Well, people have grown so used to text heavy H-RPGMaker games, it is hard for them to imagine that things can be done differently. I personally am often bored with these supposedly lewd descriptions of the obvious. 'Show, don't tell' is one of the golden rules of narration. Do you really need to be able to click on a broken mirror, which will do nothing apart from a few lines of text with their flavour affected by current slut level: 'oh, a broken mirror, these prisoners are filthy savages!'; oh, a broken mirror'; 'oh, a mind-broken cumbucket in a broken mirror'? It would make sense, for example, if some areas would require a certain slut level for the Warden to be accessible, so a line or two explaining why she'll not go in there would feel natural and not overexpository. But I don't need further explanation of increasing popularity of the Bar, when I can clearly see it getting crowdier and crowdier. Or the Reception queues. Or the toilet stalls constantly occupied. Or the long line by the class room.
90% of this game is played in battles and minigames with similar battle mechanics. Map exploration is kept to minimum and there are no fetch quests or press button in area A to activate door in area B puzzles. With such setup, it's kinda no big deal that the surroundings are primarily serving as background, mute and with limited interactivity, barebones as them oldschool games used to be. It is in the battles is where you'll read so much smut your eyes will bleed.