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RPGM - Completed - Karryn's Prison [v1.3.0.85 FULL + DLCs] [Remtairy]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game played many hours and multiple run. Liked the slutty nature of the game and the modding community behind it. I would like to see pregnancy and nursery in game other than mods and i see more potential dlc from the game but the dev moved on from the game
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The best! Absolute best h-game ever.
    Still has great potential to be better. The art is good, replayability is there, main girl is so hot, DLC are insane too. The game is just everything you can ask for. Needs more support to provide more content that's it. I would recommend 1000/10
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a great game which does the corruption really well. The tits of the main girl are a bit too big to my taste, but the gameplay totally makes up for it. I like the fact that the dialogue and choices slowly show you how she is being corrupted. The minigames are fun. Really great game.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Pretty average game.

    The idea is really good and there are some nice mechanics.
    But most of the game is just dragged out for no fckn reason.

    When other games have backtracking, this game has "watch this scene another 100times".

    Progress gets slowed down by just taking away what you already got every now and then. Some people may call it a challenge, some people may call it annoying.

    To make sure the "level/reputation" of special rooms like a bar, a reception, a gym etc stay high you have to work there. It takes forever and is funny the first 2-3times. After that its just forced boredom.

    Artstyle and Idea give this 3stars.
    Bad balancing and tedious sidejobs take away all the fun sooner or later.

    Played it roughly 18hours. So i guess it was a decent time killer.
    Worth a shot, you may like it tho.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome! Fun and easy to play. Would love to see more games like this!

    The plot had a unique charm with it's twists. Game mechanics were fun to adapt with and quick to learn.

    Offers lots of sexy artwork. Masturbation alone was really well portrayed, but still so much more within this game. Would have liked to see a little more variation in her dialouge, but still remarkable nonetheless.

    I'd recommend it to others, amazing job.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the best corruption games I've played, it might not be for everyone because of how long it takes for a lot of things but except that the combat and defeat works very unique compared to most other games(which I like, some people might not),the side jobs actually feel like side jobs in this game which I really like because a lot of games I feel like, dont get it right.
    I also like that there are a few customization options for people who are interested.
    I do however wish that the stray pubes part wasn't locked behind a dlc, because paying for a niche dlc feels kinda silly.
    The point of managing the prison is done decently well especially with the edicts and stuff, feels extremely unique in a good way, I've only seen a few games which have done skill point menus feel actually good and not just
    put in a skill point= direct improvement

    thats why for me Karryn's Prison is a 5/5
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably the only good and properly done battlefuck corruption game there is.

    Im gonna focus on @ncquolopow dog ass review as it bothered me a lot lol

    - Game is intentionally cryptic and forces a lot of trial and error on the player to figure out how to play and not suck, and then more trial and error to figure out how to play well/efficiently.
    What exactly is cryptic, did we play the same game? First time i played the mechanics got explained to me even the reason you suck gets explained ingame lmfao. enjoy the game and stop min maxing this singleplayer game you donut xd

    - If you are losing the game and you're new to the game, you won't realize you've hit a point of no return/you've been softlocked as Karryn gets gradually sluttier.
    Thats literally the theme of the game and is called corruption which also gets explained lolwut? :WaitWhat:

    - Slutty Karryn is unrealistic. Granted, it's a game, but still, you can reach a point where in a single turn Karryn can go from 0 Pleasure -> 100 Pleasure and cum from giving footjobs or handjobs. And she can cum 20-30+ times in a single combat/sex session. The ramp-up to slutty is too quick. And extreme slut Karryn is so unrealistic it's a turn-off rather than a turn-on because you're focused on the absurdity of it.
    Its an anime hentai game and you get bothered by something being unrealistic... did you play other games here? Also the ramp up isnt as fast if you didnt pick wanton slut which gets you the passives twice as fast. I

    - Once you figure out how to play efficiently (which doesn't take much skill, just a lot of trial and error), the game is boring, easy, and repetitive and you can see how it lacks replayability. There's essentially two ways to play regardless of what stats you focus on. You're either focusing on combat or on sex. There are achievements and titles you can grind for which requires multiple playthroughs of the game and there will be slight differences in how you proceed, but not significantly different enough to be interesting.
    First its too hard for tiny brain now its too easy you must be fun at Parties. Oh no there are two ways to play this game please dont do this. Theres actually like 4 ways in which 3 are combat also what did you expect buddy this is like saying in call of duty theres only two ways to play either from a distance or from melee... There are achievements and titles for people that like stuff like that and the descension adds a little replayability tho i myself only beat it twice and let it rest. The first run was a total blast trying my hardest not to slutify her (it didnt work) was golden.

