I think you dont quite understand how percentage works.
A: Low endurance so you orgasm at 400 (thats your base), at 200 it would be displayed as 50%
B: High endurance so you orgasm at 2000 (thats your base), at 1000 it would be displayed as 50%
As you see 50% on A is not equal to 50% on B.
You always orgasm at 100%.
100% on A is 400, 100% on B is 2000 (5 times more than A)
If i tell you that i have 30% Pleasure you can tell that im 1/3 away from orgasm.
If i tell you that i have 478 Pleasure you cannot tell how far im away.
Go to settings and turn off "Display Pleasure as Percentage".
It will display pleasure as values and you will see that Endurance increase your pleasure threshold.