Raising cock desire is easy once you reach a certain sluttiness level and use the cock stare
Instead of belittling the inmate Karryn just starts gettin' thirsty
Idk at what point it works thought,I eventually found out that beating enemies unarmed is rather hard, but if I'd sleep I'd lose, so I got into the BF system at that point, and since cock stare back then decreased inmate's horny level along with our cock desire I kinda stopped using it
Now after beating 3 floors, 100 days in, with almost every edict unlocked and losin' at every floor a few times I started trying to unlock different sex techniques, which is why I found out that change with the stare.
I read a few pages ago that ya need to do a thing 20 times before unlocking it as your own skill, which brings me to a question.
Is it confirmed?
I also read that there's some amazonian stuff so I assumed there are actual sex skills,not just hibbie-jibbies, bobbly-jobblies and feety-peelies. However, my karryn got butt-fucked 26 times by different people already, and I don't have any skill for it. Only passives 'n shit. Mayphaps it's not in game yet?
gettin'DP'd and so on goes to a different stat record so I assume you need to fuck around on the third floor to gain pure butt stat
Also, I unlocked FJ despite havin' it only, like, 5 times?