    - Too grindy and slow gameplay in regards to grinding out titles, doing sidejobs, doing sex combat, and gaining sex passives (even with boosting titles).
    It can be kinda grindy but then again its all balanced in a specific way which works wonderfully. Also you are contradicting yourself here because first you said gaining passives and slutifying her was too fast :FacePalm:

    - Too much RNG for this type of game. There's RNG in office invasions, in when riots occur, in how well Karryn sleeps each day (which determines how much stats +/- you get on that day), in what enemies you encounter, in combat (graze, evasion, critical hits, what actions the enemies take, which body part gains desire per turn, which enemies your Skewer skill will hit), etc. Which would be fine if the player had more ways to mitigate or control what happens when bad RNG happens, but that's not the case.
    RNG is there to be unpredictable. Invasions and riots are happening because you are not in control of the situation (you can make riots and invasions less likely). RNG simply worked in combat (imo). I had some close calls if it didnt fuck me over (literally).

    - There's a few bad quirks/nonsense in the combat system regarding priority of skills and context in which you can use skills. For example, Karryn can only use Cock Stare (literally staring at an enemy's cock) if she's standing up.
    You are nit picking here. Seems to me like you had an exceptionally hard time understanding the game mechanics.

    - There's also some inconsistencies regarding in-combat vs. out-of-combat. Karryn doesn't know how to clothe herself properly outside of combat, but if you get into a fight, you can have her fix her clothes. Same thing for toys. She doesn't know how to remove toys unless she's in combat.
    You are a slow one its ok buddy. You do clothe yourself up automatically after combat and the reason why its not happening anymore is also explained ingame. You cant fix your clothes over the threshold that you went in once that happens. For the toy problem i think you played with a mod...

    - The Edict system (basically perks that you buy with gold with a limit of 1-2 that you can buy per day) would be good if it weren't an illusion of choice. There is a best set of edicts to buy, and once you figure it out, just like with the gameplay, subsequent playthroughs are boring.
    No need to play it over and over again. Stop the min max buddy.

    - Accessories that Karryn can wear are not well balanced. Most of them are just way too expensive and come with huge downsides. Just like with the gameplay of the game and with the rest of the Edict system, once you figure out which accessories are good, you will never buy the others. Illusion of choice.
    Expensive because they would be too good otherwise. Bet you dont know the charm mechanic here. Also stop the min max its not good for you because in a game there is always only one "optimal" way to play and its not needed to have fun.

    - There's no way to filter or sort titles in-game, so it's tedious to title-switch to optimal title depending on the situation.
    True but thats RPGM limitation... there are quite a few titles to get lol.

    - You can't Free Play (i.e. no post-game) if you got the best ending (i.e. Empress Ending).
    Why would there be one? She got married to the prince in that case.

    - A lot of content is lacking/unfinished and each floor is pretty barebones. The dev spent the last 2 years or so on insignificant stuff like the gym DLC which wasn't well received. And on visual updates/"refreshing" CGs and adding two different boob sizes. But no real gameplay updates or adding content to the floors. Unfortunately, there's no sign that this will ever happen and it seems the dev is already focused on their next product.
    Is the unfinished content with us in the room right now? The game is completed.

    - Aside from the gym DLC and visual updates, most recently the dev added Descension DLC to the game. The purpose of this DLC was to add difficulty to the game and I guess make the player play differently than normal. But in reality the player pretty much plays the same way as non-DLC just with more frustration from RNG and from being limited in playstyle.
    Descension adds to replayability. No one forces you to play it over and over i dont know a single game that doesnt get repetitive this way.

    - I'm not a furry or beastiality kind of guy, so Karryn having sex with goblins, orcs, werewolves, lizards, gorillas isn't really much of a turn-on
    fair point everyone has a different opinion here.

