randomized with each spank. It's a bit irritating when you're playing a certain scene for a long time because of... reasons. Getting some extended voice acting for this game would be amazing.
  6. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4905707

    a very decent game (and i mean that in the best way possible)! some spanking scenes were more enjoyable than others, though the looped cries could be a bit jarring at times. the mismatched uniforms (the schoolgirls are each pulled from different anime and as a result have different uniforms) messed with my engagement in the game a little, but nothing crazy.

    day 2 did not disappoint! i wasn't really expecting it to or anything, but after waiting some time for it to release, i thought it'd be more difficult to replicate the experience i had with day 1. i found i had no issues with the flow in between days.

    in my opinion, the biggest draw of the game is the creativity of each storyline. i can't really think of any that i found disappointing, though my favorites so far/the ones i'm most excited for are definitely the naked snowman, the science teacher, and the girls sitting on the bench in the courtyard on day 2.

    i'll most probably continue to keep up with the game's updates. thank you for making it all girls! i know that that's a bit of a polarizing decision haha, + it being a spanking-focused game, but there's an audience (including me) that really appreciates it :>!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    A spanking simulator of choice for spanking connoisseurs.
    And a very well done one at that.

    It has all you need:

    *Spankable naughty girls.
    *Spanking-good humor.
    *Famous waifus like Taiga, whom you can spank.
    *Cool teacher - Kana Sensei, she'll spank you good!
    *Quality sound, especially the spanking and crying.
    *Spanking-hot renders.

    With more quality content i'm sure 'Kana Sensei' will become THE spanking sim which will inspire the creation of new spanking simulators for decades to come.
    Do your best, Kana Sensei. :cool::coffee:
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    * Girl on girl
    *Red butts
    *Alternates cheeks!
    *Variety of positions that make physical sense
    *BDSM, Watersports, and so much spanking!

    If you are a spanko, this is totally for you. If you aren't a spanko, LET US HAVE THIS!
  9. 5.00 star(s)



    I really really really hope you finish this game and consider making other ones. I love your animations and this game just makes them shine even more.

    My only criticism is that the manual input animations are a bit clunky but I believe you will polish it up as you go.
    One suggestion is to make a queue of actions for manual spankings so that it looks a more natural. Could be done by adding a queue (which would be another great idea) or setting a min-delay so that it doesn't overlap.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I found your game from lewdninja and I have to say there is a lot of good potential here. Animations are top tier, and I got a good laugh at some of the humor.

    Pros: Animations, story line, pseudo-sandboxy feel, and cute anime girls! Another pro is the cheat button on the minigame because I personally don't like minigames so I ggreatly appreciate the cheat option.

    Cons: Short in its current state, and on linux I noticed a bit of a lag on the Yui spanking scene. I'm not sure if it is my laptop or the game but to be fair I won't count this towards my rating of the game as a whole.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is very enjoyable and with a big potential. Hope to see the continuation of the story soon. I would like to see a lot of different dialogues and plot twists. I wish you creative success! =))))))
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Played from the link on AnimeOtk, easily the best spanking animations I've seen in any related game so far. Most of the time you just get RPGmaker +Black screen with some slapping noises. This game has a lot of potential. As for things I'd like to see added:
    -A dedicated punishment/detention building on campus for more severe punishments to be carried out
    -Addition of other kinks that complement the overall spanking theme like figging, mouth-soaping, capsaicin cream, etc.
    -Sexual content would work well as a form of aftercare since some spankos don't like to mix spanking with pleasure this would be a good compromise between the two
    -more customizable scenes with a variety of spanking positions, implements, and states of undress to choose from (similar to what we got in the final scene of the current game)
    -If possible a sort of sandbox mode that you can unlock after completing the main story to add replayablilty (Not sure how doable this would be on the engine however, more of something to consider after full release).
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    This first build is rather short but gives you a good idea of whats to come. As the synapsis says, you play as a female teacher in an all girls school and get to spank pretty girls. The animations are good, the renders look nice and the girls are more pretty than hot but thats because of the artstyle. There are spanking sound effects, moans and voice lines, which is pretty nice, appreciated and hot.
    Edit: Kana, our Female MC is not an absolute beta female that gets blackmailed and loves it for no reason. Thank you dear developer thank you very much.

