RPGM - Completed - Karryn's Prison [v1.3.0.61 FULL + DLCs] [Remtairy]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Karryn's prison has one of the coolest combat systems I've experienced in an eroge. Not only is the violent combat option an interesting blend of rock, paper, scissors, but there are some options to win through sexual combat as well.

    The story is a bit derivative, but there's still some novelty and it's done well enough to still be very engaging.

    The one concern I have for this game is how much grinding you have to do to play as a depraved character--however, I suspect this is largely in part because the values that determine the warden's sexual "fall" are balanced for the full story, and we're still less than halfway through.

    Overall, all of this game's shortcomings are overwhelmed by the obvious forethought shown in its design. I've had a lot of fun with Karryn's Prison so far (version 0.4) and look forward to seeing this game progress.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    The game obviously has a lot of work put into it and a lot of interesting elements, but unfortunately the slow, slow, pace of combat and repetitiveness of the rote actions and dialogue make it a slog to play through. Combat rounds take upwards of a minute to get through and take at least ten exchanges. In the end of most nothing sexual or story-related actually happens. It seems like the vast majority of the time spent playing this game is wasted, and unless the game is severely cropped down I don't see it as worth playing.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This looks like it will be amazing, assuming they actually make proper animations/cut ins for each foe (goblins are partially done slimes are not)
    The bar mini game is a bit fun but the patrons get mad a little to quick. I hope it gets more pollished (also it would be cool if the highered wait staff would clean tables when you work so you save time on not collecting glasses.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    xzira moon

    good game caracter so cute and system for management prison level more fun i wait for 0.5 or full ver. butmayde fighting scenes are outstanding and gate H enemies get faster scenes bar too slow animation
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Unique game in the management and battle system. Management of stats, items, prison upgrades, buffs. Battle system intertwined with sex scenes.
    The game is complex, yet seamlessly combines together many aspects and provides one fluid experience.
    Having multiple difficulties to choose from, separates this GAME from many VISUAL NOVELS with grinding experiences.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is nothing short of amazing.

    In general, the mechanics are superb. There's multiple ways to fight, based upon whether or not you want to keep Karryn pure. There's a lot of things to upgrade, and a lot of things to manage. There's also a lot of subtle mechanics that might not be immediately apparent (absolutely talk to every guard in the guard room for a first time player).

    I personally appreciate porn games like this that are also meaty on the "game" portion. There's already plenty of fap fodder games out there. The thing is, this game doesn't skimp on the porn portion either.

    Considering how fleshed out this game already is (0.4) and Rem's track record, I have nothing but high hopes for further updates for Karryn's Prison.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Not a bad game per se, but its disappointing compared to its predecessor Meltys Quest. I was expecting more of that same greatness, but this one feels a bit lacklustre.
    Story is okay-ish I suppose and the art is still really good.
    New combat system is a small plus.
    Sexy content wise however, there’s a lot less variety. Besides the MC, there’s no other female character whatsoever. So yeah, expect the MC with lots of monster dick over and over repeat. If you don’t mind little variety with the same girl getting boned, this is the game for you!
    Also the game is extremely grindy before you get to the dicking.
    Another gripe I have with this, there are barely any characters to get attached to. Unlike Meltys which had multiple interesting characters to follow (The sisters, demoness general etc), in Karryn’s Prison you somewhat care for the MC, yet the others are forgetable.
    I would only recommend playing this game for its specific fetishes.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is a 5 star game. There is a lot of originality, a rarity in porn games. CGs are good. Combat is fairly original and, imo, much better than standard RPGM fare. The gameplay outside of combat is linear dungeon exploration mixed with strategy. Story gets the job done which is all you can say for 99% of porn games. The game also seems like it should have a fair bit of replayability.
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Icarus Media

    Oh WOW! I haven't got this excited over a video game in a long time but this ladies and gentlemen is shaping up already to be awesome. Now you've got eyes, you've seen the banner and let me tell you fellas the main character Karryn is well deserving of your attention. Showing off two big scoops of booty flakes and let me tell you, they are PACKED with flavour and it's time for breakfast!

    So far it's early days for the game but already you have quite a bit in there already to whet your appetite. You can play the tough girl and beat the prisoners under your control to a pulp. You can also use your giant pumpkin sun blocker to seduce the guards and prisoners.

    Already just looking at the edicts planned in game it will be possible for you to have far more interactions. There is a classroom on level 2 which will be of great use, a library for behind the stacks assfu....I mean prisoner rehabilitation. You'll be able to have prisoners guard your quarters. From what I can gather future updates may be that Karryn can be either submissive or dominant.

    There is already kiss, handjob, blowjob, paizuri, footjob skills you can learn and use with (hopefully) facesitting, vaginal and anal being able to be used in the future updates.

    Now lest you think me being a massive fanboy there are 2 drawbacks in my opinion, namely that all the sexual stuff so far mainly happens IN battles, it would be nice if you could use said weapon of ass destruction to avoid battles entirely! Secondly the current lack of facesitting, vaginal and anal sex skills, but I'm hopeful these will change in future updates.