    - Rimjobs also are nasty. Why are they tied to default content?
    i actually liked it when your mom... jk. You should be praising the option to turn it off.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Not an experience for everyone. A quick fap this game is not, it takes a lot of work to get the FMC to go slut. If played normally, this is one of the slowest burn h game, but also one of the best corruption stories.

    The biggest draw here is that the gameplay/combat IS also the sex. You don't just lose and get an H scene, though there is that. While in combat, there are 2 ways to 'defeat' an enemy. Knock them out, or make them cum. There's an engrossing depth to strategically knocking out some enemies, and jerking off the remainder.

    Or maybe you start off combat and dommy mommy force a dangerous inmate to cum with a blowjob once or twice, removing him from the battle and making the other enemies too horny to attack you and deplete your stamina. Once the dangerous enemy is out of the way but before you lose all your energy (which is another way to lose the fight), then you can kick the horny inmates in their erect cock for bonus damage, probably 1-shotting them.

    Or maybe you go full slut and just decide to make all the enemies cum, but you still need to strategically manage your own horniness. If you have too many orgasms because Karryn developed a boob fetish quirk and the enemies keep attacking your nipples, you can deplete your energy and stamina faster than you can get off the enemies, and lose the fight. But maybe you have a passive that does bonus lust damage with your vagina, so if you can get the enemy's dicks in yours, and keep other enemies distracted with your hands, then you can out pace the lust they do to you and make them cum first.

    Lose too many fights, and Karryn starts to develops so many passives that boost her horniness against her will that she can't control the pace of fights anymore, and you've effectively 'lost'. You can't fight the harder enemies because you're just too horny.

    How's that for a battle system. Game is affectionately called, 'The Path of Exile of H games' with the large amount of passives and skills your character gets. I can't think of another game off hand where the actual sex is so integrally tied into the moment-to-moment gameplay. If you can then please let me know.

    This bears repeating: Karryn goes full slut SLOWLY. Try to force it too fast and you'll find yourself unable to advance vs harder enemies. Controlled corruption is the name of the game.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    If you like RPG-style games, then this is the game for you.

    However, for me, I only give this game 2 stars because

    -You cannot throw the game right away for H-scene. Even if you do, FMC will not be f**ked right away because she will received an a**ton of foreplays.

    -Each action scene (bar work, masturbation, defeat scene repentance, etc.) uses way too much time for eaach section. I have played 6+ hours for multiple days yet I cannot go to any ending than running out of Control (one of the game's objective).

    -Speack of it, the game's difficulty is too difficult, even if I played it on Secretary mode (Easy). This is because the game has too many things you have to do, like maintaining Control, working in a bar, working in the reception center, etc.

    The most infuriating is upgrading each edicts so you balance between not losing from getting Control to 0 and not losing in physical combat. Even in Easy mode, 3 points per day for the upgrade is way not enough.

    -The FMC's weapon removal system after defeat is stupid. If you encounter it even once, you will be frustrated like I am.

    -The game does not allow manual save, causing save-then-retry methods like other RPG or RPGM games in this website impossible.
    Likes: Sw33t
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    nice. Wish there was only more. Tons of great scenes mixed with the perfect form of combat/sex. You can try to stay strong or fall to pleasure. This has been the best game I've played in a while. You must grab it now!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I love everything about this game i really hope that the company make new improvements or dlc or anything to this game.

    I also hope new jrpg game is more like this. The mechanic graphics and the free mod. The side job is enjoyable too.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Great, I like this game. I like karryn and this type of game, it's good and cool for me. I like karryn's design and also how she loses. That's my favorite part When she was defeated. I'm gonna keep playing this game whenever I'm bored, I hope there's some type of game like karryn.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    As good as it gets, have tried a lot of non VN hentai games but this is the only one that actually feels like a real game. Genuinely good gameplay along with good fap value, just actual peak in every sense. All the DLCs are pretty good as well
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    A great RPGm game that took a while for me to get into. It's a corruption storyline that's a bit grindy. The gameplay loop is solid, but I used cheats to deal w/ the grindiness of the game.

