
Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2017
Thank you ! Another thing, how the hell am I supposed to beat the game and having low slut level, if i'm obliged to masturbate every single day, otherwise my fatigue won't recover enough ?
The best answer i would give is : cheat. No really if you want to have fun just cheat otherwise there is just too much grind and min max. Like you need to keep your order supper low to max out subsidiaries, avoid edicts that make enemies harder and don't drag it out or the enemies that get stronger will f you up.
As for masturbation - don't do it every day, she will be weaker when frustrated but still you can fight some . You need to masturbate before bosses or when very frustrated. Also its best to have her masturbate when she is very tired - then she will run out of stamina before cumming and you won't get much of passive progression.


Dec 15, 2017
4. Best reward from the emperor is generally the ones locked behind slut lvl Imo so keep that lvl low for best rewards, but it's also pick and choose for whatever your build is.
Maybe it's because I don't fully understand the game but in my experience some of them seem really situational, at least some of them.


Aug 22, 2021
thank you so much for all your answers
for your clarifications:

2)i always thought unarmed edict were meant for the situation on which you lose your weapon
is unarmed weapon very reliable/allows to do somenthing that otherwise you couldn't do; or is best to stick with the weapon?
also yes i am planning on avoiding the most rape as possible

3) yes my plan is to defeat people as much as possbile and avoiding as much as possbile every of their attacks

4)aside for the emperor rewards, are buyable rings worth it? or is best to save money and resoureces for other edicts?
considering this kind of run which item is the best?

5)will the nerd be a huge pain to deal with if i don't agree with their balckmail?

6)edicts related to karryn's profile worth those money?

7)at which %of fatique is best avoid duing any fight/minigames etcs?

8) i have seen few post before that it was possible changing Karryn hairs, how to do that? which tool do you have to do it? and how much is possible to edit?

thanks again
2. Unarmed combat can happen 1 or 2 ways, one of which is you are unarmed (weapon gets kicked away, you are disarmed, you lose a battle) or by equipping the title "PRISON FIGHTER" which allows ONLY unarmed combat.

To addon, the difference between weapon fighting and Unarmed is substantial, fighting with a weapon allows AOE attacks (Cleave, and triple strike) and also access to stronger edicts such as head strike and slam etc.

HOWEVER, Unarmed combat is still the most broken form of combat because it has the most combat titles associated with it. Halberd doesn't have titles like Unarmed combat. Unarmed has 5 titles that increase its combat potential (unarmed attack and defense) by 5-15% each (3 of the titles increase it by 15%, the other is 5% and the rest 10%) and those are the PASSIVE effects meaning you DONT have to equip them for it to be active. Combine that with its edicts? Well, you are death machine (assuming your build is optimal)

Its flaws are that all the moves for Unarmed combat are single hit moves. So...makes use of counter attacking lol.

4. Regarding the black market accessorys, a Tip is in the guard room about mix and matching them. (Its the guy with the riot symbol over his head (His Name is also "ED THE ASSHOLE GUARD"))

5. Nerds are on the same scale as basic prisoners; they aren't a threat lol. Whenever they say "They published Karryns weakness" it doesnt do anything unless you have "PUBLISH SENSITIVITIES, PUBLISH SEX LVLS, PUBLISH RESISTS and, PUBLISH DESIRES" other than that, they just fap lol.

6. Her Edicts related to her profile are more for the player than the enemies lol. I say get them cause not only does it generate income its, a tracker lol.

7. Avoid Combat when fatigue gets into the 30+ range. YOU CAN win fights with fatigue in the 30s but it's hard and I don't recommend it. If you get into a fight at 40+... Good luck.

Regarding fatigue in terms of minigames, it depends on the minigame, if its bar Fatigue don't matter that much, keep those desires low, if its secretary keep those desires low and KICK AWAY those goblins ASAP" For the Stripping game... Yea make sure your fatigue is low cause you can ROYALLY screw yourself.

8. Thats from CCMOD, don't download it as it isn't updated for the final game. You WILL break your game. Just wait till it updates.