    Do yourself a favour and download it, just don't come crying to me if you end up ripping your c**k off. :)
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    The content is very well done, and I love the new Bar, but I can't wait for the next update so that my Order won't go down. Absolutely loving the Sexual skills and making Karryn slut out to everyone she meets.
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Daka 96

    A good rpg game, with a lot of passives as long as you continue the game, unlocking sex skills. Combat system is easy to understand, but the game is still too short (only 2 levels). Want to know what's next !
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Game is great so far, and have a lot of options and managment, it is grindy and time consuming (i personaly realy love grind) i personaly play on hardest mode, and it feels nice (not impossible), art is good, in dept managment is great all hidden passive points and hidden oportunities are big ,+ battle mode is realy good with lot of options how to finish and win it is not boring "spam attack"
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a bit grindy, but challenging in a good way. It uses the RPGM systems in innovative ways and keeps the progression interesting. The artwork, I don't need to say, is pretty great (Even if I can't unsee Karryn's long af arms). The lewdness growth might look a bit off sometimes, with Karryn offering pleased reactions to sex attacks that she should be rejecting based on her stats and passives, but it's neglegible.
    I would like a fast battle mode, and maybe a faster walking speed setting, but other than that it's an already very cool porn game.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Surprisingly Deep RPG (Pun intended), it in includes
    -rock paper scissor combat
    -prison management
    -cheesy yet likeable
    -a flexible protagnist that can be guarded or the other way around
    -(though i wish animations) arts great
    -I like concept of being warden with little to know experience
    one or two things I would, personal love interest (one being timid) and inflation (or pregancy, or whatever floats your boat)
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the best games I have ever played, in all kinds of style RPG or whatever.

    - Great storyline
    - Great gameplay with low grinding
    - A lot of room for development
    - Great fap material

    - Some bugs like edging control willpower isn't working or atleast i'm too stupid to make it work (?)
    - I've reduced social life because of this game. No just kidding but i'm fapping more and fucking less seriously.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This review is for [v0.4j] [Remtairy] - Things may change.

    So, this game, i have to admit i've been following the updates on it for a bit and it's been a blast to play so far.

    If you like the type of game like Nymphomania Paradox or other games from thoses devs, this one is right your alley ! Big boobied woman in charge of a fantasy prison. Boy what a set up.

    Good points;
    - Simple battle system with a very easy to understand mechanic wich gives you the choice to either subjugate the inmates with either force or using your voluptuous body.
    - Economy/Management of the prison very well displayed, you don't have to look far in order to know your budget and what you can upgrade without going in the red.
    - Artwork is detailed and varied, some need some rework to my opinion (like the clitoris molesting scene) but they are mostly very well made.
    - Mini games are a thing, not sure how many there will be in the game but so far the barmaid one is pretty good.
    - I've noticed an auto-save system that helped me trough a few crashs.

    Things to watch out for;
    - Battles can be pretty long and so is the mini game at the bar (the sex scene of the bar i mean)

    That's my review so far, last time i've played this you only could go up to the first boss fight and that was it, the addition of the prison management of the first floor really added a nice sample of what you will experience. I hope to see a more openly slutty way to solve issues like riots after clearing a floor than having to go trough all the inmates, you can just do that already but i mean, solving it in just one big orgy with every rioting inmates of the floor, just to speed things up as an option.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    +Thicccccccccck Character
    +Clothes damage mechanic
    +Groping mechanics
    +Sex stats mechanics that dictate how the character reacts to sexual harassment
    +Character can commit sexual harassment, so those who want a more assertive playthrough can still have fun, not my thing but the option is there so I'll add it as a positive
    +Option to Turn off rimjobs
    +Slight implementation of animations for groping ( a bit glitchy right now but it's an alpha)
    + Interesting meta level up mechanics that open up new scenarios in which the MC can get raped/molested
    +It seems a purity run is actually possible, not my thing, I love getting characters raped in these kind of games, however there are those who enjoy purity runs in these things
    +Story is a bit self aware and doesn't take itself too seriously
    +Intro can be skipped

    -The game doesn't really indicate what sexual content is present or not at the moment, so players will be confused about the passive sex stats
    -Getting to the point of sexual intercourse with vaginal penetration is a fucking chore, very grindy, granted I played this on normal, so maybe in secretary mode it's easier to get dicked
    -The meta level up system doesn't seem to have any options to modify or expidate XP growth
    -Due to the leveling up mechanics, outside of grinding shitloads of combat XP, leveling up Karryn is tedious and slow as fuck
    -There's no purpose at the moment for leveling up your guards/soldiers*
    -There's a timer mechanic via the riots submechanics.*
    -Needs skippable cutscenes for NG+

    * Explanation time: Basically in this game once you've subjugated a level you're free to modify/repair the level in a variety of ways. However over time the level becomes prone to rioting, specially if you're stingy on guard standards, or blatantly hire shitty guards. This is technically a good thing, it gives the player a chance to get raped, or be a sexual predator. Granted the game actually gives you the option to reset this timer, by quelling the riot. Problem is that the enemies in the riots are disproportionately stronger than the the ones in the newer levels recently unlocked. Meaning a riot subjugation quickly becomes a race between leveling up in the new level vs trying to subjugate the riot in the old level.