    When you deal w the first scene, you can expect similar scenes. If you're into that, then this game would be up your alley
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Yeah, this is by far the best RPGM game i've played. It has so many things. We have combat, a bar maid side job with handsy clients, management system, leveling system, corruption, character and prison upgrades, a receptionist job where goblins use the character behind the counter as she greets visitors, great graphics, player character is voiced 10/10. I'm only on level 3 so who knows what more there is to see. Good stuff(y)
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    4/5 gameplay,its simple but fun
    5/5 sex scene and VA

    its fun messing with stats and see the different versions of karryn.

    the downside:
    SLIMES,the motherfucking SLIMES,would give it a 5/5 gameplay if not for the fucking SLIMES.

    sorry if my english not good,also go buy the game on steam.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    The Good:

    - It's not just porn. There is gameplay.

    The Bad:

    - Game is intentionally cryptic and forces a lot of trial and error on the player to figure out how to play and not suck, and then more trial and error to figure out how to play well/efficiently.

    - If you are losing the game and you're new to the game, you won't realize you've hit a point of no return/you've been softlocked as Karryn gets gradually sluttier.

    - Slutty Karryn is unrealistic. Granted, it's a game, but still, you can reach a point where in a single turn Karryn can go from 0 Pleasure -> 100 Pleasure and cum from giving footjobs or handjobs. And she can cum 20-30+ times in a single combat/sex session. The ramp-up to slutty is too quick. And extreme slut Karryn is so unrealistic it's a turn-off rather than a turn-on because you're focused on the absurdity of it.

    - Once you figure out how to play efficiently (which doesn't take much skill, just a lot of trial and error), the game is boring, easy, and repetitive and you can see how it lacks replayability. There's essentially two ways to play regardless of what stats you focus on. You're either focusing on combat or on sex. There are achievements and titles you can grind for which requires multiple playthroughs of the game and there will be slight differences in how you proceed, but not significantly different enough to be interesting.

    - Too grindy and slow gameplay in regards to grinding out titles, doing sidejobs, doing sex combat, and gaining sex passives (even with boosting titles).

    - Too much RNG for this type of game. There's RNG in office invasions, in when riots occur, in how well Karryn sleeps each day (which determines how much stats +/- you get on that day), in what enemies you encounter, in combat (graze, evasion, critical hits, what actions the enemies take, which body part gains desire per turn, which enemies your Skewer skill will hit), etc. Which would be fine if the player had more ways to mitigate or control what happens when bad RNG happens, but that's not the case.

    - There's a few bad quirks/nonsense in the combat system regarding priority of skills and context in which you can use skills. For example, Karryn can only use Cock Stare (literally staring at an enemy's cock) if she's standing up.

    - There's also some inconsistencies regarding in-combat vs. out-of-combat. Karryn doesn't know how to clothe herself properly outside of combat, but if you get into a fight, you can have her fix her clothes. Same thing for toys. She doesn't know how to remove toys unless she's in combat.

    - The Edict system (basically perks that you buy with gold with a limit of 1-2 that you can buy per day) would be good if it weren't an illusion of choice. There is a best set of edicts to buy, and once you figure it out, just like with the gameplay, subsequent playthroughs are boring.

    - Accessories that Karryn can wear are not well balanced. Most of them are just way too expensive and come with huge downsides. Just like with the gameplay of the game and with the rest of the Edict system, once you figure out which accessories are good, you will never buy the others. Illusion of choice.

    - There's no way to filter or sort titles in-game, so it's tedious to title-switch to optimal title depending on the situation.

    - You can't Free Play (i.e. no post-game) if you got the best ending (i.e. Empress Ending).

    - A lot of content is lacking/unfinished and each floor is pretty barebones. The dev spent the last 2 years or so on insignificant stuff like the gym DLC which wasn't well received. And on visual updates/"refreshing" CGs and adding two different boob sizes. But no real gameplay updates or adding content to the floors. Unfortunately, there's no sign that this will ever happen and it seems the dev is already focused on their next product.

    - Aside from the gym DLC and visual updates, most recently the dev added Descension DLC to the game. The purpose of this DLC was to add difficulty to the game and I guess make the player play differently than normal. But in reality the player pretty much plays the same way as non-DLC just with more frustration from RNG and from being limited in playstyle.

    - I'm not a furry or beastiality kind of guy, so Karryn having sex with goblins, orcs, werewolves, lizards, gorillas isn't really much of a turn-on

    - Rimjobs also are nasty. Why are they tied to default content?


