Well if I had to say sex is probably easiest on the first playthrough. In fact considering this is supposed to be a game where the main character gets corrupted into a slut over time it's intended for new players to start out with combat and eventually switch to sex.
That's why you don't get access to sex skills right off the bat, you start only able to fight and eventually get the sex skills as you become more corrupted.
As to how you unlock them well you're ment to get them gradually by losing, just keep losing and eventually you will unlock them, you learn them by having them done to you, be forced to give hand jobs enough times and eventually she learns how to do them herself, have sex enough and eventually she will become corrupted enough to want to initiate sex on her own and you gain the skill.
You can speed up the process by not using your mental skills to suppress your desires (though I would still do it because I like that struggle, rather then just seeing her give in but that's what I'm into)
Pure combat is certainly possible and fun once you understand the systems (most of my playthroughs lately are pure combat )but it's definitely the more challenging route to take as you basically need to speed run the game especially if you're going for a virgin playthrough you're fighting a losing battle if enough time passes you will get fucked literally and figuratively.
Iif you want to keep trying to continue with combat I will say do you have any of the special attack skills unlocked like "Slam, Cleave or Skewer"? Having at least 1 of those is pretty important for the 2nd boss as cleave and Skewer will cripple it's regeneration and slam will shut it off completely. (Though the doctor will reactivate it)
Also use the "focus" mind skill in addition to Ki as it gives you a counter attack chance, even if you can't directly target the other mobs in the fight you can still hit them with counters.
Also it doesn't matter if you're going sex or combat the Healing Thoughts skill is pretty much a must have skill for either.