Aug 22, 2021
Thank you ! Another thing, how the hell am I supposed to beat the game and having low slut level, if i'm obliged to masturbate every single day, otherwise my fatigue won't recover enough ?
Masturbating doesn't increase slut level that high, it caps out after a while (AVOID DOING IT IN COMBAT THO, unless you doing a slut build or hybrid). As long as you keep masturbating to only her room you honestly will be find in terms of slut level.
For record, I did a run a few months back (During 9.B.J release+CCMOD) in which I did a no sex run, only unarmed combat, whole body sensitivity, with liking delivering pain to strong men (+2 Sadism) on Prisoner mode. You can keep her slut lvl low but not on a first time playthrough, not on a second either. Its all about those TITLES and the passive buff they give. (I also beat the game in less than 50 days, that was fun as shit)

Maybe it's because I don't fully understand the game but in my experience some of them seem really situational, at least some of them.
Yea they are that's why I say go for what you want. I can't give a good "pick this one" option as it depends on playstyle and the passives the player/Karryn currently has.


Jul 2, 2017
Really? That's good to know. I hadn't seen that bit of info. I've only heard rumors and hopes for more content from folks so far, but nothing definitive. Cool, good deal then.
last progress report. I'm not giving u false hope. they didn't promise anything. Rem just stated any consideration for additional content must wait until after the holidays. the best we have is "maybe"

Quite common thing for roguelikish adventures. Player studying game by loosing. I'd say kp sometimes tells you too much if you speak will all npcs.
well they could at least mention how important talking to the cat is. I mean, I talked to a room full of guards explaining the gameplay and then we have a cat, outside of the fort, with some of the more important information. just... why? at least put it near the same room
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Mar 12, 2020
5. Nerds are on the same scale as basic prisoners; they aren't a threat lol. Whenever they say "They published Karryns weakness" it doesnt do anything unless you have "PUBLISH SENSITIVITIES, PUBLISH SEX LVLS, PUBLISH RESISTS and, PUBLISH DESIRES" other than that, they just fap lol.
They have pretty annoying footjob "stunlock" though. Many prisoners will go down in single orgasm, but for some reason for my Karryn nerds almost always can go for a second time, which you'll be unable to counter by hitting them if you're fatigued, that in turn makes your speed lower than even the most basic prisoner's. But they become almost completely harmless, and even more harmful to their own group by taking space, now that there's an option to turn footjobs off. Kinda cheating, but i'll close my eyes on that...


Jul 28, 2017
So, I'm not gonna say you may be playing this game wrong, but you may be playing this game a little wrong lol. What I mean is, not that anything you did was bad, but you are playing it too much like a sex game. The steam page even makes sure to specify this isn't a sex game. You can and cannot sex every encounter to death lol.

However, regarding your problem, spec into some combat skills, assuming you are using a Halberd, spec into the offensive tree and strn growth and all the strn attacks. Might as well hit hard lol.
Actually, I just beated that battle by playing it like a sex game, so the devs definitely planned that to be a way to play the game. It's even something you can level up and go in the game, so I disagree with that. It just required a bit of luck, tactics and shop + meals buffs.


Aug 22, 2021
Hey, enjoy your one ending scene that's a just a copy paste of an older scene with a different outfit. Even the lose scene is boring


Feb 13, 2020
Thank you ! Another thing, how the hell am I supposed to beat the game and having low slut level, if i'm obliged to masturbate every single day, otherwise my fatigue won't recover enough ?
Good question!

You are starting to notice that the character getting aroused is the equivalent of getting the noose around your neck. Doing one or twice isn't necessarily the end of a pure run, but that is the most likely outcome.

There are two possible solutions, continue fighting with frustration (it is still doable if you equip the accuracy accessory), or don't get aroused to begin with. Once you are VERY frustrated, the defense and accuracy debuffs are impossible to compensate for.

You probably want to avoid reaching 33% arousal at all costs, though I can't say if it is possible to avoid that much combat for the sake of it.

You can also get rid of arousal with a climax in the middle of a fight, but while you avoid the five category passives, you still gain a small set of passives you have to account for in your budget.
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