    Note: This review was based on v1.3.0.61 + DLCs. I have beaten Prisoner Mode (the "hard" mode) many times. Maybe 20+ times by now when accounting for older versions of KP and I've also completed a Descension Run from the v1.3.0.61 Descension DLC . I've also grinded most of the titles.
  18. 3.00 star(s)

    Eepy Poss

    I would give this game a solid 3 stars purely because at its best it is definitely 5 stars but at its worst its a frustratingly annoying 1 star. I would argue that all of Karryn's Prison's strengths are in a way its own weakeness as well. It has so many good things going for it but between the balance and complexity of its mechanics it can be hit or miss at times depending on what you're trying to accomplish. Actually playing the game itself through the story is, in my opinion, not very fun at all, and all of the good parts about this game come from the late game/endless post game where you're basically given free reign to fuck around literally and figuratively.

    My biggest gripe is definitely how the game punishes you for doing well combined with the edict system. Every day you get a certain amount of points you use on edicts to upgrade yourself or the prison in various ways but also at the cost of money that is earned in various ways. The biggest way at the beginning is to let the prison do terribly because the less order you have the more money you get from the government, so you actually are punished in the early game for maintaining a high amount of order, which then punishes you further because you cant afford to buy a lot of the early game edicts, which punishes you further because buying the training boosts on all of your stats is majorly important to get going right away. I like the concept of the edicts but there is just so many of them and they cost so much money that you're definitely not going to get even a majority of them by the end of a normal run unless you constantly delay the game to an absurd degree. Still, unlocking new jobs or extra moves is always a nice thing to have.

    That said the actual combat itself is both simple yet annoying. The game, without a doubt, wants you to go with a slut build because maintaining an aggressive damage build is a major pain in the ass. You have to balance your own stats with the progression of the inmates and their stats, balance out your desires while juggling your mind, energy, and stamina resources, while also keeping an eye on your fatigue and arousal and are constantly getting punished by both, it's a major uphill battle compared to just letting the inmates have their way with you and focusing on only keeping your energy up so you don't game over. It's a bit of a double edged blade because going for the Empress ending is just so annoying but in the post game when you don't care about the slut level the complexity of all the different stats come together nicely. You can be a complete whore and just unlock all sexual acts and go nuts with it, or you could focus on whatever you specifically want like turning Karryn into a vaccuum and sucking the soul out of everything that moves.

    I do wish there was more variety in this game but I'm also probably biased as a furry in general. Its nice to have orcs, goblin, and lizard men, but it is a little disappointing that this is in a fantasy setting and a majority of the characters you run into are variations of humans. Regular humans, thug humans, guard humans, nerd humans, homeless humans, etc. At the very end you get werewolves and yetis but their actions are severely limited by their size and it just would have been nice to have other fantasy creatures like kobolds or something. Customizations options would have been nice as well, like different outfits and accessories but I suppose modding exists in that regard.

    All in all it's a very solid game that is simple yet complex in its design. Definitely one of the better h-games out there and honestly I would love to see more games follow its path and expand upon it further.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game. great cg, great combat system. Maybe a bit hard at first but worth it later. there are guides to help newcomers but it's better to play and learn
    Probably the best game on the market actually but that's my opinion.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    great game. but theres one thing that this game could improve on thats easy, effective and makes it way more replayable, that most games sadly don't focus on: more dialogue variety, where theres loads more dialogues npcs say and much more voice lines for karryn. the game would have more life to it because after u play for a while, it feels robotic when they constantly say the same thing. i want to be at the end game, and still see new text every now and then.

    because changes like reworking a bunch of pictures to add a different boob size take a lot of effort, time and isnt effective since theyre only for a certain demographic. (ppl who like extremely huge boobs) but dialogue variety is content thats added across all customizations of karryn youve made universally, its content thats good for the game as a whole no matter how you play it. it takes way less effort to do and is way more effective.

    and speaking of customization, isnt it better if the customization is apart of the game (like u have to get bigger boobs, hairstyles, etc in game instead of pressing simply options which ruins immersion)

    but yeah that's all my constructive criticism of the game as everything good about the game has already been said