Ren'Py - Completed - Kanker Love: Lee [v2.0] [Amazoness Enterprise]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Well, Ive played it.

    Basically this is an interactive gif is what can be summarized in that 5 minutes of the 'gameplay' (in lieu of MASSIVE inverted commas)

    What Im trying to make out to you is that this is not a game. Its just one button to pound Lee and that's about it. The interactivity consist of you pressing a button to start plowing and another to cum, gaining you quarters to buy more meaningless items/perks that in reality shouldn't be gated in the first place. Insultingly enough there's an actual perk for coin multiplier, of which I'll toss in as one of the most pointless things Ive ever seen in the year 2023, and possibly for the rest of my life.

    Artwork is fine. It'll have to be, because if it wasnt then there's no reason whatsoever to play this. I will say one thing and that's the font, and the UI seemed to have been made with far more love and authenticity than Ms Lee Kanker herself. If you're asking where her other two sisters are, they have a page each to their own. Why? No fucking clue, because a combination would at least make this 'game' more worthwhile trying but instead what we've got is one lazy arse gif masquerading as a game.

    Oh well, whatever. The game is 54mb, completely deletable after your first and likely only 5 minutes playing. For what its worth, it seems that the cost of this 'game' is but a mere 1 buck, subbing to the creators patreon. Is it worth that one buck? Well, go buy yourself an ice cream or jawbreaker it'll be more worth your money.