RPGM - Completed - Karryn's Prison [v1.3.0.61 FULL + DLCs] [Remtairy]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Review for FINAL version of the game - NO DLC

    Tldr- utter garbage.

    Pace. Control. Gameplay. Mechanics UTTER GARBAGE! Only redeeming factor is art.

    Game is horrendously slow. From fight scenes to sex scenes you waste too much time for absolutely no reason. Especially defeat scenes(which btw are part of the gameplay, and no matter how good fucking gamer guru you are, defeat is imminent! And there is NO FUCKING SKIP BUTTON. If you are defeated you gonna watch THE SAME SCENE OVER AND OVER AGAIN CLICKING SOMETHING ON WILLPOWER DOING NOTHING AND THEN CLICKING SOMETHING ON ENERGY AGAIN DOING NOTHING, so you are fucking forced to to watch it OVER AND OVER AGAIN UNTIL 200 turns of NOTHING has passed . You either start hating this game, laptop, life, wife, coworker or yourself for being an absolute moron for playing this game designed for masochistic cucks!

    If you somehow managed to gather sanity and decide to simply enjoy gameplay of rape then GOOD NEWS you can't even enjoy it! Because you gotta click buttons, so NO FAP TO YOU NIIII!
    Your pain doesn't end there, because every fucking scene is like that. You wasting 90% of the time staring at the Willpower/Energy menu like an absolute unit, while some bitch moans on loop over the still pictures. Yes this game HAS ZERO ANIMATIONS. Or it's jittery one frame nonce.
    I've seen better animations of this game on other peoples signature banners.That said.
    After she becomes sufficient bitch you get 10 turns ability of exactly that! SHE BEING A FUCKING BAG!
    Only time you can actually fucking masturbate. But that skill opens only when you are well progressed into the bitchhood.

    If you try playing this game on a virgin path, just for the lulz. DON'T.
    Because every time you lose, you better ALT+TAB, as you ain't gonna the see end of it. You are forced to to click buttons even if they do NOTHING to change the situation, they only DELAY the inevitable! So whatever you tryna do and save yourself, it doesn't work, it delays, so instead of finishing scene in 5~10 turns you are blessed of inevitability for the next 80 turns, experiencing all the joys of pace horror. Naturally, while your precum is leaking such things are second issue to your brain, but BOY DOES IT SHOW ONCE YOU TRY AND PLAY THIS GAME INSTEAD!

    I am seriously concern for people giving this chore of a game 5 stars. This should be vaporized from human history.

    Don't play this game without cheat, Im serious, DONT. This game entire gameplay and entire content can be seen in first three fights. After that is just horribly paced slugfest of same shit. 80% of it is pure filler. Numbers. Worse then excel spreadsheet.

    EDIT- IT's for 1.06 version. I heard new improved bullshit gaymeplay and QaL features, but fuck that.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    It feels like a AAA game to be honest. I was shocked about the quality and it will make other games that I give 5 stars being demoted to 4. Honestly a title standing as its own thing. I would suggest to try and if you like it .. buy it on steam to support more of such quality games.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    first time i rate a game way b4 i complete it.
    this game is really unhealthy for me atleast and for quite a few people in the reviews, i usually say okay i ll fap for this period of time and i do that, but this game i find myself pushing my limits and not knowing when i should stop to stay healthy, the unpredictability of it all is just fascinating to me, u just never know what will happen next, and it seems karryn's reactions to what happens changes the more depraved she gets, so u r looking at her getting corrupted more and more, becoming just a complete lustful being more and more, i started the game with the pure ending now that i realize that we need to reset passives and stats for new game plus anyway to go for new endings, or just new achievements, i find myself thinking oh it was useless then to start a pure ending first that took 5 hours gaming, but maybe it wasnt since one of the three titles u get increases the desire by 25% so i guess it wasnt all bad.
    i feel like i ll review this game a lot after i finish the masochistic ending this time , then i want to look and figure out if i can do a sadism ending i am not sure if thats on the table, the game is full of content, but sadly no guides to tell us for different sexual gameplays we could go for.
    after 3 floors in the NG+ masochistic gameplay, the game is getting really repetitive, and boring, since it takes longer now to unlock new passives to change the way she talks, the mini games feel really interesting and are still fresh since i dont get to do them much but at the same time they are limited to one time daily, if i decide to spam them i ll lose control of the prison and screw the whole run, so we will see after i beat last 2 floors.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best RPGM games out there and an absolute blast to play.
    You can either go full slut mode or full battle mode which allows for different playstyles. The main issue is that you can't really balance the two so you have to kind of commit to whatever build you're going for or its game over
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Definitely one of the best adult games out there.

    The combat, mini-games, and upgrade system really make this game stand out. There are tons of different scene variations based on what is going on and your choices along the way feel like they impact the scenes too.

