Collection - VN - Others - Completed - Kangoku Senkan Premium Box [Final] [Anime Lilith]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty good.

    The first game is simple but fun, Boghan/Bogan is a good evil MC I like that he is scheming and winning. Naomi is very cute, Lieri/Rieri is okay I thought she was a bit boring. I like that the MC has a reason to hate the girls it is a lot better with that then without, I never felt bad for the girls because they were kinda evil too not much though.

    The IF game is pretty boring just two scenes it´s fine.

    The second game has a better story and I like Condelia. Maya was cute, Alicia was fine but not more, Kiria was underused but I liked her. The knights could have been used more, and I wish Bogans people were more fleshed out, like I didn´t care that Lutz died at all which could have been better.

    Nice music.

    Wish that the animated scenes would count as the CG ones so you don´t have to repeat them.

    But would definitly recommend.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The plot is pretty average, but I don't think anyone came here for the plot. The animation is good, and there is some level of kinks and fetishes, but you can always skip. Also keep in mind that this is a visual novel, so no gameplay.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    El necrofilo

    With Lilith current popularity skyrocketing due to the global launch of Action taimanin game sometimes it's important to look at the past and remember how it all started. This collection offers Lilith's one of the few series that got to hold a candle to the ever Enigmatic Ninja.
    If you ever played anything related to Phantasy star then you'll feel right in familiar ground.
    So yeah, futuristic space setting yet monarchies and knights are still a thing for some reason.

    The first game first pretty basic to Lillith standards nowadays. 2 sexy and strong girls get partially brainwashed by a space pirate and your choices decide whether how ugly this backfires in the end or not.
    There are two girls Lieri and Naomi (Best girl)
    Sadlly there is not much to say about them other that i hope that Lilith may add at least one of them to Action Taimanin

    The second game it's a immediate follow up to the first yet doesn't count as part of the true story. Mainly because stuff like Bogan and Naomi are about o get married and such. It is very short but it has some good cg

    The third game it's a huge step forward in the depth department and gets surprisingly in some scenes.
    It has 3 new girls and Lieri comes back as a support character.
    Alicia it's the obligatory milf and can get very adorable in some scenes
    Maya a sweetheart spoiled princess who try to follow on Alicia footsteps
    Kiery a evil high aspiring overlord or something. You only get to have fun with her on the true end.

    (Spoiler) The ending that would stuck with me the most was the one where Maya gets to literally drown in semen. It may sound funny but i'll tell you seeing it was not. But i really think that's just me honestlt liking her. Well that and the fact that you don't expect such a dark fate for the most innocent looking character. After everything obscure i've seen as a hentai fan It's good to know somewhere deep down i can still feel like this. Fun stuff

    Overall if you're a Lilith's fan then it's definitely worth your time even if only for the great art