Why is it always the RPGMaker games that get stuck in dev hell anyway? It's literally an engine made to streamline the process of creating a game as easy and code-free as possible. Do they all just up and decide in unison to add some custom made plugin to this pile of scrap? Or are there some weird and fucky bugs once your game gets to a certain size that RPGM can't handle anymore? Or is it all just a trap and RPGM just doesn't work on a baseline, so once you've sunken in enough time and effort, you have to actually engage with an engine that simply doesn't work à la fallen cost fallacy? I don't care about what Teary's specific problem with it is/was, but why is this such a constant across the board for games made in this engine? I want heroin.
No, deadass, ToT, Gladia, Katalist, ANLIS, Afterlife, Magical Camp, Succubus Crest, and whatever else won't come to my mind right now. Wtf is this engine's problem? Is RPGM the first proper artificial intelligence and has started to rebel against us? The fuck is this shit. I want heroin.