    There is already a lot of content in the game but I'm excited to see what else gets added in the future!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I have played and supported this game since its first conceptual release. This is one of the best ero games to ever exist, and I still play it daily. I have more than 1500 hours in this game and I won't be stopping anytime soon. Why? Because the gameplay and systems are perfect. How do I play for so long? Because this game has been expanded with EXTREMELY easy to mod plugins and config files, you can consistently create new challenges and tweak things to be just right.

    This isn't just a great ero game, this is a great game.
  7. 5.00 star(s)



    I passed by this one many times because I don't normally play femprotag games (not sessys, just dun laik em), so I thought there was nothing for me here to enjoy. Having said that, this game is now the only one in my directory that I had to lock away for my own wellbeing. Poetic, really.

    There's something about the gameplay loop and how it gels with the corruption aspects that makes you want to come back over and over, oftentimes skipping any refractory period in the process. I am fully convinced that if ever any game on this site makes it to the local news for killing someone, it'll be this game.

    That's not even touching any of the content itself, which is both high-quality and very abundant, with more coming down the pipeline and fairly expansive mods in this very thread. I thought about it quite a bit and I don't think I can really attribute the success to anything other than two talented lads giving their hearts and souls to something they love dearly for three years, according to the dev letters I read after beating it the first time.

    It's a fun game, it's a hot eroge, it does what it sets out to do and I was thoroughly impressed.

    Abandon hope, all ye who enter here.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Nothing I have seen has matched this game. Ive played this for nearly 40 hours on steam. This is like seeing heaven then going back to earth with all the rest of the games that continue to come out.
    Quite possibly the only 5/5 I will ever give.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    There is no doubt about it, Karryn's Prison is S++ tier.

    Not exactly for the art nor animations, and neither for the quantity of quality of them either. No, KP is a must have experience thanks to its ability to strike at the heart of all run-or-rape esque titles - letting the player admit that the fight is too hard and to submit their MC to the enemy.

    That's the magic of it, and it does so with such a perfect build up across multiple meticulously crafted facets of the game that the player will eventually yearn to take their hands off the wheel to let the waves of lust drag Karryn out to sea.

    If you are reading this, you've already wasted enough time, get this game immediately and open yourself up to a whole new standard of gaming - this is it!
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Natzi boiz

    a must play on this site, honestly you can't go wrong with this:
    +the art is great, lewd, extreme and to the point
    +gameplay is superb: you have management, you have turn-based, you have lewd and creative scenarios, you have authentic passive system to collect based on how imaginative you are
    +the storyline: the story is um...okay, good for a hentai plot at least. But the wholesome plotline avoiding unecessary disturbing bullshit is a plus.
    Overall, great game, no regret buying it on steam.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    this game so amazing, its like full package to satisfy all some kind fetish and with nice story and nice CG, the things very nice and i mostly like is lot of passive and you can play based on your taste.

    and thanks to uploader to keep update about this game
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Solid game that captured most of the common kinks, above average grindy that you'll still enjoy anyway, fresh and still actively developed content. Becomes a chore after a while due to repetitive scenario if you lose too much
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely fantastic game! Easily one of the best ever made and highly addictive!

    tl;dr in advance - This game is so good that playing it resulted in me fainting

    So here's the background on this situation: I have been working hard in university and simply did not have much time to play a lengthy porn game like Karryn's Prison, so I missed out on playing after the full release. After wrapping up my last summer semester, I have had plenty of free time to go through my backlog of entertainment, and that included this game.

    I started playing at the beginning of this week and simply could not get enough of it. I was cooming at least 4 times a day and had to replenish my electrolytes so that I wouldn't completely deplete my energy by furiously masturbating to this masterpiece. After 3 straight days of cooming over a dozen times, my nuts were quaking and aching, my dick was raw, my urethra was bruised from my death grip, and both of my forearms were beyond exhausted. I went to bed after cooming to Karryn giving a yeti a titjob/blowjob, and a few hours later I woke up and my right testicle was throbbing with pain. It felt hard and hurt even more when I touched it. I tried to ice it and thought maybe I just slept in a weird position, but the situation was not getting better.

    I called my father (a former paramedic) to ask about what I could do, and he was going over some of the possible causes. This entire time I was feeling more and more dizzy and anxious from the pain and worry about what I would do since I do not have medical insurance. He told me to take some anti-inflammatory pills and try to relax, but I instead was hyperventilating and felt this impending sense of dread. One moment I had the pill in my hand and the next I was face-first on the ground feeling pain on my face and shoulder, but not in my testicle anymore. Turns out I fainted due to a panic attack brought on my own worries and scraped and bruised my forehead and nose on the way down. After a minute of getting my senses back, I took the pill, soaked in a warm bath with epsom salts, and went to bed feeling perfectly fine.