    This is an interesting mechanic, however due to guards not doing anything but delaying the "inevitable", karryn's level up being grindy as fuck, along with the meta leveling mechanics, combined with the hidden timer, it can make for what sometimes feels as rather unfair/unbalanced moments. Which leads me to the final point and explanation, aside from making riots happen less, there's no point in upgrading your guards meaning most of the combat will be done by the MC herself. Granted this is a sex game, not really a prison simulator; But why even have this riot meta leveling system in the first place, if all it does, is reduce the amount of potential sexual encounters you can have, in what's ultiamtely a sex game?

    Final Judgement
    At it's core, Karryn's Prison is a very solid sex game, it has groping, slight animations, clothes damage, sex stats that change the way your character reacts to getting molested or raped. However this experience gets muddied by the creator's ambition at making a unique gaming experience as well, because it feels half baked. Granted, this is an alpha, so maybe in due time most of these meta mechanics will actually get improved upon and this will become a really great sex game, and in general gameplay experience as well.

    But at the moment, this is just a really solid sex game, and there's nothing wrong with that, we're in a fucking forum that's dedicated to sex games after all.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Holy shit, this game is several times better than Melty's Quest and Melty's Quest is quite decent.
    The combat system is probably the best I have ever experienced in an RPGM game, because apparently it's very hard for most developers to make an engaging non-just-spam-attack-till-they-die system. The Edict system and riot system are quite interesting too, and I can't wait to try the finished version where everything has been fleshed out and polished.

    The background story is hilarious, and I am certain the Emperor is like "Phew, now she's out'a my hair for a while!" xD

    With this game the developers are also showing us that they can make a game, instead of a just-not-a-visual-novel, and that is exciting too!
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    I'm going to give my honest opinion here - I love the art, I love the story, and I love the developer's previous game, Melty's Quest. However, I severely loathe this game.

    This is mostly because of the combat system. I play adult games for adult stuff. I get that the developer is trying to do something new with mechanics but this is too Kojima for me. Let me explain.

    Melty Quest, the developer's earlier game, has a simple lose-for-porn style, which was serviceable. The combat was typical RPG MV stuff - Fight, Magic, Item - you know the drill - along with typical adult game stuff - passive from clothes, lust damage. It was, hard at times, but at least I could understand the system, and how to play it.

    Karryn's Prison on the other hand, has some next-level mechanics implemented. There's 2 phases - Mental Phase and Action Phase. There's 3 resources for actions - Stamina, Energy, and Willpower. Your body lust is divided into 5 - boobs, pussy, ass, cock(the enemy's), and mouth. Then there's a overall pleasure bar. There's a weapon's triangle moveset, for all the Fire Emblem freaks.

    And all the actions have to be manually selected, every time. So you're doing - select will power moves - select basic will power- rotate selection wheel to end turn - select attack moves from new wheel - select slash - and then one turn ends. It sounds annoying, because it is annoying.

    Furthermore, there's no scenes on winning or losing. Oh no, that's too easy. See, first the body lust has to be increased - which depends entirely on the enemy, of course. Then there's a pleasure gauge, which has to be increased. Enemies will take multiple turns, inching towards ejaculation, where you'll be rewarded with cum falling on Karryn or maybe see her boobs. If you're really lucky, you might even get to see a... blowjob.

    I'm a simple man. I play adult games for the adult stuff. I can't play for 20 mins choosing shit that doesn't matter (you can't skip turns) with my dick in my hands just so I can see some porn. I have enough of blue balling in real life. The mechanics are just too obtuse. I wanted to see Karryn molested in the butt. I spent 2 hours - couldn't do it.

    Apparently, the scenes don't exist yet. That's another infuriating matter - I have no idea what's in the game or not. Is actual sex in the game? Maybe if you get the lust and the enemy and willpower aligned just right - maybe you can just see it. Believe, and it will come true. That's how it works.

    Anyways, there's also a prison management mechanic and actual stats, and level ups and debuffs, and accessory slots - cause that's what is truly wanted in a adult game. Just know I suck hard at making money, and I am broke by end of week. (That's RL by the way. Ingame its worse.)

    In conclusion, once again, I loathe this game. Everything good about is let down by this convoluted mess of a system. If any developer is reading this, can you please make it that there's a clear path to the porn? That's all I ask.

    For now, for me, Karryn's Emblem: Kingmaker of Eternity is 2/5.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    + Easy to understand combat;
    + Good quality of sprites and images;
    + Interesting mechanics of Edicts.
    - Pretty grindy experience (for ex.: for single handjob you have to get groped a lot of times, and after that you have to be lucky to get all the passives for that);
    - Obese forms of Karryn (not fan of that).