    A question to the dev:
    Will there be sexual content? Like fingering, corruption, licking, dildos, buttplugs, vibes, made to lick Kana scenes. Or maybe even kinky stuff like blackmail, forced vibes during class, urination ?

    A bit of criticism directed to the developer:
    Story/gameplay: The intro is almost too much on the nose. Kana can explain how everything works herself, for me it was emersion breaking having Yui tell you everything in the way it played out.
    UI: I'd love it if we could see the names of the facilities on the quick travel screen, without having to hoover over them.
    Erotic scenes: I really enjoyed a good spanking. What I missed in your scenes was the following: Why does Kana care. I mean I get excited if I get to spank a nice piece of ass. But Kana goes in like the terminator, pulls down the pants, hits like 40 times and leaves, no questions asked, no thought given. Thats kinda cold. This way the spankings feel like wasted opportunities. As a player I know like nothing about the girl getting spanked. Throw in some lines in Kana's mind that explains who the girl is and how Kana feels about spanking her (later you could even implement a player choice here. In the Overview it says the player can chose to be a tyrant, whcih I definetly want to be fyi, so if Kana is feeling neutral, you could ask if you enjoy spanking a girl or if you try to make her a better student, something along those line). I'd also love me some reactions. From the spanked girl add some lines along the way of "ouch" "ahh" "please stop" and so on. And from Kana maybe some thoughts like "what a firm ass" "hehe I like the shade of red my hand leaves behind" etc. Also: Is she getting wet? Thats like the point of such a game imo xD

    Now some general tipps about Sandbox games. I played many bad games that were sandbox style games (like 30 before I stopped), I also played good games that were severely hurt by being a sandbox (like 30) and almost none that profited from being a sandbox.
    Sandbox in general: In my opinion, sandbox gaeplay has the following pitfalls:
    The first and most prevelant is useless time skipping. What I mean by that are place and time sensitive events at certain times on certain days. For example, talk to Yui in the Nurse Office on Tuesday at 10 A.M. If you complete the "quest" to unlock said event on a Wendsay you have to skip 6 days and its tedious, boring and useless. Please please please never implement something as horrific as that. That is like the most nonsensical thing ever.
    Second is non story relevant grinding. If you think actually working to buy stuff to unlock sex scenes is appropriate for PPorn Games, change your mind immediatly. Thats just lazy story telling and bad game design imo. Better spend your time creating actual content instead of useless grinding. There is a way ofc, if you implement certain story events, milestones are a great way for that, that give you access to a fixed amount of capital you can spend to acquire certain items that help you progress to the next milestone where you get to chose again, that is totally fine.
    Then there is the lack of a hint system: On the first day, I wanted to tech the class because the last scentense of the intro told me to do so. I went to the classroom and the line "You're missing something lol go find it" popped up.... So I hit the skip button and randomly clicked every overworld location once and found a paddle. Thats kinda stupid. If you have to find specific items to progress with the story, always implement the following with them: A small Task Bar / Active Quest list, whatever you want to call it (Top left corner for example) that says, what you have to do. Next to the task say where to complete it. There is nothing more annoying than clicking through 15 locations while nothing is happening. If there is a pre requisit to complete a certain task, tell me where and how to complete that as well. I downloaded your game, I actually want to play it, not get lost trying on the way.
    Character progression: Add a box or something similar (Maybe top right corner) where I can see infos about each girl. How many scenes are there in total and how many have I already unlocked.
    Characters locations: On the quick travel menu, add little images that show who is where.