    After this scare, I think I have to take a long break from this game because it is literally too much for my body to handle.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Good story, excellent combat system, best developer always trying to fix bugs a must play also the story is pretty linear so no confusing shit.

    If you haven't played this game yet you must play it now also don't forget to support the developer for giving as this beautiful and very lewd game
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Can't believe I haven't reviewed this game yet! I've been recommending to just about anyone who wants to find some maledom, a corruption-game or an RPG, or just some big T&A.

    Yeah, this is probably the best game under the RPGM-tag, if you're mechanically minded and can handle it's faults. The systems that go into this otherwise standard heroine-RPG are a step above the norm in the genre, and I would consider this an iteration on heroine-game genre as a whole.

    It has an excellent, unique system of sex-combat, that provides you exquisitely rewarding and challenging feedback and control of your gameplay, at the cost of time. The same applies to the corruption-mechanics, developing the heroine's body, and the side-jobs. This is a very grindy game, if you choose to go the slut-route, but the commitment to that experience means there is some room for the player to work around it.

    The dealbreakers here are the hentai-themes, with it's over-the-top maledom, ugly bastards, open misoginy etc, and the large time-commitment it will take to get good at the game, and master it to the point where you can manage a pure-run. But it speaks to the excellence of the game that a pure-run is even worth considering, and an enjoyable experience in it's own right.

    In short, this is a very focused, non-linear experience of character-building, with some great art backing up it's themes and mechanics. Just don't expect anything else from it, and you'll be in for a good time.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    cool game, art is amazing, gameplay is hard but nice mechanics.

    tbh I don't like it that much cuz I can't finish the second boss in normal mode, and I guess I'm just bad or I just have too much pride to play on easy.
    other than that the game is good and I know a lot of people will say and have said that it's good
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Great, however:
    Karryn's Prison probably is in my Top choices for Battle Mechanics in a H-Game.
    There's a lot of variety on how you must fight and obviously the addition of FINALLY having your character do erotic-actions is something I wish was done often.
    The "Minigames" like the Receptionist or Strip Club are very neat additions (while I admit the Bar one is the least entertaining) and I hope to see more of this kind.

    The story is fine, not really engaging but it tries its best. Emperor you gonna need more than just papers on that last one.

    Now this game is the type of game that tries too hard on things that would make people who are just there for H-scences quit on the spot:
    The passive skills; dear God have mercy on how much these things kept stacking more than my paycheck.
    By the end of the game, Karryn's becomes too vulnerable against attacks that you will only get one strike in, and the rest of the battle you'll just have to sit there holding the left mouse button till the H-scences ends. They're good H-scences thats for sure but overtime it gets more tedious.

    Another thing is how the game overall feels like a total chore. A lot of times you will find yourself having to grind and hoping to not get hit too much before the passive skills mess you over. Even if you manage to clear out a level, it really doesn't feel satisfying. There's a reason why most of us prefer Battle-fuck game to be more direct.

    If you REALLY want to play this but don't want to deal with sex scenes that last too long or the inconvienent management, cheat. That's it. just cheat.
    TLDR; A game with good ideas for battles but tries too hard in other gameplay aspects that it makes things feel more like a chore than fun.

    Overrated? Absolutely
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Artstyle is magnificent, the mechanics are easy (but a bit grindy depending on your game difficulty and character 'creation' choices) and the management aspect is fun.

    However, I'd love to have a gallery for encounters you've seen (tricky with a game such as this, I know). The story seems to get worse as you go deeper into the dungeons. And not having futas seem to be a missed opportunity. If we can have furries why not futanari? Also, the reputation in various sidebusinesses wanes way too fast.

    Overall it's a game I return to frequently as a sandbox game with a lot of repeatable possibilities are something I appreciate.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    What should be the standard of H games.
    We don't play games for story, we play games for gameplay. And we play H games to fap during gameplay.
    Boggles my mind that this is not immediately in everyone's top 5 favorite H games.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Version: 1.0.6

    This game lets you experience being the lewd warden of a failing prison that have been taken oven. This means you are able to enact edicts and control the facilities of the prison, deal with riots and take back control of the prison by fighting the prisoners in 2 different way, by actually physically fighting them or by sexually satisfying them.

    This is commendable in the current adult games ecosystem, to be able to innovate with something new, but I believe it failed in some way. I assume I wouldn't say that if I started playing the game from the get go when it just started being developed and that's because I assume I had a better understanding of the game when the mechanics and systems added incrementally to the game and I add time learning them one by one.

    It's a shame, because I wanted to keep playing the game, it looks good and the mechanics are fun, but man, there is soooooo many passives and upgrades and systems and it is all just dumped on you from the first hour of the game. It doesn't really guide you through all those systems and you have to figure it out with trial and error which I don't appreciate.

    Still, I can recommend the game if you have time to explore and understand its systems, because I believe there is some fun to be found after you find your optimized gameplay tactic and it supports replay-ability.