but it's literally a constant stream of people (usually low post count accounts) asking the same thing.
Well usually it's because they just made the account or just don't use the site at all except for downloading.
Honestly and I know it's weird considering where we are and even just the context of this but that's why I have some level of empathy to the people asking.
Most probably don't even read the thread or have any idea what is going on here and just wanted to ask the question because despite what said here, F95 does for my own experience does it's best to make it a simple as possible to just download what game you want and if there's additional things needed to do would actually mention it.
And because of that logic and since the solution isn't told and mentioned at all in the first page, It make sense that it to think it could have been a much more unique issue and would at least ask for questions first because of that logic.
Obviously I get that they should have at least tried to search the problem on the Search Bar, I can't deny that fact but I don't think asking a question was a bad thing to do or at least warrant the sheer vitriol that some people act here when they do ask those question.
Honestly I would have though the one who asked must have hit them on the back hard considering those response because while yea like I know I'm pretty sure that they wouldn't be (hopefully) that affected those comments because this is the Internet and this is a Porn site.
But nevertheless most of the response given kind of goes extreme for the context of what this actually is which is them just asking a simple question and most are probably either just new here or just don't even use the site in general except to download stuff. At very least I find it very weird how harsh people actually react here even knowing the question is asked for so many times.
Anyway TL;DR because I know some people don't have the patience to read a novel that don't want to read.
People asking these question are most of the time probably new or don't use the site and F95 has given enough impression on how easy it is to just download and play games here so asking these question is more logical than people think.
Still think it's weird how harsh people can be with the response to the question from an outsider POV even knowing the context and I do still think that just adding a simple text explaining it in the download page would at least make the question not be as frequent.