Ah my mistake, the code doesn't seem to be random, what's stored in variable 79 is just what you input so you don't need to reenter it next time.
Here's the steps for the gallery:
- Press L
- Choose "The KittyBox"
- Choose "Redeem Code"
- Input 37184
- Choose "Penthouse"
- Enjoy
I'm seeing a couple new cgs, if you include variations it might total to around 10 new scenes so far, including a massage minigame, but I ain't the Bonnie specialist, might wanna ask
Evizzy89 for that.
View attachment 3058049
Interestingly enough this room has replaced the test room I showed a while ago, if you remember we had a couple other characters there like Beatrice, Dominic and Ki.
View attachment 3058208
Funnily enough I couldn't find the test room again, dunno if anyone has the map number for it.