I see a lot of people complaining that there is no way to pass a turn for a slut build in the latest update, so I thought I'd share my thoughts on how to run a slut build with this update (I did it in prisoner diff but had quite a few titles unlocked though, the most important being the first kiss rimjob one, later on the less energy loss from orgasm from barmaid job)
Since there is no free cautious stance anymore, you'll want the defensive stance (not the cautious stance although it should work too) and healing thoughts, those two edicts are a must now.
Energy edict is important too, get those three edicts asap after the first few -expense edicts so you'll level important skills.
In the beginning do not go full slut but try to stay chaste, build up some charm along energy mind and endurance.
In combat you want to keep your desires low, spam defensive stance and everytime it gets too expensive and you're still not downed you can mix in a few of the dex attacks, having a bit of dex doesnt hurt for a slut build afterall.
Once you unlock flaunt it gets way easier and once your in your lvl20s you can start work towards release desire edict and start combat with that, by that point you'll have enough endurance to take the pleasure attacks.
I don't think there is a way to go full endurance anymore but imo that wasnt fun anyway, you had to weaken yourself via fatigue etc to even receive pleasure damage back then, now its a bit more balanced - you can still go full slut for the entirety of the fights, climax a couple times per wave and still beat it. (I added a screen of my stats after i beat lvl 3 boss, screwing the entire army of lizardmen he summoned while sucking him off slowly, was way more fun that way compared to my last playthrough where the pleasure attacks dealt 0 dmg to Karryn and 1 dmg to Aron)