Someone out there willing to do me a favour and help a pirate get 'image replacer' and maybe other assets only found on discord available for people who don't like to use discord?
I'd really appreciate someone treating mods like mods again. It's a pirate site, not a recruitment center for Discord.
Here's a heads-up/reminder for those not in the know about discord.
Discord is probably the most unsafe tool any pirate could use out there, since;
1) Discord has no end-to-end encryption on it's messages (yes, anyone can read all your private messages if he knows how).
2) Discord does not delete any of it's messages, just removes it from public view (at best).
3) Discord does NOT delete your account when legally asked to do so, all it simply does is change the username to something anonymous (might as well do nothing as it keeps all the decive keys and other related datapoints).
4) Discord is hoarding a lot of your private information for bulk sale (phonenumbers, deviceID's and offcourse all your nice little secrets), this is their businessmodel.
5) Discord was originally built as a scam to collect data and sell it to the highest bidder, which mainly targeted the Chinese "market", lots of documentairies on it's founding. Look it up.
6) If you need more reasons I can keep going, but the above is basically the 'oh, those are indeed some serious issues'.
They profile you 24/7/365 without interuptions guys. Great features... to get all your secrets and biometrics etc mapped. Convenience > Freedom?
Thank me later. Stop using that trash. Or not. Your choice. Don't blame me. I'm pirate arrgh.